merf 10 points ago +10 / -0

I'm convinced that healthcare is a multi-layer scam and most people are only wise to the outer most layers (if that)

  1. Make people think that God hasn't given us what we need to be healthy (plants, resources, intelligence, companionship, etc.)

  2. Make people think that decades of study and accreditation are needed to understand health and make health decisions.

  3. Make people think that because health is valuable and hard to understand, caring for your health must be expensive.

  4. Make people think that because they imagine healthcare is expensive, that insurance for healthcare must be necessary.

  5. Make people think that because they imagine healthcare is expensive and that they imagine insurance is needed for exorbitant expenses, that said insurance must also be expensive.

  6. Make people think that only the government could cover something so expensive as health insurance because their income never could.

And that's how you pay $20k a year for "health insurance" that rarely pays on claims, for "healthcare" that just makes you sick and frustrated, and why your doctors and nurses work in very nice buildings and drive very nice cars..

merf 2 points ago +2 / -0

In a November 2021 interview with Kara Swisher, Buzbee said the journalistic independence of the Post from its billionaire owner Jeff Bezos was "never in question at any point" during her hiring process.

Beats me, but figured track the resignations.


merf 10 points ago +10 / -0

There's definitely a different appearance to the words OP marked.


You can see it with the forensics tools if you're skeptical of your peepers.

merf 3 points ago +3 / -0

Holy shit, he specifically seems to confirm ownership of 120k the June 21st $20 calls...


The only thing that is suspect to me--and this may be a unit conversion matter-- is that my humble little Fidelity terminal shows total open interest on this call at ~22k contracts. Yahoo does show ~144k though:


Maybe that's 22k contracts within Fidelity?

merf 7 points ago +7 / -0

This would be an excellent precedent to set.

Billions in campaign value were given to Clinton & Biden through Google, Facebook, etc.

merf 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wouldn't say I'm "falling for it", but simply recognizing that language matters, and that ridding language of implicit subservience is part of achieving agency.


  1. Acceptance or approval of what is planned or done by another; acquiescence. synonym: permission.
  1. Agreement as to opinion or a course of action.

If someone classifies another as "elite", and said elite considers themselves so, that would be an agreement as to opinion. It's the more archaic definition, but these power structures have been around a long time...

Even phrases such as "them" and "us/our" are disempowering, because it ties a person who desires agency with people they believe do not.

A person can't change their state if their language contains them.

merf -2 points ago +1 / -3

But once it's no longer hidden, it would be a form of consent though, aye?

For example, if a group of slaves decided to overthrow their master, they might identify him as "master" for a while, out of habit. But if they had success in achieving their freedom they would at some point no longer refer to him as "master".

merf -2 points ago +1 / -3

I think free-will-of-choice is helping us to understand that the words we use and how we frame our circumstances, both determine our status in the world.

So when the term "deep state" is used, we in a sense speak and consent a higher power into existence. By identifying it as something beyond our control we've already lost the battle (will to fight). I think terms like "legacy media" are the way to break out of this kind of thinking.

TBH free-will-of-choice should have some sort of icon on their name. Lots of great word analysis in their post history...

merf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thx for this fren. There are so many antagonistic entities above/around/among us that it becomes hard to separate and it's a good exercise to step back and really attempt to sort out what's what.

Why does Pike stand out so much from these other leaders we never hear about?



In the Illuminati card game you have The Bavarian Illuminati, The Discordian Society, The UFOs, The Servants of Cthulhu, The Bermuda Triangle, and The Gnomes of Zürich, who I suppose are to represent these competing factions?

merf 7 points ago +7 / -0

I normally don't begrudge people getting some of their stolen tax dollars back, but this bunch...

merf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly I don't recall any LL activity since the tarmac incident.

merf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Scott is definitely on our side. He creates offramps from cabal narratives.

IIRC I even took one of those offramps in the early days of the Trump presidency.

merf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah very doable but I think we may want to prepare for the possibility that Trump is not on the ballot as an R and we have to do write-ins.

TBH it makes so much sense that I'd be shocked if that wasn't the outcome.

Firstly, it's important for conservatives to understand that the Republican party is filled with traitors. Not just in the sense of policy, but genuine McCain grade treason is widespread. White hats need people to understand that voting is not enough, and that we need to take the reigns of our government rather than deferring.

Secondly, voting machine fraud is still out there. Hand counts are the only way to ensure a fair vote. Forcing all Trump voters to do a write-in makes that easy to accomplish.

The RNC kicking Trump off the ballot accomplishes both these tasks.

merf 6 points ago +6 / -0

Surprised he didn't mention that the door is now wide open for minorities to vote conservative. The illegal immigration, inflation, and rainbow shit drove them away.

merf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good Change = GC

GC = FBI General Counsel


Maybe wants us to read up on the history of the General Counsel position? It's pretty juicy:


And looks like some of what's going on is being covered up as a sexual harassment/discrimination sort of thing, rather than the more likely explanation of white hat vs. cabal turf war.


Looks like a man.


Preceded them and was one of the people who stated Trump was unfit to serve.

Larry R. Parkinson has no info.

Howard Shapiro -- ok this one is interesting. He tipped off the Clintons about an investigation into them and was subsequently fired.


His quote in leaving was also fascinating, why did he emphasize the women in the FBI first?

"It was a privilege to have worked with Louie Freeh and the fine women and men of the FBI."

Richard J. Salgado -- was interim, is it this guy? https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/10-31-17%20Salgado%20Testimony.pdf

Thomas Collingwood -- not seeing anything interesting, seems to have left after 9/11

Beyond that things start to get blurry to the point that the AI might be making people up...

Carlisle Hubbard?

Herman Phleger?

merf 4 points ago +4 / -0


RR = Rod Rosenstein

TT = Trump Tower

LL = Loretta Lynch?


#1866 hints that Trump Tower was bugged (I presume).


Maybe get ready for some Loretta Lynch news?

merf 3 points ago +3 / -0

Rigged Trial Lower

Reason Truth Love

RTL twice..

18 20 12

Feels like there must be something there but I can't find it...

merf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Maybe. But betting on incremental progress w/respect to this stuff has always paid off more than expecting "the big one" to land..

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