winn 1 point ago +1 / -0

it's there you have to click it, you can't view in the embed bc YouTube is shadowbanning this channel and/or put a NSFW-like tag on it, or the channel themselves put the restriction on for whatever reason

winn 3 points ago +3 / -0

took him long enough 😂

"If I wait and do it quietly in a few months maybe nobody will notice!"

HAHA anons worldwide motherfucker

winn 5 points ago +5 / -0

Remember remember the 5th of November

The Jesuit gunpowder treasonous plot!

To overthrow Protestant England and turn them back to the Papacy rot!

(my little rendition!)

This article, though it treats the issue with kid gloves, is a decent overview of "The Gunpowder Plot"


Needless to say "Anonymous" is a CIA operation, though many patriots are fooled into thinking it's some grassroots white hat hacker group. Fitting they would use Guy Fawkes as the face of it. Clowns in America, but there's another, more well-established nickname for the CIA. Dare I say it? 😂

winn 5 points ago +5 / -0

Skipping through, it may hit on some accurate points but if we want to be perfectly simplistic the cabal is Babylonian, the "mystical practices" are Babylonian, the "Talmud" is Babylonian, child sacrifice and abortion are Babylonian, polytheism is Babylonian, mother worship is Babylonian, sun worship is Babylonian, "God-Emperor" man worship is Babylonian (hello Nimrod!), all the Nazi crap and Thul society nonsense are Babylonian, blah blah blah and even if an off-shoot (or a "daughter" as the Bible calls it) of Babylon pops up in some major way we can still consider it Babylon, with Mystery Babylon being Babylon's ultimate culmination and centralization, and that ultimate is seated in Rome. Look into Catholic presence in Ireland, both the Kennedy and Trump families' history of Catholicism, and it makes much more sense.

Trump and Kennedy both rebelled against, baited, tracked and mapped, infiltrated and whatever else terms you like, the "Holy Roman Empire" harlot. Now they are scrambling all their base because they realize they've been hoodwinked. "She was never supposed to lose!"

Oh, check out HRC's relations with the Catholic Church too while you're at it.

Not enough? Q said follow the money.

The single richest, most powerful, longest-lasting human institution on the planet who also just so happens to feature a man who claims to be "in the place of" Jesus (anti- prefix, look it up) yeah ok

winn 4 points ago +4 / -0

😂 yeah, was probably thinking "this guy's batshit crazy" and then 2024 Diddy raids and lawsuits... bet that cop is having some serious cognative dissonance

winn 6 points ago +6 / -0


In May 2018 (title is wrong sorry) Jonathan Oddi went to Trump's Doral resort, shot up a chandelier to get attention, then proceeded to give a detailed police interview about the Illuminati, black Freemasonic "Boulè", P Diddy, and other topics, claims to have been a sex slave for Diddy and that Diddy would have him have sex with Cassie while he watched (confirmed in 2024 with Cassie's lawsuit), and said he thought Trump was oblivious to all of what's happening with these secret societies and wanted to send him a message so they wouldn't "JFK him".

The video posted is relevent clips from his police interview.

Here's a news story from the time


winn 1 point ago +1 / -0

We could just bypass all this silliness and subpoena Big Tech leaders for all their data and find the pedos that way, imo

Any and all illegal activity online is easily found if they want to find it. I bet we find all sorts of other fuckery with algorithms, shadowbans etc.

Big Tech is only "big" thanks to black money, funnelled to them, which is taxpayer money, making Big Tech a PUBLIC INSTITUTION. Censorship is therefore unconstitutional.

We just need these things sorted out in an official capacity.

winn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes because the Israel lobby is the #1 visible lobby in all of Congress, thanks to the "Evangelical vote", which is the #1 voting block in the west, and who has been duped into thinking they have to support "zionism" or else be cursed by a curse written in Deuteronomy.

Have Christians forgotten that Christ bore the curse of the law for them? I wonder how that could've happened...

Christ made it so there's no difference between races or genders or anything like that so why do we think we must favor one above another? What's so special about them? Indeed...



winn 1 point ago +1 / -0

1 Cor. 12:27

Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

Think of the term "government body" if you want a secular example. When Jesus broke bread and drank wine with His disciples before He was to be killed it was so that they remembered what He did and why He did it. It was symbolic and in no way meant to be literal.

What is a body? A framework. What is blood? The life of the framework. What framework did Jesus give us? His teachings and examples. What's the life of that framework? Love.

I'd sugguest not getting bogged down in dogmas and read the Bible with an honest heart, ask God to reveal things to you. You will get what you need assuming you're not trying to pick it apart intellectually, which is booby-trapped (;

winn 8 points ago +8 / -0

On a topic like this shouldn't play fast and loose with the truth, you'll only lead to innocent people being accused and guilty people hiding in the fog

winn 5 points ago +6 / -1

Ummmm, Benjamin... buddy boy... are you feeling ok???

