ragingrobot 3 points ago +3 / -0

We went with the science "at the time."

Their likely cop-out.

ragingrobot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Listen, I hope this don't come off the wrong way, but I'm tired of hearing about 20-30s and the current situation. The media focuses on this group a lot.

If you're "working class," you're being crushed. In pretty much all age groups.

I'm in my mid 40s, I have a decent paying job, and am pretty much living paycheck to paycheck. I haven't been able to save a dime roughly since the end of 2020.

I have seen everything go up, but have not had a raise in over 5 years to match.

I am damned sure I am not alone.

ragingrobot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know what the statistical support Americans hold now for the war in Ukraine, but I'm betting it's less than 50%.

Maybe so, but 90% of those opposed are too fucking lazy to do anything about it.

ragingrobot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey Joe, suck my big block's 3 inch exhaust. You can blame the CO for your next forgetful press conference.

ragingrobot 2 points ago +2 / -0

People in an NJ subreddit were throwing fits because NJ realizes this, and was going to have a separate fee for registering EVs. The fee was miniscule compared to the gas tax, but them morons were howling how they're "saving the planet" and shouldn't be paying higher fees to use the roads.

ragingrobot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dozens of bees attached themselves to the overhead spider camera that traverses the court and a man without any protective covering used a vacuum to clean them off.

The upper class must have their sports match at any cost (cost to someone else, of course).

They later call the unprotected man a beekeeper. Huh?

A bee also landed on a player's towel.

The author of the article apparently has as much concern for the health of that towel.

Seriously, like WTF? Why was there any need to mention the fact that inanimate objects that were not at risk were involved?

Then again, the quality of the writing of this Associated Press article is not that good, so maybe this was a High School newspaper article?

ragingrobot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hard to tell but the woman in front may be the mother, and she's not exactly dark. So... aiding the enemy?

ragingrobot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmmm... lot of rain lately in the area... steam pipe or manhole explosion? Manhole explosion would explain a loss of power too if in the right place.

ragingrobot 4 points ago +5 / -1

I say that all those who did take it should have no recourse.

You vax fucks berated us, tried to shamed us. It's now proven unsafe. Now live in your own shit.

If one person gets compensation for these injuries, I'm gonna be seriously fucking pissed.

ragingrobot 6 points ago +6 / -0

The shadows are funky.

The deck of the ship is almost perfect. No big dents, few seams. No scuff and scrape marks.

And check out Grand Teton. That shirt and pants have no texture at all (except the smooth wrinkles), even his skin looks plastic.

ragingrobot 2 points ago +2 / -0

To add, this is an X post by O'Keefe media, with the full list:


Oh, and this gem from the document

Allyship means creating a psychologically safe and supportive workplace where IBMers can be their authentic selves. It requires a culture that fosters a sense of inclusion and belonging for everyone.

Unless you're white. Then you're not included.

IBM Does Not Tolerate Discrimination or Harassment and Has Clear Policies, Procedures and Practices to Protect and Support the IBMer

O... k...

ragingrobot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Another states "Accepts that WHITE people are responsible for dismatling racism."

Unrelated, but yet another case of "It's someone else's job to fix everything!"

But hey, maybe we should. If it came down to "fixing racism," POC would just sit back and cry and demand monetary handouts time and time again as "reparation". After taking the hand out bitch about white people and racism again until the next handout.

If so inclined white people would actually fix something that needs fixing.

ragingrobot 2 points ago +2 / -0

RedHat is the parent of fedora, so I would bet on the same from fedora as it is many of their same devs. CentOS is part of RH too.

Alma, Rocky are independent projects that use the RHEL sources. I would not could them in this unless they come out and say it.

I have found with fedora everything worked for me on my desktops and laptops since I switched a few years back.

I guess I'm going back to having to fix shit on occasion.

ragingrobot 2 points ago +3 / -1


How long before some scumbag politician steps in and says this was wrong, and then takes action?

ragingrobot 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nobody cares unless it was a non-colored only party. Then there would be an outcry.

This got her even more votes from the woke.

ragingrobot 2 points ago +2 / -0

The normies were showing less interest so they had to come up with a catchy name.

The commercial for this plays every commercial break on some NYC OTA stations.

ragingrobot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Every WalMart looks like that... maybe they could put that advertising money into good use and clean the parking lots.

ragingrobot 2 points ago +3 / -1

"Retards on the Internet," that should be a glowing stick, they're Star Wars geeks living in their parents' basement (this spoken as someone who likes SW but not like some of these tards do).

ragingrobot 3 points ago +4 / -1

Sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not.

Watch the lines in her face disappear too. The chin and laugh lines completely disappear frequently.

And LMFAO "Major Eric" referring to Eric Adams.

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