nyc93827 8 points ago +9 / -1

This thread is ridiculous. The whole point of the Qanon operation is to get people to THINK FOR THEMSELVES. I honestly have no idea about NESARA/JFK Jr. Yes, Qanon said that JFK Jr isn't alive. But this could be disinformation. Qanon said to Trust Sessions... yet Trump openly says not to trust Sessions. So what do we do? Someone is lying. My personal belief is that Trump is trying to publicly create some distance between himself and Sessions. Qanon also said to Trust Wray. Then later on had a red X on a picture of Wray.

JFK Jr being alive or not doesn't really change the goal of bringing corrupt people to justice. So it's not really my priority. But I can understand why some people believe that Jr is alive. We will find out soon enough!!