nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0


Resolution, color and motion stabilized AI version of zapruder film shows something flew off jfk's head that Jackie reached across JFK to retrieve, rather than going to him. Jay Weidner says it was a hollywood squib. To make JFK appear to be assassinated.

That they set up Lee Harvey Oswald as the patsy, had him murder officer JD Tippit who was a 'dead ringer' / lookalike for JFK and that he was used in jfk's place with the autopsy. Then jack ruby killed oswald because oswald was aware of the op and ruby allegedly was working for mob the fed was using. Then they killed jack ruby in jail because he knew of the cover up of the op. JFK then was "killed" quote unquote by cia working with the mafia or possibly against the mafia. The CIA covered it all up though

This is the jay weidner "JFK X" conspiracy theory I'm explaining. Not syaing its' true but it's an interesting hypothetical. The AI enhanced zapruder thing really DOES change everything. Weidner says JFK team had foreknowledge of the assassination atttempt by cia+mob, and hijacked their op, killed the killers they flipped, and then jfk fucked off to jackie's dad's island to live out the rest of his life

nothingberg 4 points ago +4 / -0

They are trying to justify their use of Stratospheric aerosol injections aka <redacted>trails

nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0

All the sand fleas that were biting beagles eyes in Fauci's experiment stopped for lunch and pulled out tiny little violas and played a melancholic, lachrimonious dirge for her

nothingberg 10 points ago +10 / -0

Its when Fauci snapped, 'what's the doougs (dogs) got to do with what we're talking about"

MTG should have not simply shown the dogs but named the experiment: "Where your approved experiment allowed sand fleas to bite dogs eyes until they were howling in pain constantly, until your researchers cut out their vocal cords"

You get THAT on camera, and it would have totally F'd Fauci's reputation

Because america doesn't tolerate torturing animals. They'd see him differently

They'd seem him as the absolute psychopathic jesuit goblin he is.

I wager that 95% of people on the left are COMPLETELY unaware of this dog experiment. This was MTG's chance to inform them and she did very badly

nothingberg 5 points ago +5 / -0


  • Trump says "any republican that doesn't help me now, is going to regret it."
  • Trump becomes president, acquires their blackmail control files
  • Trump creates a fake cyber hack from Russia
  • Trump has ALL the blackmail control files released thru a third party as a clandestine operation
  • Trump says they're investigate it, but looks like a false flag from the democrat run FBI since it was only republicans
  • Every R resigns in disgrace
  • Trump orders DOJ to pursue lawsuits to seize their assets (DOJ is Giuliani)
  • All the Rs are in court for 3 yrs
  • Evidence of FBI false flag comes out, except its fake and was planted by CIA
  • Trump dissolves the FBI for the false flag, fires everyone, prosecutes some
  • 2nd traunch of leak and this time it's the D's
  • Many D's resign in disgrace
  • Trump DOJ goes after the D's. If DOJ leader doesn't do it, Trump fires them and jails them for misprision of treason / misprision of felony / obstruction of justice
  • NSA comes forward shows evidence the FBI plot was planted by the CIA
  • Trump dissolves the CIA, arrests and asset forfeitures those responsible
  • Someone close to Kash Patel and Gen Michael Flynn in the intel agency comes forward from the DIA, showing that the NSA masterminded this whole thing with several layers.
  • There is now a multi-agency audit of NSA and other 17 agencies that forces every employee to report to a facility with an fMRI with a hybrid neuroscientist+AI panel for evaluations, to see if there are a) brain chips, b) brain anomalies, c) psychopath brain pattern, d) and they undergo a thorough fealty test to we the people while under fMRI called particle polygraphy test, and it asks them about this plot and any participation in blackmail schemes or fifth column activities.
  • If any problems with fMRI tests found, they are purged
nothingberg 2 points ago +2 / -0


  • Free / Pardon / Clemency Assange and Snowden and other NSA whistleblowers
  • Release Seth Rich Laptop image at FBI, fully unredacted and declassed
  • Declass / unredact and release the UFO / X file
nothingberg 0 points ago +3 / -3

So, not dooming. How do we stop this NOW



nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is no secret maga army....

who do you think donated to him??

nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0

In other words, Poland, Germany, Turkey (yes, NATO), finland, sweden...they're all fucked

nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0

This video is not worth your time

It's everything you already know and think but much more rambling

nothingberg 1 point ago +1 / -0





Jesse Ventura

Kash Patel (their campain can be 'Trump with an abundance of Kash')

nothingberg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Like a good gaybor, state pharm is there

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