JessWithTheMess 3 points ago +3 / -0

With 2200 delegates already pledged to Trump, who only needed 1200 to win the nomination, with the convention itself a little over a month away - it’s very unlikely, almost impossible at this point for Trump not to get the nomination.

JessWithTheMess 4 points ago +5 / -1

Precedent only becomes precedent, once there is follow up/subsequent action. Until there’s corresponding action, calling it precedent before it actually is, is not accurate/guarantee.

JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn’t say she hadn’t. Did you read the comment above mine that I was replying to, asking to remove all non-native born Americans?

JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +2 / -1

Do you think Trump would stay if Melania had to go back?

JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are a lot of genes that shouldn’t be passed on - genes associated with low IQ, mental illness, obesity, physical abnormalities like thin skin, pattern baldness, lazy eyes and warts - hell, some people are ugly as shit… but no one stops them from procreating and passing on shitty genes, especially those that make the selfish choice to procreate having genetic health issues. We’re not God, leave that decision up to Him.

JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pockets of shithole cities is a stretch considering half of North Jersey has a lot of cities with average salaries you would never see: like Montclair, Livingston, Short Hills/Millburn, Harrison, Fort Lee, Bergen County, Hoboken etc. but they also have some shithole cities like Newark, Orange, Irvington, etc.

JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn’t say that either… If someone’s opinion was “Trump supporters are stupid” and another person pointed out the flaws in that individual’s statement, doesn’t mean they’re implying opinion is flawless.

JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +1 / -0

Never said you couldn’t have one, just pointing out the flaws in it.

JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes you are, you are literally arguing the police’s other potential encounters - that have nothing to do with this military officer and his RIGHT to own and possess his legal firearm in his own home. The cop did not know a lot of things and his fear compounds the safety risk and danger HE posed on other civilians. If you cannot assess properly, between a law abiding civilian and an eminent danger/threat before taking action - you do not need to have a gun (whether police or not) and you do not need to be on the police force. Civilians rights and their right to life, liberty, and freedom come before your personal fears. An officer cannot kill you because he “fears” you, while you are obeying the law, in your own home. End of story.

JessWithTheMess 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah even the occupation zones in colleges! Was that even a thing before, the youth is definitely protesting hard against Israel, all over the country. Hell even Biden is changing his tune on Israel, and he’s the slowest to grasp shit out the bunch by far!

JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m going by the body cam footage when the officer visibly stepped to the side after announcing himself. When you kill law abiding citizens in their home, you are the bad guy - no matter whether you are police or a home invader. You don’t get to pick and choose when the 2nd amendment is granted and no one should get shot for a constitutional right in their own home! You’re just siding with the police for the sake of.

JessWithTheMess 3 points ago +3 / -0

What do you mean, cause I see them doing it all over the country.

JessWithTheMess 4 points ago +4 / -0

He could not hear the officer and only heard the knocks, this is substantiated by the witness as well. When the airman got no response after calling out, as the officer obsecured himself after knocking the first time and was walking around the unit to attempt to look inside, that’s when the airman got the door.

This is not the expected outcome of answering your own door with a legally owned gun in hand, otherwise the 2nd amendment is null and void.

JessWithTheMess 4 points ago +4 / -0

Your option 1a is exactly what happened, so to say very unlikely is ridiculous. The airman didn’t hear him at first, even the witness substantiated this, and just heard the hard knocks on the door. The officer visibly obscures himself after announcing himself the first time - something many home invaders do. The airman called out to the police (while the officer was walking around the side of the unit) and the officer never answered, prompting the airman to get his gun.

Having your own gun on your property is not grounds to shoot someone, otherwise the 2nd amendment is null and void. The cop was suppose to give instruction and then shoot if the gun is pointed at him. It’s very obvious the cop is wrong and I’m not sure if it’s like some PTSD instinct to completely disagree with the majority or most people, but there’s no denying this. The cop was wrong, as hell. People from all party lines, age, careers, and other demographics that all agree on this.

JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anyone can say they are police, that’s used for home invasions all the time. He identified as police and then obscured himself from the peephole.

Not to mention the airman has a right to carry his own gun on his own property - 2nd amendment AND the police were at the wrong door. I don’t think I even referenced or alluded to skin color.

JessWithTheMess 0 points ago +1 / -1

Beyond the reality of the complete lack of justice, the possibility or expectation that any vindication/progression from this same judicial system, is futile. The option that this may not be the means to the end, especially considering there’s anons who may think otherwise and expect a DECLAS or some type of reverse prosecution. If anything would be demoralizing, it’s the repeated, ridiculous, blaring injustices than just making comments acknowledging it.

JessWithTheMess 1 point ago +2 / -1

We’re here because of the plan, in which we need to consider all options, alternatives and the realities of these issues… not for gUd ViBeZ.

JessWithTheMess 0 points ago +1 / -1

Islam spawned and existed since Ishmael left Abraham. This isn’t even true cause the first Christian didn’t exist until Christ was born.

JessWithTheMess 2 points ago +2 / -0

If we’re gonna make fun, let it be accurate - This is at University of Ottawa, not Columbia University in New York or University of Columbia in British Columbia, Canada

JessWithTheMess 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s better than cheering on Israel, knowing how evil they are, because the “libs don’t like them”. There’s plenty anons who have said as much, and I’d consider us well informed.

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