MemeToDeath2021 2 points ago +3 / -1

You are saying that Trump engineered a ‘coup’ to remove Biden, arrest the Deep State, and force SCOTUS to affirm the military remedy while IN PRISON with all his comms monitored? You must be a “conspiracy theorist”!

-MAGA to Lefties after Trump made POTUS

MemeToDeath2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Excellent account.

The Astor group I view as the beginning of Q, but that's uncertain.

This is VERY interesting. It may not be the Q group, but there appears to have been a covert movement to counter foreign agents in US started in 1825 (due to events of 1812-1818) with the publication of “Military Laws of the United States” in late 1824, early 1825 (prior to March 4, suspected). This document appears to incorporate the original 13th Amendment TONA stripping foreign agents of citizenship, and I suspect Andrew Jackson involved as “shadow player on military side”. https://greatawakening.win/p/16aTa2w00Z/checkmate-deep-state-bitches-mil/c/

Note that 1824 election of JQA is suspected to have been rigged by British intelligence using numerous foreign agents to prevent Jackson (remarkably similar to 2020).

I concur that TONA, 13th was ratified prior to 1816. I have found documents from the 1810-1819 time period that indicate that. It appears it was re-ratified via publication by General Assy on Jan 30, 1824 with Indiana becoming #18 of 24 (75%), just prior to Secty of Defense approving above military laws publication. Timing probably not coincidental.

MemeToDeath2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well said. Agreed on lessons learned, and clearly Hitler was on a rug that could be pulled out from under him at any time in at least 2 ways.

Hitler appears to have been targeting bankers directly. Accounts of ‘Battle of Britain’ in old encyclopedias keep talking about “Central London” being bombed by Germans (i.e. separate City of London Corp banker HQ). And it appears the Germans went after Swedish central bankers directly as well. But you are right, too many hidden nodes to defeat them all.

MemeToDeath2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tongue-in-cheek and noticing the ‘34’ comms. Appears to be “double divine” 2 x 17 = 34.

What is 17? Is it God, alpha and omega, beginning and end, 1 and 0 = 10 plus divine 7 to get 17?

MemeToDeath2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep. Use one side to scare the hell out of the population and drive them left into controlled opposition, tyranny ratchet 1 locked. Then use the other side to scare the hell out of everyone and drive them right into OTHER controlled opposition, tyranny ratchet 2 locked. Repeat until at tyranny ratchet 10. Ping-pong PANIC, constant state of fear.

3rd Party play tried multiple times, and successfully quashed by 2 Party corporations EACH TIME. Impossible to dislodge because they are Corporations domiciled in DC (foreign territory), just like Amer. Bar Assoc. and all its state franchise foreign agents (all bar members).

MemeToDeath2021 1 point ago +2 / -1

Nice add. Definitely not new. Circle image was borrowed and edited from unknown source. I didn’t know it had a name, but not claiming original idea, only claiming re-presentaion of the concept as direct challenge to mainstream line spectrum “consensus” by experts which appears to be ridiculously WRONG in a pure buffoonery way.

MemeToDeath2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

He was probably right as we appear to be seeing right now that only a worldwide military alliance between US-Russia-China and others has allowed the rollback of the bankers achieved so far.

Hitler likely fell into a trap or was betrayed, but even so nearly pulled off a brute force removal of London bankers which would have been World Changing. I suspect he got blindsided by the cabal bankers hiding in Switzerland and Sweden conspiring against him.

MemeToDeath2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Compiling and putting pieces together still.

Listening to ‘Breaking History’ (Wed) on Badlands Media on Rumble. They list many of their sources, well-vetted. They have great research on 1. Origins of CIA/KGB, 2. Probable murder of Stalin as payback for purges (possibly Operation Gladio within SU related?), 3. Hitler attacking-removing the central bankers, and 4. Interesting operations by both Hitler and Stalin in Ukraine and Eastern Europe during WW2.

Older printed encyclopedias like 1949? Ency Americana also have extensive details on WW2 European activities that have since all been deleted from history and the internet.

MemeToDeath2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

It appears to be a bit of a language game by the writers of the history to intentionally distort. This is likely why much of our history sounds like nonsensical bullshit. Probably only 30% of what is written is true going back 100 years, and even less the further back you go.

MemeToDeath2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is the whole point of the post. It is called “Fascism” or “Communism” but is really the same thing. Traditionally, fascism is “centralized corporate control” of economy assumed to be “rightwing” and communism is “centralized gov’t control” of economy assumed to be “leftwing”. They are both really attempts at centralized control by different means.

