HonestBobbin 3 points ago +3 / -0

I recall at least one guy claiming to be Q & that just didn't sit right with me at all at the time.

Unfortunately our Father in Heaven is Anon to way too many of his children. They don't know how much he truly is willing & able to be an active part of their lives & eternal growth.

That said, I do concede. I still want to see his face someday though.

HonestBobbin 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a perfect response IMO. Thank you for laying it out in a way that educates with context & your own understanding.

Something Anons need to understand (especially new Anons) is that each of us individually are just as important as any other Anon. Each of us are just doing out best to learn & understand how best to stop the Deep State/Cabal/Secret Combinations in their tracks with information & education.

Again thank you for this response & I always appreciate your well thought out comments.

HonestBobbin 3 points ago +3 / -0

u/Winn this is for you too. I ignore more than half of those circles & lines posts. Many newer Anons are trying to draw conclusions to things that may or may not be related to Q drops. Throwing a bag or darts & hoping to hit the board so to speak.

In the earlier days (still only basically understand the process) bakers (groups of truth seekers) on the chans would go over info & data looking for connections & with hundreds or thousands of individuals looking at the same problem, the cream came to the top so to speak (I broke the metaphor already. I think good data/info would rise to the top). Give it a day or so to be verified & boom you had bread with easy to follow crumbs back to what was really happening because there were so many coincidences that it was mathematically impossible to just a a coincidence.

The circles & lines were to help connect information that was found in separate data sets/pics, though proved patterns.

I believe you will find many circle/line pics in the Q Proofs PDF & maybe link on the sidebar IIRC (if I recall correctly) that will make much more sense of this.

Very few Anons on this board can do what those original diggers (& top shelf diggers of those original Anons) could do with the data sets. They simply are doing their best with the understanding they have. This isn't to say they should stop, though without Q to verify if the direction that info is directing other Anons, they really can get confusing.

HonestBobbin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hit your knees & start asking God fren. They are the highest ranking Anon ๐Ÿ˜‡

HonestBobbin 3 points ago +3 / -0

I will pray for them fren.

If the problem is mental in nature (ie Tramatic Brain Injury stuff) I cannot recommend Cognitive FX in Provo Utah enough. When every other specialist said I was 90% healed, these guys were able to tell which parts of my neurons needed specific training to get me back on track. I went from feeling like I was 60% to over 97%. Still have some minor issues, though I can function well enough that I don't need to ask for help multiple times per day, or request things be repeated multiple times per hour.

This was an amazing healing & individualized therapy determined with the use of a Functional MRI (scan that watched specific neurons fire & the paths it took vs what it should have taken).

Let me know if you want me to add some fasting to these prayers. Neurological issues are now a soft spot for me.

HonestBobbin 17 points ago +17 / -0

I love you guys. Just wanted to let you all know there is one pede out here that loves you & genuinely wants to see you when this is all over. BBQ or not, even in the next life. I hope to meet each & every one of you. Keep the faith, this movie is getting good.

HonestBobbin 4 points ago +4 / -0

u/merf has a great tool for the Q Clock. I am still learning too.


Majic Eyes Only has a phenomenal set of vids on the Law of War & Q connections


Q really encouraged logical thinking. Good chart here for critical thought stuff


u/emyrylde has a good link posted for open source Intel IIRC


u/SaveAmerica2021 has a Trump Tweet Archive they posted

https://greatawakening.win/p/13zMnZR1So/x/c/4JEXsc2zPHw https://www.thetrumparchive.com/

I believe that a VOAT search was offered here by u/Fringe--dweller


Track US Senate Stock Trades


I was looking for the Q Proofs PDF download area & can't recall where I saved the link, or maybe it was shared by a deleted account. I hope someone else can help you find that list. It was amazing & really showed the concept of "how many coincidences before it is mathematically impossible". If I find it, I will share that too.

edit below - All in the sidebar, not easily seen on mobile devices. Q Proofs


Q Proof PDF


Law of War info (Q told us to learn)


