magavoices 1 point ago +1 / -0

In reality, it's probably in Q's plan to have Trump treated this way in order to normalize it happening, so when it actually happens to the other FPOTUS it won't be challenged as illegitimate by people who actually care about this country.

magavoices 1 point ago +1 / -0

Alex Jones is Mossad.

AJ's job is to slather truth with his ridiculous bombastic persona so that people reject the truth, if no other reason than AJ said it.

magavoices 3 points ago +3 / -0

You are unable to make a distinction between don't talk about something and don't believe something.

If you visit dragracing.win and get banned because all you want to do is post about knitting, it was because you're muddying up the forum with off-topic bullshit. Not because the people on the forum hate knitting.

And then, after being told to go to knitting.win with other like-minded forum users, you refuse for some inexplicable reason.

It's not because your topic is verboten, it's because it's off-topic. Not to mention hyperbolic, nobody ever got banned here for saying they think the moon landing is fake.

magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

Step 1: Set up 1000 fake profiles for reportees and 1000 for fake reporters.

Step 2: Have the fake reporters report the fake reportees.

Step 3: ???

Step 4: Profit

magavoices 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are attacking indiscriminately

You said they were targeting Christians in the title. Now you're saying they're attacking indiscriminately.

That's called lying.

There are extremely valid and legitimate reasons to not support either side of that conflict.

Have you considered that you're taking the same side as the communists? They're also pro-Palestine. Only they don't lie about Christians being targeted.

That's right. The communists are being more truthful than you are in accomplishing the exact same thing -- supporting Muslims in Palestine, and supporting Hamas.

Less than 1% of Palestinians are Christian. 1.9% of Israelites are Christian. Seeing that Christians being subjected to this conflict is the single most important factor to you, I'm curious if you just changed which side you support.

it helps some understand that yes they actually are human

And those in Israel aren't?

Do you own research rather than wait for handouts

Clearly I'm the only one who has researched your claims in this entire thread.

magavoices 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, they're not. Let me introduce you to words in the right column of the page:

This is not a 'fringe conspiracy' site: Visit https://conspiracies.win if that's your thing!

And regarding

Thus, this is not exactly a forum for free speech (sadly).

If this were a "free speech" forum, DARPA AI bots would have every other comment saying Hitler did nothing wrong and promoting stuff like flat earth so that everyone who ever gets exposed to Q gets psyoped into believing we're proper morons and to disregard Q altogether because of it.

magavoices 0 points ago +3 / -3

I don't like the video.

At 2:06 it starts injecting ridiculous speculation about things best suited for conspiracies.win.

"Project "blue beam" is going to be initiated at an eclipse of the moon, earthquakes will reveal artifacts, blah blah"

Q never mentioned muh project blue beam or any of the batshit crazy baloney that starts at 4:50 about comets and the bulk majority of the other idiocy that is being conflated with truths about Q.

magavoices 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Constitution of the United States of America does not declare the President as infallible.

But Catholic dogma declares the pope infallible.

Papal infallibility is a dogma of the Catholic Church which states that, in virtue of the promise of Jesus to Peter, the Pope when he speaks ex cathedra is preserved from the possibility of error on doctrine "initially given to the apostolic Church and handed down in Scripture and tradition".

Your tangent on the president/constitution seem out of place and completely unrelated to this thread. If it was an analogy, it was a bad one.

magavoices 1 point ago +1 / -0

Papal infallibility is a dogma of the Catholic Church which states that, in virtue of the promise of Jesus to Peter, the Pope when he speaks ex cathedra is preserved from the possibility of error on doctrine "initially given to the apostolic Church and handed down in Scripture and tradition".

"you don't understand papal infallibility" ... I don't understand how anyone could believe it, you mean. Along with indulgences, purgatory, praying to saints rather than to the Father through Christ, vain repetition of prayers and a host of other protests that makes one a good protestant.

The notion that you get to pick and choose which elements of Catholic dogma you get to believe or not believe as a proper Catholic is cute though. Imagine being a baptist but insisting that baptism is optional, or that it can be accomplished with sprinkles of water.

magavoices 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's a whole lot of people who frequent this board who are not "us".

I was curious what type of speech the OP thought should be allowed here that isn't, so I checked some past comments.

Fact: "Jews" stopped existing after Christ died and resurrected. They either became Christians or rejected Christ and are Satanists.

PSA to mods: thank you for deleting 99% of the bullshit comments like this before I have to see them.

Jew hatred is not on-topic for Q. Go post wherever stormfront retards post.

magavoices 3 points ago +3 / -0

I haven't paid taxes, either state or federal, since 1996.

magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

Am I supposed to start bagging on Muslims while in a thread discussing Catholics? Or is it Mormons with Catholics? I’m confused.

I'm saying that many religions are equally fucked up, but for some very odd reason (cough psyop cough) Jew hatred receives 99.99999% of the focus.