I cannot believe he said that! It plays right into our hands 😳

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0


I swear I'm not being perverted

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0

The upper levels of the conspiracy will most certainly be max'd out, while the individual situations for the lower level players should be considered even if only to further connect the dots of the conspiracy. There will probably be people who enjoy subversion for subversion's sake, and they too will need to be out of society. This whole process will need to be handled carefully, both to ensure all players are rooted out, but also to ensure that the trials are fair to the accused. Our justice system may be compromised right now but its essence should never be cast away

winn 2 points ago +2 / -0

you can look at the Tower of Babel. Nimrod was centralizing power then and what did God do, break up the power when the speech was confused.

1,000% and I don't understand how many Christians can't see this in the Catholic Church. To find "the cabal" one should look for centralized power. Trace it all the way to the top. There are many sub-groups but as Q said in #133 https://qalerts.app/?n=133 many "feed the eye" (financially).

Is the richest human institution on planet earth located anywhere near "Israel"? Yet the "pepe-crusaders" who want a white ethno-state (Nazi?!) all scream muh Joos 24/7! Q said NWO doesn't mean New World Order. Nazi World Order. Third Reich (of Rome!) who supported and orchestrated WW1 and 2 by their Jesuit intrigue, I maintain! They lost political power in 1870 and want it back badly enough to draw the world into as much war as is needed!

I'm still growing in my knowledge of these things so I am happy to entertain any counter-points by anyone on here. Please correct me if I speak falsely frens, I just want the truth about the cabal. It points me squarely at Rome and their many proxies, Israel included. Knights Templar?? Solomon's temple! Crucified Christ?? Jews and Romans.

winn 8 points ago +8 / -0

It was put upon them by clowns, Jesuits and Jews. The cabal uses differences between people groups to make them fight each other while THEY take over everything.

The op run on recently-freed blacks in America has been multi-pronged but here are two keys:

  1. Cause them to feel like outcasts due to a factor they can't change such as race, prisoners in a land not their own. This will be important for key 2.

  2. Give them "another path" to "an identity" which runs contrary to common, well-established cultural norms.

Now you have the recipe for racial and cultural chaos. It doesn't matter what races are in the mix--the recipe still works. It's been done for millennia and on every race at one point or another.

The only groups which ultimately matter to them are wealth and political classes. They don't care if someone's black or white, but if you do, they'll use it to manipulate you.

winn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Rome has desired to once again control the world politically and spiritually ever since the Reformation (spiritual power diminished) and when they lost the papal states in 1870 (political power diminished). The NWO is not new, it's simply the OWO, the "Dark Ages", attempting to resurrect, only this time with AI, big tech, big pharma, big military industrial complex etc. The NWO already happened for centuries, and Rome wants it back. I think they may want to rule it from Jerusalem this time though.. Idk, haven't delved into that aspect much.

Anyways, it would be hell on earth the likes of which nobody in their right mind should ever desire. Imagine the state serving the pope instead of the people, and anything the pope says is how it must be. That's how it was in the dark ages and that's the real NWO. The Jews are just puppets and scapegoats for Rome. Think on this: who was responsible for killing Christ? The Jews and the Roman government, together. Why should it be any different now? Then the Roman government merged church and state to form the papacy. It's so damn obvious idk how any Christian could believe anything else! A literal "God-Emperor", "king of kings"! I hate that term God-Emperor and wish MAGA would drop it. Trump has never not once tried to have us worship him. The title is disgusting.

The Talmud is Babylonian and the Catholic Church is Mystery Babylon. It all flows back to the tower of Babel, all the human sacrifice, enforced worship of a head of state, multi-genders, transgender, gay marriage, mother worship, idol worship, necromancy and witchcraft, etc. All Babylonian, and it infected Israel and we have witness to this in numerous places in the OT. It (the Babylonian practices and beliefs) flowed throughout all nations, through Medo-Persia and Greece, and all culminated in Rome. Why do you think the Catholic Church has so many similar erroneous practices which run contrary to what Christ taught? Because they're not Christian. They are Babylonian wrapped in a Christian cloth.

winn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Flynn and Trump both have probably rubbed shoulders with the upper levels of power within the Catholic Church system. Flynn is a "devout Catholic" and Trump's family was Catholic iirc, and he also studied for some time at a Jesuit school (again, iirc). I'd imagine they know a LOT more than they let on. Trump on the civilian / business community side, and Flynn on the military / intel community side.

A while back I made this thread for all orgs who are helping destroy the western, PROTESTANT nations with illegal migration. If there are more orgs discovered please reply to it with them! Thx.

winn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ah, the power of the astro-turf.

"We must be inclusive" (of what currently doesn't exist but will in the future after we deceive people into it)

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