real_russian_bot 3 points ago +3 / -0

In Russia at some point we had life imprisonment and capital punishment for sex crimes involving minors. It did lead to the opposite effect - less victims were surviving because criminals started to ensure no witnesses remained. The better way would be to absolutely prioritize hunting those sickos to the end of earth. Inevitability of punishment is the true deterrent.

real_russian_bot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Anyone not cooperating with three letter agencies in Louisiana now would have some jpegs planted on their PCs and phones in 3..2..1...

real_russian_bot 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's clown news. There was some kind of bargain, big international one. Like common money pool? Ops financing? Britain was not keeping its part of a deal, and Russia found out. What Antarctica means in this context is crucial. Source of icebergs? Is it related to world economy destruction plan? Interesting times indeed.

real_russian_bot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Transitioned children. Its a trick to make a sacrifice without killing, stripping your progeny of dignity and self awareness, essentially killing a person in philosophical way. Another way is to give your kids away. Some become slaves. Some become living collateral. Obamas? Its a sick sick world.

real_russian_bot 16 points ago +16 / -0

He was literally the bet for the Cabal to head anti-war protests in Russia that were supposed to be escalated by clowns and western media support. Same playbook as 1917 when bolsheviks came to power.

Surprisingly, most of the demographics they wanted on the streets fled the country.
So I guess that useful idiot was useful no more.

real_russian_bot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Right after Tucker's Fast Food comms.
And Stolenberg's mentioned that Russia may deploy their [nuclear-based] weaponry in [space] against [satellites].
Release info into circulation compromising agent networks?
So, Is it a scramble to remove loose ends?
Who was Navalny's employer?

real_russian_bot 0 points ago +1 / -1

Was he going to sing on his employers?

Recently a warning was made by NATO that [nuclear weapons] (declas) could be deployed by Russia into [space] that would affect [sattelites].

Fid they started to clean loose ends?

real_russian_bot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Note the focus is as "bakery". Optics, yeah. It was also a restaurant hosting a party, that's why the death toll is so high. (Btw, RT mentioned that, but the focus is "bakery", example here https://t.me/rt_russian/188371). What kind of party was going on there and who was on the guest list - that's the question.

real_russian_bot 2 points ago +2 / -0

There were at least 3 more widely reported "market" fires in Russia last 3 months. Moscow, Rostov, N. Chelny, now S. Petersburg.

A comm for markets to burn.

real_russian_bot 3 points ago +3 / -0

It feels more like comms than actual event. Mirnograd is a slavic-like name that means peace city. Means that Russia did not accept peace proposal from Washington. Totally correlates with recent Lavrov flight to DC. There were negotiations ongoing.

real_russian_bot 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's very good, but is very biased to interpret things though MK side.

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