posted ago by queue-anon ago by queue-anon +35 / -1


Roaring Kitty, aka Deep Fucking Value is back. He liked a tweet about a movie called "Lola Rennt" translated to English is Run Lola Run. GME has been making some decent gains the past few days.

One would say he is referencing the rising the price, but DFV would not come back after a long hiatus to simply communicate he's happy about the price increase. (what is this a price increase for ants?)

DFV tweets have always been comms since day one.

I'm going to start digging. Let's see what this movie is about with the help of AI.

"Run Lola Run" is a German film directed by Tom Tykwer, released in 1998. The original German title is "Lola rennt." The film is a thrilling, experimental exploration of fate, chance, and the consequences of small decisions. It follows Lola, played by Franka Potente, who has twenty minutes to save her boyfriend, Manni, from a dangerous situation involving a lost bag of money. The film's narrative is structured like a video game, with Lola restarting her journey multiple times, each time making slightly different choices and facing different outcomes. It's known for its fast-paced editing, pulsating soundtrack, and innovative visual style. "Run Lola Run" received critical acclaim for its unique storytelling and became a cult classic in international cinema.

While "Run Lola Run" is a film primarily focused on themes of fate, chance, and the consequences of choices in a high-pressure situation, it doesn't directly correlate with stock market dynamics. However, one could draw parallels between the film's exploration of cause and effect and the way decisions and events in the stock market can lead to various outcomes.

For example, just as Lola's small decisions and actions lead to drastically different outcomes in the film, individual decisions made by investors, traders, and market participants can have significant impacts on stock prices and market movements. Additionally, the film's emphasis on time pressure and the need to act quickly to change outcomes might resonate with the fast-paced, time-sensitive nature of trading in the stock market, where timing can be crucial.

While "Run Lola Run" primarily focuses on themes of fate, chance, and the consequences of individual actions, one could draw metaphorical parallels between certain elements of the film and aspects of corruption in the stock market:

Manipulation and Power Dynamics: In the film, Lola and Manni find themselves entangled in a situation involving a bag of money that belongs to a criminal figure. Similarly, in the stock market, corruption can manifest through manipulation by powerful individuals or entities seeking to control stock prices for their own gain. This manipulation can take various forms, such as insider trading, market manipulation, or fraudulent activities aimed at deceiving investors and unfairly influencing stock prices.

Consequences of Unethical Behavior: Throughout "Run Lola Run," characters grapple with the consequences of their actions, whether intentional or unintentional. Likewise, in the stock market, corruption and unethical behavior can have far-reaching consequences, undermining investor confidence, distorting market efficiency, and eroding trust in financial institutions. The film's exploration of cause and effect highlights the potential repercussions of unethical behavior in both personal and financial contexts.

Transparency and Accountability: As Lola navigates the challenges she faces, transparency and accountability emerge as important themes. Similarly, in the stock market, promoting transparency and accountability is essential for combating corruption and ensuring fair and orderly markets. Regulatory bodies, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the United States, play a crucial role in enforcing rules and regulations to maintain market integrity and hold individuals and institutions accountable for unethical conduct.

Seeking Justice and Redemption: Lola's relentless pursuit to save Manni reflects a quest for justice and redemption in the face of adversity. Similarly, addressing corruption in the stock market requires a commitment to accountability, enforcement of laws and regulations, and efforts to promote ethical behavior and integrity. Just as Lola seeks to change the course of events and set things right, efforts to combat corruption in the stock market aim to restore fairness, transparency, and trust in financial markets.

I like many others think the market and economy has to crash under Biden for optics and for precipice impact.

His return is very significant being that we are approaching the precipice and election.

Let's dig and see what we find. I will be updating this post in the comments every time I find something new.


Edit: This week, congress has had hearings about transparency in the market, Hegde Funds are against the proposals. Interesting that DFV returns the same week.