Personally I continue to see prophecy (biblical via end day in Revelations of John & Apocrypha (some Christian religions still use it as cannon) happening. I am convinced this MAGA movement is the young lion foretold in the time of Daniel by the prophet Ezra (2nd book of Esdras) when he described a line of kings that seems to line up with starting at the President after Calvin Coolidge, one of the greatest was Coolidge IMO. Hoover is the first, who started the FBI. It accurately calls out FDR as 4 terms with none other serving as long, JFK, Nixon & then Trump being removed before they should have. Biden will be removed sooner than Trump was (might have already been removed depending on the data your believe) & then the 3 Eagle heads end up getting swallowed up by each other & then the little thorn with the eyes & mouth takes control before the young lion chases the beast away to the land of Gentiles.

Seeing what has happened & how the plan lines up with this pretty well gives me unshaken hope that we will see better days soon. I just don't know if we are nearing the end of the times of trouble, or if we are about to enter them for a short time when the Anti Christ makes war with the Saints/followers of Jesus/Christians.

No matter what, God wins & Q has a phenomenal track record. The greatest thing was teaching us to question everything & follow the data/info/truth.

HonestBobbin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Historical note. PDW comes from the old Reddit sub that could not be controlled or stopped r/The_Donald

Q posts were frequently discussed & shared there. It was an exciting time. I only casually followed after pedes dropped Q info they saw on the chans & o would go look after the fact.

I should have gotten active at that time & learned as other original Anons did during the drops instead of lurking & learning on the side.

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep. Clinton destroyed higher education affordability. I need to look up the act he put into effect that essentially destroyed the ability to declare bankruptcy on bad education in colleges & essentially gave colleges/universities a blank check via tuition & books. Now there is no financial check on woke/BS classes.

Now that I know more about publishing companies & how money is laundered through them, this makes me even more suspicious of the high price of those higher education books.

In the end, students lose. They lose a compelled quality education & they lose out on an affordable education.

HonestBobbin 4 points ago +4 / -0


I believe he is a dedicated Deciple to the best of his understanding. A prophet he is not.

That said, I will gladly support any brother in Christ that I am able to & believe he is fulfilling many end time prophecies.

HonestBobbin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well... He did oppose the Intel Community. Historically that does seem to be a crime in their eyes. Seems every federal agency feels the same way.

HonestBobbin 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'll be that guy. This just seems dishonest, though I guess you can use your loan funds for anything you want if the bank gives it to you to spend at your own discretion.

That said, I wonder if the high price of tuition & forced application acceptance has already been used by crooked campaign finance groups to do exactly this.

Very interesting concept indeed. Thaks for the share BB.

HonestBobbin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh there are certainly coincidences in life, though when does it become mathematically impossible for coincidence to be random vs planned out? I look at it the way I was taught by a very smart friend decades ago.

One is interesting. Two is suspicious. Three is a pattern.

Edit - So if Trump does something with a slurpee on that day, it will fall squarely into sus territory, though still plausible that it isn't planned. If the CEO of 7-11 endorses Trump that day & the slurpee thing happens with Trump too, that would be a pattern where I figure it is planned.

HonestBobbin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hopefully we will be able to cure everyone once all of this evil is fully understood by everyone in the world.

Prayers will be added for them as well. It was so sad to hear my grandmother tell us about a weird man in her house that wouldn't leave & my grandfather telling her that her joke wasn't funny. He just couldn't understand a severely broken mind since he was as mentally sharp the day he died as he was in his twenties.

HonestBobbin 6 points ago +6 / -0

Glad they are ready to accept that things are going to backfire bigly & we will see some massive changes.

Still praying for you fren. Hope all is going well over there.

HonestBobbin 1 point ago +1 / -0

The young lion is waking & will chase that three headed swamp beast away.

Watching this happen in real time & trying to figure it all out is so much fun.

HonestBobbin 2 points ago +2 / -0


Ah the hug GIF isn't working.

u/Qanaut Any chance you know why u/# trumpflag isn't loading properly?

I mean I guess I could use the one above it in your super thread here. Maybe it is just my phone...

Until it is figured out - u/#catdance

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