minnizilla 0 points ago +2 / -2

The college sheep have to work on their terms and have focus....I have many, many jewish friends....great people...most are excellent business people; yes, sometimes a little too successful and not charitable to others though....most of Israel's people are wonderful people. The college sheep need to focus less on Israel...and more on protesting Zionism. The Zionist jews are the issue and other jews shouldn't be lumped in with these folks. When they protest Israel, the media narrative pumped out is they are a bunch of anti-semites....if they focus on the small number of Jews that cause a considerable amount of world anxst...zionism should be their vocal target. They won't have a chance to win this argument if it is just an Israel protest.

minnizilla 16 points ago +16 / -0

I am going to say that the whole Ashli Babbit thing was a hoax. No one from that room has been arrested or imprisoned. Some are identified as antifa leftists. Everyone in the room was an actor. If you will recall, Trump delayed his speech for an hour...keeping the MAGA loyal there by the White House...meanwhile, the FBI/CIA were on a timetable...and so began executed their "attack on congress" without the Maga loyal. Their goal in "taking out" AB was to cause the Maga loyal to be so irate that they would go violent against the capital...a true insurrection. You will recall they put a bunch of people in front of cameras stating that the "government murdered an innocent woman"...the operation was premature...the Maga loyal weren't there just the paid Antifa/BLM radicals were there trashing the capital....the Maga loyal showed up 45 minutes after all of the orchestrated crap....and were peaceful. It was all a show intended to create mob chaos...Trump delaying his speech an hour messed up the game plan.

minnizilla 2 points ago +2 / -0

for pete's sake....testosterone creates better muscle mass and bone structure...making males physically dominant....this goes all the way back to cave man days. It is.....the science.

minnizilla 3 points ago +3 / -0

What the hell is "up to date"...I lost track of the variant injections three years ago....how many injections are the sheep up to these days to be "up to date".

minnizilla 5 points ago +5 / -0

having gone through some ***ckery where my shares in various companies was turned over to state unclaimed funds....it is a nightmare....took my almost 18 months to recover my assets from the state. You don't want your stuff turned over to them!

minnizilla 8 points ago +8 / -0

Maybe putting these planes away was some sort of protection, but they would have told us that by now and they never would have pushed the death injections. I am going to give an alternative view. Airlines knew they were going to be way down on passenger loads due to the Covid/Covid injection program. Government gave airlines a huge incentive to retire their older planes and in exchange they would be given massive amounts of printed money to make up for their massive losses caused by the Covid/WEF/UN Agenda 30 nuts if they played along nicely with the Covid crazies. Amazingly...no airline lost money during Covid that I am aware of and they all should have gone bankrupt. You can also look at what took place in France at that time - NO MORE DOMESTIC FLIGHTS....this was probably the first step here in the USA to end air travel as we know it and restrict people from travelling....it didn't work as people sniffed out the WEF losers plan.

minnizilla 11 points ago +11 / -0

my wife is fit...and virtually no body fat....she got 3 jabs and I have been begging her to stop. Recently came home from the doctor and she has early type 2 diabetes...her sister....has had 5 jabs....has early type 2 diabetes. Neither are overweight, both physically active.

minnizilla 11 points ago +11 / -0

I liked Jim Jordan when Republicans were the minority...as soon as they got control his personality changed and he became a squish....thus firming up my opinion that they are all just actors in a big theater....

minnizilla 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well...interesting thought...but Baltimore wouldn't be high on my list of places to attack. Strategically (as a port for the US supply chain), it is one of the smaller ports on the East Coast. But, taking out this bridge, does take out the whole harbor. Seeing that China owns most of our west coast ports...and all of those cargo boats off shore a few years ago have disappeared....maybe this is the first volley in response to Nordstream, Ukraine 2014, drones into the Kremlin, Moscow terror. China and Russia are partnered - through military and BRICS....

minnizilla 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am out if it is Tulsi. She is World Economic Forum. We will know for certain the fox is completely in the hen house and Trump is just actor if Tulsi is his selection....why not Devin Nunes?

minnizilla 1 point ago +1 / -0

Perhaps Fitton is being a genius about this whole thing. You can't tell me there wouldn't be attorneys lined up to sue the government over her death...but none have come forward. Why would the family need Fitton to file this lawsuit when there would be dozens of attorneys that would take it on on a contingency basis knowing the government would fold and issue a settlement? Perhaps because everything in that room was an act. Perhaps Fitton is the only one stepping forward because he is going to smoke out in discovery that everything was faked...including her death.

