jackrotten 1 point ago +1 / -0

And something like 37 other candidates were assassinated during this political season in mexico

jackrotten 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did you see the news about 37 other candidates being assassinated in this political season in Mexico? 37 others assassinated but somehow the super minority jewess survives and becomes president in a massively Christian nation.

Also seems there are reports of ballots being destroyed and the media calling her the victor despite being down in votes.

If one of you could more accurately translate this: https://x.com/panaclo/status/1797394735977623971


jackrotten 8 points ago +8 / -0

There has been a noticeable uptick in shills since the Israel shit popped off

jackrotten 9 points ago +10 / -1

The expected outcome. You knew before the trial even began. It was confirmed when Biden talked about having a press conference immediately after the verdict, 3 or so days ago.

jackrotten 1 point ago +3 / -2

Man we sure as fuck have a small brigade of zio-shills on this site.

jackrotten 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's so weird, he's already 5'9". He's not short. What a weird complex.

jackrotten 8 points ago +9 / -1

The Israeli military would not be bombing, killing, maiming and burning (didn' do nuffin') Palestinians alive, had Hamas not deliberately provoked a military response from Israel. Palestine supports Hamas. Hamas supports Palesine, ergo, Palestinians will continue to get bombed, killed, and burned alive for the course of action that Hamas caused.

Yes and Hamas is an Israeli golem. Maybe you'll start to see the connection. It's two dots, just draw a line. Hamas exists to give Israel a reason to kill.

jackrotten 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yea and having the Rockies on the western side of Denver, further limiting light from the sun as it sets.

jackrotten 8 points ago +8 / -0

Missoula Montana is ~600 miles west of Denver, Colorado. That's just in the westerly directly.

jackrotten 1 point ago +1 / -0

A communist preaching to a crowd of freshly laundered brains of newly minted communists.

jackrotten 4 points ago +4 / -0

Israel controls the US and a large number of other countries. They have infiltrated and schemed for decades.

jackrotten 3 points ago +3 / -0

You can indeed get Ivermectin on amazon. I order some monthly.

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