photobuf 6 points ago +6 / -0

Genesis 6, according to the ancient writings of the Jewish Rabbis, the Fallen angels took human form and took wives of the daughters of men and the women had children of a mixed breed called the Nephilim. NOT what God had intended and according to Peter and Jude, the ones that did this are locked away awaiting judgement. The flood was to wipe them out and all of mankind except for Noah and his family. Noah, his sons and his wife were perfect in their generations meaning their bloodline was not corrupted. We are not told that this happened after the flood but the problem could have come through the bloodline of Ham's wife. The Nephilim were found in the land that Ham settled called Canaan. The angels that sinned may have drank human blood in order to have sex with women. The LIFE is in the blood. It was said the Nephilim ate human flesh and drank human blood---something the elite are known to do. The Nephilim had six fingers and six toes on their hands and feet. I wonder how many of them have this little detail?

photobuf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just one of the many photos and my Ex father in law was a witness to the death camps. To say it did not happen is Nazi propaganda. I don't know how many died but there were death camps. https://www.life.com/history/behind-the-picture-the-liberation-of-buchenwald-april-1945/

photobuf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why wouldn't the Red Cross be trying to hide what was going since we know their track record regarding Haiti and others around the world. I would never trust anything that comes from a Rothschild corporation!

photobuf 6 points ago +7 / -1

Look at the history of Islam around the world and you BETTER be afraid of them coming to power!

photobuf 1 point ago +8 / -7

So now the Red Cross is a truthful organization as long as it goes with the right narrative? Come on MAN!

photobuf 4 points ago +4 / -0

1957 to 2024 is not 70 years.

photobuf 3 points ago +3 / -0

Her best bet is to repent before she dies---if she does not, eternity in the lake of fire is a LONG TIME!

photobuf 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have no doubt the NY trial was to wake up a lot of normies to the broken justice system but this is something someone put together from FG's letter.

photobuf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Scientist say an apocalyptic bird flu vaccine could wipe out half of humanity!

There, I fixed it for you!

photobuf 3 points ago +3 / -0

I look for DJT to buy Tik Tok! Keke

photobuf 4 points ago +4 / -0

The more you relish sin, the more sin you will indulge in. God hates all sin---homosexuality, fornication, theft, lying and a host of others that lead to the second death in the Lake of Fire. Everybody sins but those that belong to Christ repent and ask forgivness.

photobuf 15 points ago +15 / -0

What does God hate more than anything else? Pride. The first sin was Pride by Lucifer. The Gay community embrace Pride and they use the Rainbow as a symbol of theirs. The rainbow was a symbol of God's covenant to the people promising not to flood the earth again. We live in Satan''s world so do not be surprised when people embrace sin.

photobuf 10 points ago +10 / -0

David took 5 stones out of the stream. It only took one for Goliath----ever wonder what the other 4 were for? If you read over in Chronicles, Goliath had FOUR BROTHERS! Keke-----David was ready for all of them!

photobuf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is American Reader following Q or not? Keke

photobuf 5 points ago +5 / -0

Jesus was also seen as a threat to the leaders in His day.

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