notkizzalvin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do gun laws work?

Do laws do anything?

When you really think about it, mull it over, you will find the problem inherit in the system.

Tell me one system that is better, not looks better but actually is. I will wait.

Power does not corrupt, the corrupt seek power and the meek willfully hand it over. More laws solve nothing, new laws solve nothing in fact they only serve to broaden the the reach of government and in turn the "power" of the corrupt. It is not being used the way it was intended to be. It even suggests that we should be tinkering with it as citizens to make it better for us.


It needs to be restored, not changed. You have no idea what you would be giving up.

Consider this, your rights and freedoms do not even come from that document. Ever wonder why they want God dead so badly?

notkizzalvin 2 points ago +2 / -0


i like going straight

notkizzalvin 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is an attempt at starting chaos, this is not a loss but a rather large victory on our side. They must attack first! Then turn the cheek and let it happen the way it is supposed to.

Who wins?

notkizzalvin 1 point ago +1 / -0

it isn't really control, though. Bribes and favors being traded back and forth to meet an agenda. They know they don't have control and that is what we are currently seeing with all of them.

Biden threatened his own citizens with Jets and Nukes, if that isn't picture perfect for, "I have lost all control" I do not know what is. They are trying to reign in the ones they can get because they believe that majority rules. THIS IS A REPUBLIC!

notkizzalvin 2 points ago +2 / -0



Vaccine Related

Are adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine recordable on the OSHA recordkeeping log? DOL and OSHA, as well as other federal agencies, are working diligently to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations. OSHA does not wish to have any appearance of discouraging workers from receiving COVID-19 vaccination, and also does not wish to disincentivize employers’ vaccination efforts. As a result, OSHA will not enforce 29 CFR 1904’s recording requirements to require any employers to record worker side effects from COVID-19 vaccination through May 2022. We will reevaluate the agency’s position at that time to determine the best course of action moving forward.

notkizzalvin 2 points ago +2 / -0


Do not work for someone that would require this, even if it is just an attempt to get you to take it, WALK AWAY!

The Lawyers, Doctors and Corporations are working together, this will only serve to generate revenue for them. They have made their decision, we have one to make now. I think it is an easy one. You can find a place of employment that would never try this. you might have to make some sacrifices, tough titty. Live or Die, the choice is yours.

notkizzalvin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Does a toddler know how to operate a Playstation 5?

The system works, the people in charge of the system doing what they wanted with a distracted populace not keeping tabs is the damn problem. YOU peddling ideas that it needs to be changed are the damn problem.

We need people that will follow the LAW without looking for wiggle room to make profit. The Declaration of Independence STAYS as is. Honestly, I think if you knew anything about the document and how we came to be where we are today you would realize what you are saying is equivalent to treason. We as citizens have a duty to call out this behavior when it is noticed and keep our representatives in check. If you think a new text document is going to do that you are sadly mistaken.

"Oh, got a flat, guess we had better get a new car!"

Hillary walked because no one would ball up and prosecute her, not because the document didn't offer a way to bring her to justice.

notkizzalvin 2 points ago +2 / -0


is dumb.

they know where we are, they can follow us. I think the proof is in the pudding that we are still an enemy to the Federal Government. Their words. They want us all together. It will be easier to blame it on an unfortunate accident. We are not afraid to get together we are just smarter than that. You should be in communication with your local arena, spreading the word through the people as best you can. If you can, away from your cell phones. Do not make any plans public, they are looking for reasons to get us. You have to remember exactly how deep this goes, and all the way up too. We are citizens, we have a contingency in place if anything goes south. Notice all the armed forces members in your area? Do not do anything that will require them to talk to you. Do not encourage anyone to "be a hero". Snakes in the garden, but we have St. Patrick! Information is being collected as I type this. They know who the enemy is, this is just going to get innocent lives lost trying to help something that they do not have all the information on. Sit tight.


Make your voices heard Talk to friends and neighbors about what is going on Spread truthful information to the best of your ability Spend more time with your family and loved ones Stop doing all unnecessary activity


Give them one single reason to attack.

THEY MUST attack first, IT MUST be seen!

There is more than one way to skin a cat. At every point during this we have all had the opportunity to say NO to them. I think it is high time everyone started.

