wowymowie -1 points ago +1 / -2

Why are you unable to admit what he did on film by definition is criminal activity?

There's no opinion to discuss. You can't touch any kids like he did on those videos.

wowymowie -1 points ago +2 / -3

Cmon fuckin pussy last one stump ya when bringing up reality?

I thought we were discussing here?

wowymowie 0 points ago +3 / -3

Listen I dont care what you do, you don't care about yourself so I def dont

If theres a god of any kind I dont want my judgement to include being ok w jokes about kiddie rape

You do you

wowymowie 1 point ago +3 / -2

I don't find that sarcasm funny, and disappointed in anyone that does

wowymowie 8 points ago +8 / -0

Your opinion is null. Pinching a 13yr olds nipples is CRIMINAL ACTIVITY. Your inability to concede this point is very telling. Just like the rest of folks that take this point now, your inability to simply state what is and isn't ILLEGAL shows your hand

Being a better person now and thinking or devising a plan for possible eternity aren't exclusive.

wowymowie 8 points ago +9 / -1

Not about Trump.

This question ALWAYS turns this way it its pure cowardice truly to bring up anyone else while trying to defend Joe

Which you failed at. Its criminal assault to touch a child like that. To justify it in your mind like many others do highlights why we pray for you, so that Christ may enter your life and show you the errorn in your thinking.

I never had anyone act like that in my family. Your explanation is one that many use and never justifies. Its old world thinking and its dying rapidly.

I urge you brother, rethink your stance because your time after you die may depend on it

I KNOW where I'm going. Do you?

wowymowie 7 points ago +8 / -1

So why did you support a pedophile knowingly?

This ISNT about Trump


wowymowie 7 points ago +8 / -1

Dont care if its lame humor or serious..either way part of the problem not the solution

wowymowie 56 points ago +57 / -1

Have you seen the videos of Biden touching children in Congress?

Here watch https://youtu.be/V4PLSPvJ9BY

Don't be a fuckin pussy and reply. If you don't understand you'll be viewed as a pedophilia supporter.

Lets see how important marketing is for you

wowymowie 1 point ago +2 / -1

Dont give a fuck

I use my fake one for free shit solely

wowymowie 1 point ago +2 / -1

Been there

wowymowie 0 points ago +1 / -1

You can call out the bullshit doctrine all day and I applaud you for doing that we are brothers in arms in that

God needs us like we need him.

We'll both forgive each other til we both turn blue then well whistle and go fishing in heaven-John Prine

Where you're failing is the anger. I get it and lived that way for years and have to fight not to anymore

Loving the Lord means loving his image which is all humans. Angrily yelling at them because they're too slow to come to terms with all this is sin brother

wowymowie -4 points ago +3 / -7

Sounds like you never believed in the 1st place

Sucks to be you I guess. Enjoy living in hell faggot

wowymowie 14 points ago +25 / -11

Jesus what a whiny fuckin pussy

You want a medal little boy?

I dont and wont wear the mask. I tell others why it's a bad idea if they wanna hear it

To get mad at others for finding courage on their time is fucking stupid

Grow a pair, keep the mask off, and realize the world doesn't march to your step

I bet you claim to be Christian too