Bloggerchick 2 points ago +2 / -0

In any case, the message is real.

Bloggerchick 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'd like to share this, and I don't do Telegram. Kindly provide a link?

Bloggerchick 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's been some very serious mind control affecting the population for quite a while now. Is she just an NPC? Will her illusions fall away at some point, like when the droid army all stopped in their tracks because the source of their animation was cut off?

Bloggerchick 3 points ago +3 / -0

That's the first thing I thought of...followed immediately by the notion that if they can read, chances are pretty good in this world that a homemade sign on an overpass is far from the only place our young ones are exposed to such language.

Bloggerchick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sheesh. I was looking for a piece about how DNA testing companies really only are farming our DNA for information that would make it easier to control and kill us off. It's mind blowing that a man who was capable of such a hideous and entirely inhuman act could and would continue to live his life in the same town...for decades, and is only now being held accountable. That forensic chick is the bomb. Amazing dedication.

Bloggerchick 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's amazing he has the juice to even stand up and speak with the absolute terror he's feeling. And reading the speech he was given to read...there's just no energy there. Flaccid.

Bloggerchick 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm just saying that the Ukrainian citizens aren't to blame. They're just people, and frankly, they're Russian people. Yes, it happens to be also a Nazi hidey hole, but they aren't hiding any more. It's like all Americans can't be blamed for the nasty shit the CIA has been doing for decades.

Bloggerchick 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's a make up the rules as you go world for them. They got used to that, and now they'll have to get used to being seen for what they really are.

Bloggerchick 2 points ago +2 / -0

If we're counting supporters, include a huge chunk of the world's population as well. HUGE chunk. That's a lot of positive energy, and the bad guys don't have enough juice to counter all that Love.

Bloggerchick 3 points ago +3 / -0

They understand that he's the one who'll keep this country from descending into shithole territory.

Bloggerchick 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sigh...I always wondered why the First Lady would leap onto the back of the car like we've all seen her do.

"As I approached the vehicle [JFK’s limousine] there was a third shot. It hit the President in the head, upper right rear of the right ear, causing a gaping hole in his head, which caused brain matter, blood, and bone fragments to spew forth out over the car, over myself. At that point Mrs. Kennedy came up out of the back seat onto the trunk of the car. She was trying to retrieve something that had gone off to the right rear. She did not know I was there. At that point I grabbed Mrs. Kennedy, put her in the back seat. The President fell over into her lap, to his left."

Bloggerchick 4 points ago +4 / -0

There was an excellent meme to the effect of Trump being indicted for not including cheesy bread with the pizzas for the firemen somewhere.

Bloggerchick 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's hard to imagine how the White Hats will be able to explain about the many and various pickles presented in certain revelations.

Bloggerchick 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah whatever...poor choice of words on my part. Please do let me rephrase ~

Let's just get the old fucker who's playing Joe Biden TF out of office and into whatever institution seems most fitting for such a one as he.


Bloggerchick 5 points ago +5 / -0

Now we just need her and the other living and actual members of the Biden family (if there are any left) to admit that Joe left the Earth plane years ago, and the golem(s) playing her dad is / are just doing as they're told.

Bloggerchick 8 points ago +8 / -0

Dang...that's a complex unearthing of some very nasty shit. Even just skimming over it makes me wonder how this world could ever be remedied.

Being shamelessly positive, though...I'm going with the idea that the bad guys (keeping it simple) know that they're done, and they just are lashing out with what little ammo they have left. Even so, is our military really poised and ready to swiftly do what needs doing to secure our country?

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