jlai 3 points ago +3 / -0

I believe Edgar Cayce, aka "sleeping prophet" has cured such illnesses with castor oil packs. I wish I was more resourceful with links to give you on this. I hope others here can help with giving more information and links.

jlai 26 points ago +26 / -0

I am Korean American living in SoCal and I can totally concur with your sentiment towards the mask obsessed Asians. Thank God I have some family members and friends that know what's truly going on. I still see so many Asians in SoCal frightened to death of this "virus" and some are even wearing masks, eye goggles, face shield, gloves while driving ALONE in their cars!! Absolute insanity!!

jlai 14 points ago +14 / -0

Absolutely we need more Californians fighting for CA. My friends and I have been joining rallies and protest marches during the weekends. Yesterday we walked down Hollywood/Vine to protest the vax mandates. There was about 200 people who joined in this march. And many more people showing their support for the protest as they drove down Hollywood Blvd and honking their car horns. I hope to see thousands upon thousands of Californians joining this fight!

jlai 1 point ago +1 / -0

Based on a research done by a team of scientist in Spain, they found glutathione neutralizes graphene oxide. So, taking NAC, a precursor to glutathione is good, or you can also take liposomal glutathione, a more absorbable/bioavailable form glutathione. Also, Dr. Judy Mikovitz mentioned, suramin found in spices like pine needle, fennel seed, or pine needle tea helps to prevent side effects from the vaxx.

jlai 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for that information. I have never heard of the BBB relating to IVM and Covid. I will definitely look up GABA and L Theanine. Btw, I know that GABA is known to help people with bi-polar.

jlai 27 points ago +27 / -0

Thank you for not complying!! My friend's son-in-law, a firefighter in socal and a bunch of other firefighters, gathered together and hired an attorney to fight for them. I am so proud of these guys fighting against this bs!

jlai 22 points ago +22 / -0

Sorry this is happening to many families. I also lost a niece that I raised during her HS years and helped get into college. Had a big argument over BLM last year and our relationship has never been the same. Praying this night mare will end soon and healing for our nation and families.