I don't read about Catholic haters here on GAW -- where are the people going on about purgatory, indulgences, the Spanish inquisition, the joke of the pope being the Vicar of Christ or any number of other extreme fallacies?

Why aren't these anti-Catholic zealots not here scolding me for not reading my bible?

Why aren't these anti-Catholic zealots referencing DOGMA from 1k years ago to bolster their BS talking points?

Why aren't these anti-Catholic zealots challenging my very salvation based on not hating the Catholic faith as much as I should?

Because it's fucking stupid, that's why.

Equally as stupid as muh Khazarian name stealer bullshit.


Oh look. The term was popularized as Trump first ran for office in 2015. Again, we are creatures of pattern recognition. Why, exactly, were the Khazarian mafia such a concern after Trump ran for office, but not before?

Stop being obtuse. You fell for a psyop.

Answering my own question, muh Khazarian mafia was conjured as a means of infiltrating pro-Trump messaging forums and making them appear hostile toward Jews, using the term as a synonym so they can contaminate everyone else as Nazis by association while skirting getting banned with semantics.


I have slowly been red pilling a few family members and a friend by telling them how worried I am about the "Khazarian Mafia." Of course they have no idea what Khazaria is but listen to all my stories of how horrible these people are... I simply say it's an ancient country near Russia... I never mention "jew." I am hoping once they are hooked and start to research further they will make the connection to the jews... seems to be working but will have to see.

magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

Does this evangelical sound like a Jew loving Israel first sycophant?

Nobody gives a shit. This forum isn't the place to hash out the finer talking points of your Jew hatred dogma.

Where are the OCD Muslim hating patriots who are completely obsessed with posting shit about Muhammad here?

They're not here, why? Is it because the Muslim faith isn't completely fucked up? No.

I'll tell you why they're not here ... because there's no currently ongoing psyop designed to infiltrate GAW and gaslight everyone against Muslims.

There are hundreds of fucked up perverted religions. Why aren't you going on about the flaws in Mormonism? Scientology? Catholicism?

We are creatures of pattern recognition. We notice patterns and also where patterns don't exist.

Somehow, all the other religion haters in the world haven't found their way into the Q community but there you are with your Jew hatred bullshit (insert overtones of Naziism and all the leftists who are pro-Gaza and anti-Israel).

You are one of two things. You're either a DARPA AI bot pulling off a psyop, or a weak minded fool who believed the psyop.

magavoices 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's BS.

There's not a single Evangelical "around here" who doesn't realize the government of Israel is a problem.

There's not a single Evangelical "around here" who wouldn't like to see the government of Israel held accountable.

Hell, I'd be the first to volunteer to operate the gallows and be the one pulling the levers.

That being said, it's more accurate to say that the anti-Israel crowd are completely unhinged.

They conflate the government of Israel with every living Jew, as if every living Jew should be held accountable for the government of Israel.

All they need to set them off is to see a last name or a big nose and they lose their shit. If you're looking at no other data points aside from someone's genetics to decide whether you're for them or against them, you're an idiot.

We all know exactly what this board would become if the anti-Israel crowd weren't kept in check. Every other post and every other comment would be idiots posting about muh Torrah and rabbis giving babies herpes by chewing off their foreskins.

And it's probably not a coincidence that the anti-Jew crowd have the same talking points and allegiances as pro-Gaza terrorists and Nazis.

Everyone who frequents GAW knows this is the truth.

magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

Bill Mitchell, Jack Posobiec, Clandestine, SerialBrain2, Neon Revolt, Brian Cates off the top of my head and so many more.

Idiots who regurgitate what everyone else has already known for years as though it's their own special hot take.

Building their own little cult followings to lead astray, paytriots and fame whores.

magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

I used to enjoy him posting as Coach Red Pill long before he got wound up in Ukraine politics.

Sorry to hear this happened.

magavoices 3 points ago +3 / -0

Q supposedly has it all.

If Q has it all, then they have the names and addresses of every single leftist rioter who received funding from Soros related NGOs.

If Q has it all, it would take less than a week for the NG to round 90% of them up and charge them under RICO laws before they even get a chance to riot.

Whether riots occur happen strictly based on whether Q thinks the population has reached the precipice in order to intervene, or not. Nothing else is a factor.

magavoices 1 point ago +1 / -0

But their own religous books also say

Let's be real.

If someone walks down the street with a big nose, you don't give a shit whether they read the Torah. Likewise if their last name is Goldberg.

Do you really think Epstein was a practicing Jew who gave a shit what muh Torah says?

If your life depended on being correct, would you say Soros could quote one single sentence from muh Torah?

21% of Jews say their religion is "important to them".

Less than 12% attend religious services.

Over 53% of Jews say that religion is not too important or not at all important.


Yet, you lump them all together as if they're a borg of mind-melded flesh who all think the same way.

26% of Jews voted for Trump in 2016. That raised to 32% in 2020.

Yet, you lump them all together.

Your method of thinking is inherently flawed, no better than democrats who also characterize all races as monolithic voting blocks.