minnizilla 2 points ago +2 / -0

Me thinks she is on a beach somewhere in the world with a large bank account. Everyone in that room was a paid actor....from the "Swat guys", to Jayden X, to the people bashing on the inpenetratable door/glass (until someone simply removed the pane of glass where she was cued to stand in the window while the guy on the other side aimed his gun at her feet and fired....hitting her somehow 4 feet higher than her feet....and then no bleeding from the hollow point that supposedly lodged in her neck).

minnizilla 17 points ago +17 / -0

hate to say this....but our government is funding the UN to do this to us. Our government funded the pandemic and jabs. Our government is funding everything Ukraine. Our government does not seem to be the friend of citizens or humanity in general....

minnizilla 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just remember....Tulsi is World Economic Forum Junior Royalty (like Ivanka). She has not denounced the WEF...only stating they had her picture on their website and that she asked them to take it down. Until she, Trump, Ivanka, etc. come out hard against the WEF and state that all of them should be imprisoned and they will see to it and will lead a global effort to make these people pay for Covid, the injections, Ukraine, low altitude contrails over our major cities, UN sponsored illegal immigration using our tax dollars, and other f*ckery....I consider them all WEF in sheep's clothing (yes, including our man Trump). If Trump picks Tulsi as VP...it is pretty safe to say our government is compromised by the WEF...just like Canada, NZ, Australia, UK.

minnizilla 2 points ago +2 / -0

Let me get this straight....they (government actors) contrail that silvery crap over our major cities causing precipitation to dry up....then they blame the oil companies for causing the climate change they are experiencing. Talk about the ultimate Hegelian dialect....

minnizilla 5 points ago +5 / -0

No doubt....This has been long planned. Remember a decade ago the Obama administration was arming our domestic 3 letter agencies with insane amounts of armaments....no one has tracked those down. Me thinks they have been stored for later domestic use....and that later is approaching....and not to beat on our man Trump....but he provided $10Billion to our military to "rebuild". With the exception of Space Force...there is no indication of rebuilding and those funds being used properly except to organize and coordinate Operation Warp Speed - the global psy-op program run by a faction of our military to get injections in every arm in the world.

minnizilla 11 points ago +11 / -0

One has to look at all things today from a World Economic Forum agenda perspective. Taking into account the intention to massively depopulate the planet through pandemics/vaccines, wars, and famine....how does this fit in to that agenda? Both Europe and the USA have loaded up on migrants...promise them citizenship and then ship them off to a trench in the Ukraine where they get summarily slaughtered would fit the agenda....or, is the intention to "blue hat" them and turn them against US citizens -- our military wouldn't fire upon us...but people that hate us and have no connection to us would. Enquiring minds want to know.... I think option II is the intention seeing that our government is providing them luxury transportation from Panama (via funds transferred to the UN) and once they get here to the USA, we are flying them (more taxpayer funds) to major cities...where we put them up in hotels (more taxpayer funds)...where we give them a fully loaded VISA card (yep, taxpayer dollars) ...where they await orders.

minnizilla 2 points ago +2 / -0

Going to be interesting to see how this plays out. Appears house was a rental. Reports are there were 6 to 7 kids between 2 and 15 years old in the home as this event went down. Media and authorities have refused to state who the shooter is/was. Media not interviewing neighbors...police have area taped off. Me thinks a lot of narrative management is taking place right now. Prayers to the families of those killed by this monster.

minnizilla 14 points ago +14 / -0

Fanni's downfall is the affair she had was heterosexual. Had she had a gay affair... she would have checked all the boxes and they would have left her alone.

minnizilla 6 points ago +6 / -0

like nobody knew this when they were hiding him in a basement for the 2020 election? I still say he is a masked actor and his part in this script is coming to an end. Doesn't look anything like Biden from 20 years ago and his eyes are blue one day and almost black the next.

minnizilla 2 points ago +2 / -0

I posted here this morning about the low altitude contrails we are experiencing over my large metropolitan area almost daily. Mods removed the post for some reason. I am curious, for those that live around major metropolitan areas, are you consistently seeing these contrails spread all over for hours, and as they fall, the sky turns from blue into a silvery blue haze where you can still see the sun. Why is our government doing this? They have been actively doing for over a year and you know the pattern....contrails and then 2-3 hours later silver haze.

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