We are currently in a very odd “breakdown” resulting in Fasco-Communism where they have merged and international corporations appear to control the US gov’t which then controls domestic corporations.

It is represented as a straight line to Totalitarianism right down the center of the circle from the top point of the circle which would be “decentralized control” of both economy and gov’t. In that case it collapses back down to a line spectrum, but it is important to understand its components, imo.

MemeToDeath2021 4 points ago +4 / -0

Visualization of “controlled opposition dynamics” (a.k.a. Uniparty).

The political spectrum is a circle (not a line) with “Individual Rights” at the top and Totalitarian State with zero “Individual Rights” at the bottom. It matters not to the globalists whether you end up at the bottom by going right or left, only that you get there.

Used in practice in Germany/US destruction?: https://greatawakening.win/p/17tKncjOpY/the-doublelayer-commienazi-us-de/

MemeToDeath2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

A coin has 2-sides, but it is the same coin no matter which face you look at. If you only see the face, and do not know it is a coin, then each side looks like something different in 2D.

The 3D “coin” is Totalitarianism with a “Communist” face and a “Fascist” face, both designed by globalist-funded groups, and then stamped by the City-of-London Rothschild mint onto a two-sided Royal metal, maritime blank “blessed” by the Vatican.

MemeToDeath2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Expert “history” tells us that “it was all about Poland”, meaning that this is likely only part of the story, is my argument here. More to the story that cabal does not want revealed. New York Times and Time Magazine both sudden and dramatic switch from celebrating both Stalin and Hitler to making them Evil Dictators is BIG flag that at some point they went “off the reservation” and became “enemies of the bankers”.

MemeToDeath2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Stalin was Nationalist thug, apparently. There appeared to be a Soviet Deep State of foreign agents controlled by British intelligence that Stalin kept purging along with anyone else accidently rolled up in them. (Brute force with little discrimination).

Soviet Deep State kept reconstituting itself after Stalin purges, and MI-6 hit their target date of Stalin removal via poisoning just prior to QE2 coronation in 1953.

MemeToDeath2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Note that Hitler and Stalin appeared to “coordinate” a 1,2 punch directly through Ukraine (even when “at war”), depopulating key parts of it both on the way in AND on the way out. Coincidence that two anti-banker, anti-globalist, nationalist leaders sequentially steamrolled the historical Khazarian homeland (western half) of those very same globalist bankers?

MemeToDeath2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excellent tie to Treaty of Versailles. Clearly ToV very specifically designed to create future conflict. Most major world events 1912-1948 appear to have been “engineered” by cabal for desired outcomes.

MemeToDeath2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some evidence we are in iteration #3 of the STEAL-WAR-RIG-PANDEMIC operation [US] first run 1812-1818 and then again in 1912-1918 and 2012-2018 (with 1-2 year delay on 2019-2020 major “pandemic” due to Trump).

“1818, 1918, 2018: Two Centuries of Pandemics”: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30511884/

‘12-STEAL/PRINT money to bribe infiltrate

‘14-WAR through hook or crook

‘16-RIG election to change policy

‘18-PANDEMIC blamed on war; faked with bribed, installed politicians and modified policies

MemeToDeath2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whole conflict with Soviets does not make sense at all and was blamed on “incompetence” and “mistakes” just like Napolean’s “mistake” a hundred years prior. I suspect manipulation, deception, treason, or a combination of all 3.

MemeToDeath2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

A coin has 2-sides, but it is the same coin no matter which face you look at. If you only see the face, and do not know it is a coin, then each side looks like a different thing.

The “coin” is Totalitarianism with a “Communist” face and a “Fascist” face, both designed by globalist-funded groups, and then stamped onto a two-sided Royal metal blank by the City-of-London Rothschild mint.

MemeToDeath2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

That appears to be part of the historical context and may be one of the reasons. I postulate there were multiple reasons, and likely bigger ones than that one. Obviously, A REASON was needed as justification, but implications of M-R were very big.

Churchill lost his shit and went all-out to undo it once he found out. London bankers nearly lost all their assets anyway (Battle of Britain softening of City of London for focused German invasion) after much of non-Swiss Rothschild wealth seized by Hitler in France, Belgium, and Austria. Churchill needed Germans and Soviets fighting to effectively save London bankers (without Americans). They absolutely COULD NOT have a NONAGRESSION PACT.

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