tchouk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh man, it's The Aristocrats!

I finally get it now.

Man, they commit hard.

tchouk 2 points ago +2 / -0

They have trained people not to bother.

Even if a movie is good, whatever, it's just not worth the effort. Like you wouldn't go to a steakhouse for a chance of a good steak if 90% of the "steaks" they served were actually little pieces of dry pig shit.

tchouk 2 points ago +2 / -0

The first goal of the war from the NATO side was regime change in Russia.

The second goal, if the first didn't work was to kill as many Ukrainians as possible as this will hurt Russia long-term way more than it will hurt the USA, which it won't at all.

This is a win-win type situation.

The only real losers are the Ukrainians, who are officially the dumbest fucks ever for going along with this scheme. Mass suicide for a pat in the back from uncle Sam

tchouk 2 points ago +2 / -0

The judge is a tyrant, used to making illegal and unconstitutional orders.

No one notices when it's the little people

tchouk 17 points ago +17 / -0

The trick is to realize thay the default of nature, society and the universe in general is brutal and uncaring.

We live behind virtual walls of safety that were created by an unimaginable effort across literally thousands of generations and we kind of take it for granted that a person isn't likely to be torn apart and/or eaten alive on any given day.

Don't take it for granted. Those walls are more fragile than you think and require maintenance or we will revert to the default, which is being eaten alive

tchouk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Everything is Biden's fault, and thus the new guy running instead of him is totally blameless. Hope and/or Change.

Oh, except vaccines. Vaccines totally do kill you and they are 150% Trump's fault.

tchouk 2 points ago +2 / -0

A pure democracy doesn't work even in theory.

The point is that in order to get anything done, you absolutely need a very long time horizon to plan things. For this, you need things like governments and laws and taxes to be inherently stable. But a free-for-all pure democracy is the opposite of inherently stable.

If you cannot count on relative stability, you cannot plan and invest in the long-term and if you cannot do that, you 100% fail to compete with those who can.

This is why the US now has a uniparty and clans of hereditary politicians. Whatever the original idea was, the system necessarily tends towards increased stability. And why the system absolutely went nuts when Trump was elected explicitly to make it less stagnant.

So if you want to fix democracy, you need to figure out how to maximize stability while also making sure the stagnant stable system doesn't become a swamp. Good luck with that :)

tchouk 4 points ago +4 / -0

Man, bears are fucking terrifying.

Idiots these days have no idea how brutal and uncaring nature actually is.

tchouk 3 points ago +3 / -0

No they don't. No one sees those travesties as women.

They just need you to deny obvious reality to make the conditioning easier

tchouk 9 points ago +9 / -0

Much more likely that Neilia decided to commit a murder-suicide by motor vehicle because Joe is an abusive pedophile

tchouk 4 points ago +4 / -0

You don't train a puppy to poop outside by explicitly letting it poop inside everywhere and then drop-kicking into the wall as soon as it poops on your favorite shoes.

"Stupid games" were explicitly allowed and encouraged, 99% of all actions had absolutely no results.

The only time it started to matter is not when they burned down their communities in mostly peaceful protests, but when they protested against those who are not allowed to be criticized. Which is total bullshit. Enforcing rules selectively means that rules don't actually exist.

tchouk 1 point ago +2 / -1

Nothing shocking about rules being enforced when it comes to protests against Israel.

tchouk 1 point ago +1 / -0

More than that, probably

It takes years and years to go from a working POC to an actual production design

We don't have a working prototype

tchouk 1 point ago +1 / -0

A centralized energy grid is way more efficient than having a billion mini-reactors, especially if you use the power plants for both electricity and heat (hot water) .

tchouk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right, the geheime wunderwaffen. It vill help uns gewinnen ze war wiz ze radio waves und space lasers und so on.

That shit always works, especially worked for the reich.

tchouk 1 point ago +1 / -0

So we can blame you specifically for making the US army a lopsided lolcow that specializes in force projection that it can't project because all the "cool toys" are too expensive to actually use?

Seriously anyone who refers to weapons as "cool toys" instead of "tools" is, ironically, a giant tool. The type of douche who thinks he's a leet haxxor for knowing about SQL injection attacks.

tchouk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Especially considering Russia has a way newer and better nuclear arsenal

tchouk 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's just magical thinking and stupid talk.

The whole point of massive integrated air defense systems is that you cannot take them out easily from the air and the USA absolutely doesn't have any other methods besides attacking by air.

Your only real method is to oversaturate the air around a specific region so that something gets through to hit the nodes of the system.

That is exactly what Russia is doing by using literally thousands of cheapo drones originally designed in Iran. Also the same tactic used by the Houthis and Hamas.

Get what the USA army has zero of? Cheap shit that flies that can be used to saturate AA systems.

Every single weapon made in the USA is designed to be complex and as expensive as possible, because this sells for the big bucks.

tchouk 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's not just that.

No army is equipped to fight a land war in today's world. China could potentially mobilize enough industry to equip an army that way, but they don't really have anyone to fight that way.

Other than that, every single modern war depends on air superiority as an absolute requirement. You destroy the enemy before any of your guys are on the ground.

But you absolutely cannot do that against modern integrated air defense without losing a sizeable portion of your planes and pilots, which are too expensive to risk.

tchouk 3 points ago +3 / -0

More like the mega steroid users long after they stopped using steroids. The army today is nothing like what it was during the Gulf War. And it was a coalition of like 6-7 countries, all of which are either no longer friendly towards the USA or have armies that are now completely pathetic.

The US makes like 20 tanks a year, and they aren't new tanks. They're refurbished shit from years ago. The US couldn't field 1000 of them, much less multiple thousands.

And this is exactly the case across every single military system except the space satellite and drone stuff.

And Iraq wasn't occupied during the Gulf War, despite there being like a million guys involved in the conflict. Most of the damage was done by a massive bombing campaign due to supreme air superiority.

Air superiority that wouldn't exist today against Russia in any shape or form. Not only because the planes no longer exist to achieve this (you have 1/2 as many bombers as there were in the early 90s), but because Russia has one of the best integrated air defense systems in the world. Literally only 4-5 countries in the entire world have systems like this.

If you can't use bombers (of which you have like 100 to begin with), you need to use men (which no longer want to enlist so you don't have enough), or tanks (which you don't have in sufficient battle-ready numbers) with artillery (which is wildly depleted after all the shells were given to Ukraine).

The only thing that would work is tactical nukes, but good luck there considering Russia has better and newer nuclear everything.

tchouk 7 points ago +7 / -0

Seriously, this is such bullshit it's beyond belief.

The US doesn't have the logistics to occupy Crimea, let alone win anything against a +- peer opponent.

You literally need about 100x of everything to fight a land war similar to WWII. No body has that much of anything, and only China could potentially make enough war materiel, but they wouldn't have the logistics to fight anyone except Russia.

tchouk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fear controls people way better. Fear+money is best.

Just about every single politician has some sort of degenerate and/or illegal sexual blackmail on them (everyone except Trump, apparently). This is because when our sexual morality went down the shitter, everyone started doing everyone in all sorts of degenerate ways. ESPECIALLY the rich and powerful who are encouraged towards these acts by people like Epstein.

And the intelligence orgs monitor all of this. Every politician is on file. Step out of line and suddenly everyone will know you're diddling kids or sucking off ten black guys or eating the live beating hearts of young girls or whatever sick shit they get up to.

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