KnockKnockItsJinx 2 points ago +2 / -0

Your last paragraph is why most Christians are freaking out. It feels like a blessing to me personally, that I don't have an issue merging physics with spirituality. One does not exclude the other. I believe this will be proven true. Nothing that is revealed is going to change for me the fact that when I needed saving Jesus was there for me and guides and angels are always, it seems, listening.

KnockKnockItsJinx 2 points ago +2 / -0

How heavenly would that be?? Boggles the mind. All of a sudden a great deal of insanity would unravel.

KnockKnockItsJinx 4 points ago +4 / -0

He is quite correct our government is highly involved in the movement of stolen children around the world. I will NEVER forget a photo I saw of a very tiny newborn baby shoved in a deep pocket of camo pants. Just it's little face showing. One thing very obvious... he didn't belong there.

KnockKnockItsJinx 5 points ago +5 / -0

I remember how it was before the CIA removed the shah of Iran. Had some young Iranian college friends of my sister's around. The regime since then threw 8the country back into the dark ages! My cousin married an Iranian and has 2 sons. They lived in Tehran. When she realized what was coming, in order to not have herself and the boys be prisoners in country, she had to flee with them over the mountains at night into Afghanistan under gunfire. Which meant she had to escape her husband as well. None of then saw him again. He was arrested.

KnockKnockItsJinx 2 points ago +2 / -0

The avian flu test kits are bogus. False positives to support narrative.

KnockKnockItsJinx 8 points ago +8 / -0

That is correct. "Their" long covid is the vaxx injury scenario. However, the so called covid illness is a dinked with flu illness weaponized and as such is in fact a bioweapon. And if you caught it, it could have some stubborn after-effects that hang on. Ivermectin, zinc D3 and C for a few months takes care of it. Can add hcq to that also. Speaking from experience. I could certainly tell that a biological weapon had gotten into my body.

KnockKnockItsJinx 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yep. They are actual friends who like to drink vodka and eat oysters together, and talk about Biden and laugh and laugh and laugh.

KnockKnockItsJinx 1 point ago +1 / -0

Even people who don't believe in fire and brimstone think just tossing away your life os a mistake. She should try the micro dosing ketamine treatment for depression first.

KnockKnockItsJinx 1 point ago +1 / -0

The real ET's are going to be pissed as hell to see Blue Beam crafts, human-animal lab creatures and AI masquerading as the real thing. The whole thing is so embarrassing to me. Jeez.

KnockKnockItsJinx 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lots of those shiny gold mylar dick and balls balloons full of something evil and drones pop the balloons over the parade??

KnockKnockItsJinx 2 points ago +4 / -2

Juicy tidbits over the past few years, so scattered in source that I don't have specific sauce, but to me the most pertinent are: Cabal humans and hybrids can leave Earth to escape capture via a Mars portal under the Vatican. There is LOTS on Mars and the moon. The density of Earth is rising out of 3D. The ability of host-seeking dark entities to feed off of humans is decreasing, as our density rises. They are perishing and writhing and pissed off. If you think the world has gone mad this is why. There are places on Earth that are already 4D. There are many parallel dimensions right here on Earth. The 90% of our brains we "do not use" has EVERYTHING. Our genetics were hijacked and dinked with. Welcome the truth, every bit of it, no matter how scary it seems. We are part of an alliance. We will not flounder around alone in this. It really doesn't matter if this sounds too far fetched. Time will reveal. The Vatican has the Emerald Tablets hidden from humanity. If we get access to the vaults, our ignorance will end.

KnockKnockItsJinx 2 points ago +2 / -0

What a flu wussy.

KnockKnockItsJinx 4 points ago +5 / -1

Yes I have a hard time believing Elon Musk would actually make a colossal misjudgement like EV's, ESPECIALLY SUCH UGLY ONES. Good grief. This just doesn't feel legit.

KnockKnockItsJinx 1 point ago +1 / -0

All I need to know from The Vatican is their actual acknowledgement of their Reptilian symbology and for them to publicly disclose the unredacted Emerald Tablets that they have in their underground archives,and, to show how they operate the portal downstairs.

KnockKnockItsJinx 3 points ago +3 / -0

GOOD. This is really really important! I want Tucker and Russell Brand, A J and Elon to all be publicly airing rhis

KnockKnockItsJinx 5 points ago +5 / -0

Glad I watched. It strengthened my resolve ro survive all this shit and be able to see the heads roll.

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