jdsal 1 point ago +1 / -0

unfortunately it's part of the movie

jdsal 2 points ago +2 / -0

ya 100% but what he's saying is agreeable. Doesn't mean i'd vote for him but I'll listen if it awakens people.

jdsal 2 points ago +2 / -0

ya, Jordan Peterson fell for that one, and if you see his tweets he's falling for this one too. I've lost all respect for that guy.

jdsal 1 point ago +1 / -0

disagreed. you'll def need some bullion. when argentina and venezuela fell over, people used USD, rare metal coins and commodities like bread and food etc. https://mdcreekmore.com/surviving-the-venezuelan-economic-collapse/

jdsal 5 points ago +6 / -1

is "holding back" the right word to pass the largest illegal amnesty in our country's history and give vax producers immunity from liability? Prob the two WORST decisions in the country's history? Is that really "holding back"? If so, I'd hate to see what would've happen had he NOT hold back.

jdsal 3 points ago +3 / -0

you mean like the punisher of uvalde? i used to believe the propaganda until i saw that punisher guy. if you're a cop, and have the weapn AND authority and yet sTILL chicken out to save your own wife because of chicken shitness, I can only imagine a normal citizen without any of those faculties, motivation, training, authority, responsibility, etc will fall faaaaaar short of that low bar.