sakmode 2 points ago +2 / -0

what other number anomalies have there been? I heard someone mention one once but I never saw it (apparently it's all over tiktok).

sakmode 2 points ago +2 / -0

On Q board speaking against God lol. Dumbass. I'm on your side, to a point. But if you say fuck your God etc. then you're an idiot who hasn't bothered to read Q so wtf are you doing here?

Science says youre not born gay. Recent discovery shows there's a gene that means youre susceptible to it - same as the alcoholism gene - but its the environment/influence that makes you gay. So read up on science bud.

sakmode 7 points ago +7 / -0

For me the real veil lifting moment came when that senator on CNN said "x days after John McCain was *put to death" as if that's the sort of thing you'd say as a 'slip of the tongue'.

sakmode 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, this is exactly how the mainstream media reports it lol. i.e. statements without evidence. He may well be a creepy pedo but anyone who's been paying attention to Q has seen how they paint ppl this way. It requires a step back. Or do you have actual evidence that we haven't seen and a reason for the media going hard against him and not every other creepy pedo that's part of the industry?

sakmode 0 points ago +1 / -1

oh for faak's sake... This is stickied? wtf. What happened to USE LOGIC ffs.

This is obviously a clown operation to continue painting the Q movement as a bunch of flat earth idiots. Clown is either the OP or the mod who stickied this garbage.

sakmode 3 points ago +3 / -0

Actually God said "God Wins" first, in the Bible. Q was just reminding ppl of that fact. Prolly best to go to the source if you need comfort that God wins. Q is not it.

sakmode 4 points ago +4 / -0

they probably shouldn't be on a Q site then. Or at least not on it complaining about Q lol.

sakmode 4 points ago +4 / -0

why are you doing the mainstream media thing of pretending a whole group of people all think the same way? No real christian thinks the way you describe.

sakmode 2 points ago +2 / -0

per other commenters - why do ppl keep quoting these numbers as some sort of "win"? We all get it, vaccine=bad. But, as most puppets fell for it, they're going to be represented in larger numbers in any stat. The analysis of this needs to be slightly deeper before we go viewing it as anything significant. Otherwise we might as well be CNN.

sakmode 1 point ago +1 / -0

oh please lol - the jews had a name for G-d in the Tetragrammaton which doesn't translate as "God" because it's a name for I AM - and every basic Bible scholar knows this. Researchers who say he's not in the Bible are engaged in rank sophistry. If you want to believe that level of research you might as well believe in flat earth.

sakmode 1 point ago +1 / -0

lol... as I said, I've read all this stuff too. It could very well be describing a UFO. Or, y'know, since the Bible teaches that angels exist and stuff, it could be talking about its own internal world view i.e. spiritual beings etc.

The way you entertain these ideas is if you deny the very premise of the Bible (omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God is giving his message to the beings he created). As I said, by all means deny it if you wish. But then extrapolating UFOs from a text that is wishful thinking doesn't make sense. Either these people are giving god's message - which was not talking about aliens and spaceships but about salvation and glory - or they were all on drugs or delusional which is the least effective evidence for anything.

sakmode 1 point ago +1 / -0

it's ok not to understand anything about the Bible, as these ideas you've quoted suggest. They are often referred to by people who don't understand the text and don't want to engage with the idea of an omnipotent being existing at all - no hate, by all means, it's a matter of choice. But wouldn't you want to know about it better before inventing ideas that simply cannot align with its premise?

sakmode 2 points ago +2 / -0

should have a warning about Lakoff's wanky lefty leaning and misinterpretation of most of conservative thought. He has great insights around cognition though, no doubt. Just a warning to prepare yourself for some half-ass thinking in places from within his own frame.

sakmode 1 point ago +1 / -0

there are conspiracy sites for the poorly thought out "new ideas". This is for Qspiracy, where we Use Logic, as Q pointed out, and explore relevant topics. Join /conspiracy reddit if you want to drop random theories.

sakmode 1 point ago +1 / -0

exactly. And the word of the foremost scholars helps too. The best help you understand the translation in context. The mistake made by a lot of these crackpots is that they interpret things from a modern world view in total ignorance of the cultural norms of the time.

sakmode 1 point ago +1 / -0

there are plenty of far out conspiracy sites for you to talk about stuff that has no basis in existing facts. This site is for Qspiracy.

The interesting thing about Qspiracy is that we're looking at the published media since Q couldn't divulge info due to national security. Q is saying, you don't need access to deep intel - just read the media with an open and searching eye and you'll find their inconsistencies and cover-ups and this will often reveal the real narrative. That's the thing that unites us on this site.

The Bible, as Q refers to it, is about the Bible as everyone knows it, not as deep conspiracy heads know it. Aliens, DNA, etc. are all wonderful if you like flights of fancy with no basis in existing knowledge and theories. And yes, I've seen it all although it was hard going as it lacks any consistency and logic (Sitchin, Von Daniken etc. etc.) There's enough in the current verifiable theories of the Bible as it is to keep one researching and digging.

sakmode 2 points ago +2 / -0

oh god. You got the wrong site bro. This is a Q site. Use Logic, Q says. Not random Alex Jones bullshit. We're here for Q theories.

sakmode 1 point ago +1 / -0

we've al heard that shit. The point is, this is a Q site, not a random dumbass conspiracy site. Q says Read the Bible. The Bible is clear about what happens. There's no "Jesus went to India" shit in it or even the possibility of that occurring. Once again, it's a Q site. This is not the place for Flat earth and other random drug-fuelled fantasies.

sakmode 1 point ago +1 / -0

wtf is the Jesus traveling to india bullshit. Might as well include a flat earth link ffs.

sakmode 2 points ago +2 / -0

do you mean specifically the fact that after Smith-Mundt passed, mass shootings skyrocketed? People noticed that specifically?

sakmode 1 point ago +1 / -0

Real dumbass idea to pin this sort of shit, mods. Use brains please.

sakmode 1 point ago +1 / -0

you can only hold this view if you don't know how rabbinic teachings work. You're as bad as the indoctrinated lefties lol. Start without the premise that "jew man bad" and you might learn something.

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