skynniman 9 points ago +10 / -1

But, but, but, muh sidebar. Sidebar is a joke, loosely written criteria, undefined, can be interpreted any way that suits/serves the admin. Case in point, “fringe conspiracy theories” don’t have numerous government patents documenting their existence. State and local governments do not implement legislation to ban the usage of technology that is just a “fringe conspiracy theory”. But anything can be shut down here under the guise of “fringe conspiracy theory”. Nevermind the fact the “Q movement” is considered one of the biggest fringe conspiracy theories, probably by most of the population. Why aren’t there actual “rules” defined, instead of a “sidebar”? The “sidebar” is a tool, engineered to justify shutting down anything an admin doesn't agree with. How better to build the perfect safe space echo chamber to perfectly stroke your ego, and caress your fefes. Clearly defined “rules” do not allow the wiggle room of interpretation by the power trip admins, yeah thats a real thing. Is it really too much work to maintain a running list of sites/sources that are deemed forbidden? No its not. AwakenING, its currently in progress, its a journey, a pursuit for truth. AwakenED, is the end result, when the truth will be known, which will happen eventually. You will then be able to look back to see very clearly what was actual truth, and use your finely honed anon super powers to research and figure out why was I suppressed, and by whom. The journey never really ends, the mission, conditions and destination just changes. See y’all at the debriefing.

skynniman 5 points ago +5 / -0

I get the whole secret squirrel, nobody really knows whats going on Q operation, but I don’t feel like this is one of those “behind the scenes” situations. Q+ publicly datefagged on camera, in front of millions, the impending habbenings should be public as well. At some point, something significant has to happen publicly, it sure seemed like this might be that point. I’m sure someone will Qsplain why what he said isn't really what he meant.

skynniman 16 points ago +16 / -0

Sounds like Maricopa co in 2022, “we’ll just set your ballots aside and process them later”.

skynniman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Article lacks year over year comparative data, makes its hard to tell the actual impact of a policy enacted 24 years ago. Since we still have rampant trafficking I’m calling it a fail.

skynniman 5 points ago +5 / -0

Most are middle aged, the rest are not.

skynniman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Isnt the tailored suit valuation thing a Kirk Elliot routine?

skynniman 5 points ago +5 / -0

More rape stations, less waiting in line.

skynniman 2 points ago +2 / -0

So she didn’t actually say “Trump supporters aren’t normal people“, no where in the full segment. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6345413621112

Pretty sure she will fail on her own merit, without any weak unfavorable 3rd party interpretations.

skynniman 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sure hope we see gender affirming care next, or lgbtq child predators, they could go franchise.

skynniman 3 points ago +3 / -0

This was addressed during covid, its bullshit, we are led to believe that every bed in every room, on every ward, on every floor is filled, max capacity, can’t take another patient, turning people away in a raging blizzard, oh lord, the humanity. Reality, admin allocates a block of rooms to deal with the flu, when those rooms are full, they report being at maximum capacity. Meanwhile five floors are completely vacant with the power turned off. Fuck the medical industrial complex. How soon we forget tiktok dancing nurses.

skynniman 3 points ago +3 / -0

“Oooh, sorry we ran out of time, if we had just started a couple months earlier. Oh well, we’ll get ‘em next time for sure.”

skynniman 12 points ago +12 / -0

This may serve to plant a seed as a segway to adrenochrome, but calling this “adrenochrome going mainstream” is quite a stretch. This wont educate anyone to the horrors of adrenochrome.

skynniman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Based on comments, the big reveal is how many fair weather anons reside here.

skynniman 8 points ago +8 / -0

Propaganda, indoctrination, fear based control. Aggressive agenda waged against the people for centuries if not millennia, only a small segment of the population retained the ability to think critically. There’s a lot of dumb people in smart positions.

skynniman 2 points ago +2 / -0

And then other times he says we have it all. Weird.

skynniman 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nothing more sobering than a solid defeat, keep pushing forward and dont worry with waking them up, they will wake up eventually or not, they may be a little late to the party but they’ll wake up when they wake up. Until such time they are enemy combatants and their Awakening is not my concern.

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