At the end of the day, the only purpose you're serving is diverting attention away actual guilty parties of Jewish descent (non-practicing Soros and Epstein) by conflating them with millions of Jews who you insist to be practicing Jews (when they aren't), blaming the religion of Judaism instead of the government of Israel.

And quite frankly, it doesn't help that it sounds like you're espousing Nazi talking points. There's a reason Jew haters are prohibited from posting on GAW.

magavoices 1 point ago +1 / -0

When I listen to Vivek talk, I hear Obama.

He's been given the green light to completely mimic patriot talking points in the hope he'll somehow win.

But talk is cheap, what has he actually done? Nothing. Only Trump has proven himself.

magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jew haters are the flat earthers of religion apologetics. The truth is blatantly obvious yet they remain completely oblivious and obtuse.

These were jews, coming to talk to Jesus (trying to catch him in a lie because they did not believe him).

The term "Jew", as used in modern culture, is fluid. It has been used to describe those who subscribe to a particular religion. From a particular region. From a particular genetics. It has also allowed people to suddenly consider themselves as a Jew.

But God created all things, including what the notion of a Jew is. If God says a scribe or Pharisee is not a Jew (even if they were born from Jewish families), then guess what?

They're not Jews.

God is the ultimate arbiter of the definition of a Jew. If you disagree with that statement, your understanding of the bible and God is too flawed to have this conversation.

IOW, the jews do not know God.

False. You've targeted an extreme subset of people (Scribes and Pharisees), and conflated them with the entire Jewish population.

Who didn't know God? The Scribes and Pharisees. Who did Jesus tell this to for instruction? The Jews.

Jesus preached strictly to Jews, the lost tribe of Israel (save for a town of Samaritans -- albeit not without negging them as dogs). Salvation wasn't offered to gentiles until years after the resurrection.

Jesus was a Jew. All 12 apostles were Jews. They continued following Jewish customs while with Jesus and after the resurrection.

I'll cut to the chase because Jew haters aren't worth a wall of text, though every point of yours is easily refuted.

The book of Revelation speaks of the 12 tribes of Israel in great depth. It's obvious that if Jews were no longer a thing, and now they're only Christians, then there would be no need of speaking about them in extremely Jew-specific terms in the end days.

And also in Revelation we get the kill shot:

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

The synagogue of Satan are not Jews.

God said it. Revelation 2:9.


magavoices 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fact: Revelation speaks of the 12 tribes of Israel.

Also Fact: Revelation hasn't happened yet.

Irrefutable Fact: If God speaks of the 12 tribes of Israel in Revelation, and Revelation hasn't happened yet, then Israel, all 12 tribes which are considered "Jews", are considered as existing at all times past and into the future.

Please read the bible more, you're embarrassing yourself.

magavoices 2 points ago +3 / -1


Worse than bullshit. Allowing this kind of ridiculous drivel to exist on GA makes the whole website appear bullshit by association.

If you or anyone else thinks the announcement of a global financial system reset will be revealed through an exclusive scoop found on weebly, you're a fucking idiot.

magavoices 3 points ago +8 / -5

The OP's post is trash.

Hard to distinguish whether he hates Israel or America more.

Why are American Christians going deeper into debt at the same time they are giving obscene amounts of money to fund fake wars in Ukraine and Israel?

Because they're hostage to a hijacked voting system that doesn't reflect the true opinion of the Americans you're accusing.

News flash, those 81 million people you're yelling at clouds about for putting Biden and democrats in power don't actually exist.

Israel is obviously engaged in sex trafficking, for the benefit of Israel.

Israel is many things.

It's a land mass.

It's a religion.

It's an ethnicity.

Personifying a land mass and saying it is engaged in sex trafficking is ridiculous.

Saying the religion of Israel is engaged in sex trafficking is ridiculous.

Saying the entire ethnicity that represents Israel is responsible for sex trafficking is ridiculous.

What remains ... and what is completely avoided (seemingly purposely) by the OP's post ... is the government of Israel.

Saying the average Israelite is responsible for the actions of the Israel government is like saying the OP is responsible for Ukraine (assuming he's American).

The reality is the elites keep their very small club in check through kompromat collected through operations such as Epstein's island.

Small club != every Israelite, nor Christians through whatever mental gymnastics was used to lob them into the conversation.

Q, in their wisdom, sidestepped the entire predictable counter psyop of deflecting hatred from the small club of elites to the entire Jewish race by saying Israel is saved for last and there's a specific reason it's not being mentioned.

And where are the good Israeli's, stepping up, and speaking out, and condemning this highly immoral behavior?

By that logic, tell us all what you're doing to absolve yourself of the sin of killing millions of people in Ukraine.

Certainly if you're too obtuse to make a distinction between the Israel government and the people who reside in Israel, then you should be equally unable to make a distinction between the corruption within the US government killing millions in Ukraine and yourself, an individual who resides in the US and therefore entirely culpable for whatever corrupt US officials are doing in Ukraine.

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