sergiodv 1 point ago +1 / -0

Depends if you're Oprah Winfrey or not. If she's got $500M with the bank then the saving would be protected. Otherwise you're on the oily end of a flagpole. ( I hope this is a saying in America as well. Never know when you're not from that country)

sergiodv 1 point ago +1 / -0

Tucker most likely will have secret service surrounding him in few months time. Trump/Tucker can't be defeated. If everyone thinks Bident v Trump will be a disaster, just imagine Tucker going up against Kamala. She'll have no hope.

sergiodv 1 point ago +1 / -0

For us overseas people who can't get the same brand as you can, can you please provide a photo of the ingredients so we can see what's safe and what isn't. I know the main drugs are safe but I'm not sure about the filters they use. I believe they can be toxic to humans. Thanks in advance

sergiodv 6 points ago +6 / -0

What does "110% - 150% your body weight" mean? I assume you don't mean 1kg of Fenbendazole for every Kg you weigh as that would be easy, easy to much. So do you mean if you weigh 100kg then 110-150% in grams. Eg in this case 110 - 150gms. Or maybe even milli grams. Thanks in advance

sergiodv 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is Jared to be Latisha James, Jack Smith & Alvin Bragg once Trump become POTUS again. They'll need to permanently relocate if suspect And so should that moron Robert DeNiro.

sergiodv 2 points ago +3 / -1

True about keeping sick people away from healthy people. But not true about keeping healthy people away from healthy people. Even people with a virus that are unsymptomatic cannot spread the virus. You need to be symptomatic to spread a virus. Fortunately they discovered an untried technology that founf "sick" people amongst the unsymptomatic. ( Tongue firmly in cheek)

sergiodv 10 points ago +10 / -0

Well at least she won't get COVID so Pfizer & Moderna e correct in their claims on effectiveness. Maybe that's what they meant when they said it was 95% effective

sergiodv 5 points ago +5 / -0

I thought he meant more about how many terms he actually won. Of course we all know that 2020 would have been his second ten so 2024 will be his third term of winning but not actually the number he served as President. Anyhow that's how I understood it

sergiodv 1 point ago +1 / -0

I knew that but Isn't that interesting there is no maximum age. Apparently Bernie Sanders is running again and will be 90 by end of his next term assuming he wins. Look at that old Democratic sector that died in post 18 months. How could she possible have represented her constituents properly? He aide had to help raise her hand that's how bad it got.

sergiodv 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm writing from Australia and it's a bit difficult to get that stuff in. They even stopped doctors prescribing it. Only specialist can prescribe IM now and only for some conditions. Horse paste is ready enough to get. But just not sure which to buy. But thanks for getting back to me.

sergiodv 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great information. How do you know which horse paste & Fenbendazole is safe for human consumption. I know the l these drugs are safe for humans but it's the additives that might not be safe.

sergiodv 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yet even from Australia all we hear is what the Democrats tell USA public through the media. We get the same thing. The misrepresent him in the same way the left media does in USA. I know it's coming when there's a new report on him. They repeat the exact same lies you guys hear. For example, just a few days ago, they Said that he still FALSELY believes the 2020 election was stolen. They insist on saying falsely because that discredits him, on other words he tells untruths.

sergiodv 1 point ago +1 / -0

Most people can tell between an Adam's Apple and swollen thyroid. Btw I'd hate to break it to you but most men aren't in the top 10% in the good looks department. In fact 90% aren't in the top 10%. 😆

sergiodv 1 point ago +1 / -0

I never knew what the team ASEXUAL was. Maybe this is the perfect definition; when others can't determine if you're a man or woman then you're asexual.

sergiodv 2 points ago +2 / -0

All of the then RINOS or members of elite club.

sergiodv 1 point ago +1 / -0

She's obviously positioning herself for 2028 and if Trump loses she'll be in the prime position to take 2028; with an" I told you so." However she's not had to put up with what Trump is putting up with. If she read the nominee she would be financially destroyed and have no chance. The Democrat backers will expect the same BS policies from Haley if they by chance left her alone and she did actually win which I don't think she will. So a Haley Presidency is the same outcome as any Democrat President.

sergiodv 1 point ago +1 / -0

How can he support Trump yet not vote for him. So, no support there at all from what I can see

sergiodv 1 point ago +1 / -0

I still don’t think Biden got more than 70M+ in 2020. Probably lucky to get 50M hardcore Demoturds to vote for him in 2020

sergiodv 1 point ago +1 / -0

MRNA technology has had amazing results with cancer. But here’s the thing, prior to Covid shots, they needed to be tailored to the cancer type of the individual. Another person with the same cancer also needed their treatment to be tailored to them. They could not use the medicine they made to treat others. COVID was the first time they did that and we all know the issues without regurgitating them. I haven’t read anywhere that this technology has now changed to be able to administer to different humans so if that’s the case, they still need to be individually made sorridi to the person having the treatment. If they did that then, it could very well be a good thing BUT it’s time consuming and costly to do on an individual basis, so I suspect they will go down the path of one size fits all.

sergiodv 3 points ago +3 / -0

But will they give up their power that easily? And what happens in January next year when the Kamala has to accept the delegates confirming Trump as President. How many Democrats will object to his election and deny the 2024 election. If they do will they also face trials for election interference? It’s going to be a fascinating 12-months. Personally, I’d they cheated on 2020, why will they not cheat on 2024.

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