Datasinc 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry it's 72 virgins. I don't know why I was thinking it was 40.

Anyways you get the joke.

Datasinc 8 points ago +8 / -0

Defiance to tyranny is obedience to God.

Datasinc 5 points ago +9 / -4

I mean no Catholic Pope or even priest meets the biblical requirements of a pastor or elder that's laid forth in Scripture.

A pastor's REQUIRED to be MARRIED man with faithful Christian children. If a man can't lead his family, he certainly can't lead a church body. A pastor's relationship with his wife is two parts of a whole that should mirror Christ's relationship with the church, His bride, as He leads her. Then as it follows... The pastors relationship with his church body as the pastor leads them.

So to recap, not only is there no position of Pope in scripture, but the Pope and no unmarried Catholic priest even meets the biblical requirements of a church leadership position according to scripture.

God's word should always come before man's tradition. At least that's what Jesus and Moses and the apostles were teaching against the Pharisees and others.

Datasinc 1 point ago +1 / -0

No one is making fun of them.

Their faces have been replaced.

God bless them but this is a dig at Obama and Biden, not those sisters.

If you chose to be offended I'm sorry you feel that way. Others don't need to share your feelings or perspective. I certainly don't.

Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah this is solid advice.

Also if you want to avoid short-term capital gains taxes if that's a thing in Canada, look into a Roth IRA. If you purchase your shares in that you can buy sell and trade your stocks in there with no tax penalties you just can't withdraw it until you're 59 and a half.

Datasinc 6 points ago +6 / -0

Holy shit I just had another realization....

The first time this methodology was used was by the music group Apex twin in the album ΔMi−1 = −∂Σn=1NDi[n][Σj∈C{i}Fji[n − 1] + Fexti[[n−1]] Here's a video

This album was released back in the '90s and this image wasn't discovered until 2001 by someone that discovered what look like a demon face at first who shared their findings on a forum but they weren't running it through the correct type of linear extrapolation. Somebody else ran it through correctly and it turned out to be the face of the guy that made the music. It starts at 5:27 on the track. Any interesting cue posts that line up with 527? That's the day after memorial Day

Datasinc 18 points ago +18 / -0

The tweet It was extrapolated from: https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1791540437968392518

We have the best autism don't we?

Also his very last tweet was ET blasting off to Go home in his spaceship. For those that don't know EYs home is called the Green planet. Green = up / profitable.

If you don't own any GameStop or if you do and you're scared of the step and are considering selling or maybe you're having second thoughts about buying more..... BUY SOME ASAP!!!!

From what I just read today from their quarterly announcement plus some court dockets with the BBBY chapter 11, it's 100% a merger / acquisition. The financial show an unallotted purchase of approximately the same amount that it would have taken to buy BBBY ($273 million).

The multiple links between the law firms handling the bankruptcy and the co-ownership of the finance groups and everything else makes this clears day. It looks like they're going to do a share claw back and reissue new shares and equity of a new company forcing shorts to close/cover.

Short, SHORT-term this is EASILY an 8x play. Long-term this is like buying shares of Coca-Cola stock in 1919 for $40 a piece and each one of those with dividends reinvested being worth multimillion dollars of generational wealth.

100 bucks right now would buy you five shares. That doesn't sound like much but I'm not kidding when I say just that little amount of money could change your life.


Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Define "on"

Am I using the app to look at the 24 hour market action on weekends and nights? Yes since it's the best thing I've found to easily do so.

Do I have my shares on there? Certainly not. I was in this play before they shut off the buy button the first time. I've got OG ape status. My shares have been directly registered so long they're out of diapers .

Datasinc 4 points ago +4 / -0

Robin Hood has halted trading again. Buy orders are not going through. When asked via their support chat the broker responded that their clearing house is currently not filling orders and they don't have any info.

Also hearing unconfirmed reports that people are unable to DRS shares from fidelity right now.

Datasinc 4 points ago +4 / -0

Also that smash brothers battle video he posted years ago was won in 5.13 sec. Today is now 5/13

Also the pic ppseeds posted with Carl Icahn and 2 other persons having a toast and drink was 1 year ago today.

This was planned long ago.

Datasinc 3 points ago +3 / -0

The soy-bois are no threat. It's the hungry, angry hippos you need to watch out for.

Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven't noticed my taxes go down. I'm still paying to incarcerate people I've never met for crimes I'm not a victim of.

Scripture calls for the executions of kidnappers and rapists. There is zero calls for incarceration in scripture. Prison is unbiblical.

My point still stands.

Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Alldaychemist.com (Not incredibly fast though)

Datasinc 5 points ago +5 / -0

No, he should be executed, not thrown in prison. Prison cost taxpayers $40,000 or more a year PER PERSON. That money is gained via theft at the threat of force from the government. By doing so you make every taxpayer a victim and you don't give the actual victims any closure.

Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Those walls have been destroyed a couple of times via God's judgment. The most recent time was in 70 AD when Jesus came on the clouds and judgment on Jerusalem within the same generation that he was crucified. Also at the same time the temple was destroyed and sacrifice was ended.

Yes God's people are now those who are in Christ. The limited Waldorf vineyard has been destroyed and overrun. Gods people are now all over the world and the gentiles have been grafted in.

Datasinc 1 point ago +1 / -0

That hedge is an allegory of the wall around Jerusalem.

It means that God would withdraw his protection from the Jews, and leave them exposed to be overrun and trodden down by their enemies, as a vineyard would be by wild beasts if it were not protected.

As far as the rest of your post goes... Either submit to God and His Word as the ultimate authority and objective standard of morality or something else fills in that void. For many atheists that's typically the government. An ever-changing subjective standard.

Datasinc 4 points ago +4 / -0

The stock market. In less than 2 weeks me thinks.

Datasinc 1 point ago +1 / -0

They didn't "proposes a different interpretation" at all. You are misrepresenting the nature of their comment entirely.

You know there's a difference between saying something is definitively meaningless and saying that you don't think something has meaning or proposing ANYTHING?

Now that we've established a primary category (they made a definitive assertion) we can move on to subcategories and logical conclusions:

Logically that only leaves a couple of possibilities:

  • Stupidity

  • Intellectual dishonesty

So you're right, they may not be a shill, they very well may be an idiot.

Datasinc 2 points ago +2 / -0

Domestic abuse in lesbian relationships is higher than heterosexual relationships by far.

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