yourmomshouse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh shut the fuck up. Read a goddamn book some time. You’re comparing civilizations in 2021. Why don’t we compare modern day Belarus or Greece to ancient Assyria? Even then, who is white? It wasn’t even a few decades ago when white didn’t even include Italians and Irish.

Let me guess, you’re a poor white guy.

yourmomshouse -1 points ago +2 / -3

Ok moron. What about Jewish people? What about Jesus of Nazareth? He wasn’t even white. What about the great societies of Asia and Latin America? Ancient societies of Persians or Egyptians when Europe was still full of nomads barely removed from Neanderthals.

yourmomshouse 4 points ago +4 / -0

Blue cities vs red towns. In Texas you have all the major cities being blue and towns being red. It’s fairly evenly split too, republicans don’t win by that much. And texas has had democratic governors so idk why people think it’s so red.

yourmomshouse 1 point ago +1 / -0

I see you’re the one confused. Let me quote you.

“Saturday the 16th I go into Home Depot and the 17 yr old at the door handing out masks and hand sanitizer says "do you have a mask to put on"? I replied "no, I don't need one" she said "We require a mask to shop here" I said "In case you missed it, the mask mandate expired. they're not required here anymore" she said "According to who?" My 16 yr old son said "According to the Governor and unless this store has somehow secured vatican status....NOBODY has to wear one"

You said they’re not required there anymore. They’re definitely required if business requires you to wear one. They chose to do business with you, yes, but you said that they weren’t required there. You’re confusing them doing business with you validating your idea that they’re not required there anymore. Move over, why would you know they’re not required by corporate policy but the employee didn’t?

yourmomshouse 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes they do, what are you talking about? Home Depot can tell you to to leave for a myriad of reasons. Does corporate want you to leave? Is it the ASMs or cashiers? Private businesses can make you leave for ALMOST any reason. Whether or not they enforce it is different.

Are you against businesses having the right to do business with whom they please? Next thing you’re going to say is that those bakers should’ve made the cake for that gay couple right? You seriously don’t understand that a business can require you to wear a mask if they want to?

yourmomshouse 0 points ago +1 / -1

Haha how are they not? If it’s your right now to wear a mask in someone else’s business then I have the same right to not wear shoes or a shirt because they don’t have that autonomy over me.

yourmomshouse 0 points ago +1 / -1

That’s what separates the Great Generation from the boomers. The Great Generation made crazy sacrifices so their kids could go and be spoiled and become the assholes we know today. Obviously not everyone but you get the gist.

yourmomshouse -3 points ago +1 / -4

And then everyone clapped right?

I anti mask mandate myself, but I’m also pro business. Regardless of mandate, the store has the right to tell you to wear a mask just like they have the right to make you wear shoes and a shirt. They can’t MAKE you but they can require it to shop in their store. Not cool man.