RubyDiamondSapphire 1 point ago +1 / -0

Click the qagg.news link on the sideboard and type Maggie into the search. (Note: some posts refer to Maggie Nixon, but most are referring to Haberman.)

RubyDiamondSapphire 4 points ago +4 / -0

Cuz, dat ain’t duh Beach…it’s “Down the Shore”!!! IYKYK! 😉

by lsdQ
RubyDiamondSapphire 1 point ago +1 / -0

This article was from 2021.

RubyDiamondSapphire 10 points ago +10 / -0

What a deceitful Headline! 🤬Trump Media was one of the victims of this Company, but this implies Trump Media was involved in the fraud! You can’t hate MSM enough!!!

RubyDiamondSapphire 5 points ago +5 / -0

The X account In2thinair has been talking about this phenomenon for a while:


RubyDiamondSapphire 5 points ago +5 / -0

One comment on Gaetz’s post:

  1. Create crisis.
  2. Exercise sweeping authoritarian control.

This is why we are seeing this coordinated effort across our Nation.

RubyDiamondSapphire 22 points ago +22 / -0

Tell your story to LibsofTiktok on X. Her platform is huge.

RubyDiamondSapphire 8 points ago +8 / -0

And just like that, MSM, in unison, is telling people to sell! They sure like to help the Shorts!!!

RubyDiamondSapphire 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, they have it all! Evidence of Treason, Sedition, Seditious Conspiracy, Collusion against a sitting President. It will be horrifying to see how much evil they were planning. May God continue to bless and protect Trump, our Nation, and our World!

RubyDiamondSapphire 18 points ago +18 / -0
  1. Today’s dramatic TIE vote on the Biggs Amendment (non-passage was determined by SOH Republican Johnson, of all people!) certainly educated Americans about FISA.
  2. It also fractured both Parties…i.e. certain Dems and Republicans bizarrely teamed up, and uncharacteristically did not vote according to Party Lines.
  3. But, it’s not over, as one brave Congresswoman employed a rarely used tactic, and there will be another vote on the “Main Bill” on Monday, 4/15. Will it pass? Or will it somehow get delayed in making it to the Senate before the old FISA Bill expires? (Tick tock.)
  4. After his historically determinative vote to allow the FBI unprecedented surveillance on Americans in direct defiance of the 4th Amendment, SOH Johnson then flew to meet President Trump for a “prearranged meeting about Election Security”, complete with a picture of Trump “scowling” at Johnson.
  5. What makes a good movie? Great actors?

From #3966, note the brackets, not parentheses.

FISA lead-in [stage 1 act1]

Per Q, FISA works both ways. BIGGer than you can imagine! 😎🇺🇸

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