We do not need their school's or school boards. Home school. We do not need their credit, we can trade in labor and goods. We do not need their incessant policing, we can avoid places that WANT to be controlled and by proxy control us.

We can and MUST do this together! We were warned about this crap 2000 years ago and didn't pay attention and look where we are. Stop turning your lives over to the WILL of others!

notkizzalvin 1 point ago +2 / -1

Our Laws work just fine, they are just not used appropriately.

notkizzalvin -2 points ago +2 / -4

Anyone remember the fiasco in DC?

No military, ok, some military arm them, oh we can't? We'll just arm them ourselves? Oh, we can't?

She isn't lying or threatening, she is trying to inform you.

If anyone in the armed forces is fired on they MUST defend themselves. Some of you have no idea how close we have been and how many times it has almost happened. If military is deployed here just stay the fuck inside. it is literally for your own safety at that point. They will be looking for potential terrorists, and I don't know about you but I would rather not get mistaken for anything because I needed a doughnut or wanted to see what was going on.

You invoked the highest power in the land and now you stand in fear of the consequences? Maybe you should be afraid.

notkizzalvin -6 points ago +2 / -8

If what she has said makes you mad then you have not been paying attention. What the woman she was commenting to said, that was disturbing.

If you report her I hope they show up to your house.

yall are lost

notkizzalvin 0 points ago +2 / -2

A good reason for that is people do not realize how they are slaves. The work is happening, not on your schedule it seems.

For as long as I can remember they have been unrelenting in their desire to kill our soldiers, maybe eventually wanting to bother with us over here but I mean they would just rush them off with the quickness to die. Wouldn't touch us with a 20 foot pole though. 9/11 had to be the biggest pussy move they could have pulled. FOR WHAT?! to move heroine?

We are not waiting on our military to save us, we are waiting on them to all be home so we don't have to worry about some dickhead calling in a favor on our brothers and sisters abroad. They hit low, so shake those hips.

We are not waiting on our politicians to save us, we are waiting on them to figure out that they are already fucked. It has been a long time since the Law was actually followed here by anyone of status, so much so that it has permeated into Law Enforcement around the states. They mostly have no idea, as most citizens they were lied to. Few are afforded the truth and fewer still know how to operate within it.

Yelling at board members dose NOTHING! It might piss them off and make them vindictive, MIGHT and why would anyone piss on a sleeping bear? These people are enemies to the country, literal treasonous terrorists! "RUSH THEM!!!!!!" they screamed, secluded from the battle field.

Once everyone realizes the weight of fraud and corruption it will not be safe for them to walk the streets. They will turn themselves in for protection.

While you are encouraging people to yell at their neighbors the people that make those policies (Federal Money) get to kick back and relax. "We paid for these things to be taught, teach them or we will pull the funds." If you cannot see the trap you are mad!

notkizzalvin 2 points ago +3 / -1

Just wait till they label the food like that.

in all fairness it could contain something harmful but look at mountain dew.

notkizzalvin 0 points ago +1 / -1


Start at the beginning. It is the link that OP posted below in the comments

justkev [S] 2 points 1 hour ago +6 / -4


He says it right here........he took the vaccine..........WHY??? He had COVID Anti bodies

1 + 1 isn't adding up to 2

notkizzalvin 1 point ago +2 / -1


but why are they having to toss the vaccines? that seems stupid. and pretty sure that everyone that wants to be vaccinated is.

notkizzalvin 0 points ago +1 / -1

it must have been a typo. resources to terrorists, seems to happen often enough anyway.


happens everywhere

notkizzalvin 0 points ago +1 / -1

is it even our guys? lots of english, and they just suddenly do as they are told and take direction from her

notkizzalvin 0 points ago +1 / -1

I am not a fan either. Humans capacity to hate one another has always bothered me, what they might do because of it. at large it seems to be quite a bit smaller that what we are told it is. Fear porn.

I wonder if anyone ever got the idea to do one so bad it would expose the whole industry, perhaps. Little hints, throughout, to remind you it was all just actors. before green screen got good it was pretty easy to spot. it required a vast amount of fear to make it work, to see past the obvious and really grab your attention. It is much easier today.

It creates a class of person, too afraid to challenge what is being delivered to them. If it wasn't for advertising I might not have noticed it myself. When their tactics crossed over into everything else it became obvious.

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