recon_johnny1 1 point ago +1 / -0

If it were me, I would use all of my personal unalive facilitators and associated projectiles to ensure that the goathusband was indeed, unalived. Probably from some distance, using an item to see closer and guide those projectiles. I would do anything to make sure I wasn't stopped by other goathusbands before I got to target.

With no way to obtain and keep such unalive facilitators, those in the UK would have to use a stabby thing unalive device, which...brings them in closer contact with all those around the perp goathusband, most likely preventing the unalive from happening.

recon_johnny1 1 point ago +2 / -1

Or would at least listen when shown the damn autopsy. I mean, what the hell does it have to take—at the time—not now, when the damage is way past being done.

recon_johnny1 13 points ago +13 / -0

So…they have benefitted from ignoring the more quality applicants—grade/ACT/SAT-wise, and instead focused on immutable characteristics instead, regardless of how qualified they are.

Textbook definition of racism and discrimination.

Perhaps the White and Asian candidates—deserve—to be there. And the Indians should start at community college, like so many White/Asian people had to, because their spot was stolen by others.

I have no sympathy.

This has been, and will remain, a problem until those racist people are given consequence.

recon_johnny1 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember that 4chan invasion. All of us were, “They did what? Man, I thought we were just getting some decent new content”.

recon_johnny1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. That’s the number of sacrifice needed for them to get their jewish state as deemed by their god.

If only.

As noted here, it’s been mentioned dozens of times in newspapers starting around 1910 (could be earlier, it’s all I remember).

recon_johnny1 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, you lie. I responded to that first comment. You deflected against the jab-because THAT’S what we’re talking about.

Not every other vaccine, not chemtrails, not environmental causes…ad naseum. Things designed to distract and deflect.

You tried to make a case for “hey guys, let’s do a study and look at the results”. It’s already been done, and we’re living it. We all are the sample.

You cannot explain the massive increase in cancer instances, and specifically pancreatic cancer, without looking and that mass event that happened 2-3 years ago. The one we had people gleefully promoting with multiple “boosters” and virtue-signaling coming out of their collective asses. With the 2-3 year incubation period, as noted before.

Nothing else properly explains it. Nothing else has reason—then listen to Klaus and the hand-wringers telling you that the end game is to depopulate and public acceptance of a unknown and malicious “vaccine” is quite literally how they planned it— and we all are living the consequence.

You know it.

I know it.

Everybody knows it.

recon_johnny1 6 points ago +6 / -0

Which folks like this seem to conveniently ignore.

recon_johnny1 7 points ago +7 / -0

are just the common-trolls...no one read this? weird

No, bud. You're the troll here. Or a bot, you're a 1 day account with weird posts and comments.

Before the vax, incident level of -any- cancer remain constant. Afterwards, and specifically to those who took the jab, and it skyrockets exponentially.

Japan has raised serious concerns about these shots due to increase specifically in cancer instances. Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, France, and Germany have either restricted or banned these shots.

The instances of cardiovascular issues and cancer have skyrocketed since the shot. People like you want to follow the "science" (and I rather don't believe you and not being anti-vax--and specifically for this case, regardless of the money it has generated), however you've decided to put blame ANYWHERE but where it should be.

Yes. Insulting. So stop. We all see you.

recon_johnny1 7 points ago +7 / -0

known now as One Nut

Sad, but yeah, has to.

recon_johnny1 3 points ago +3 / -0

People need to read what Martin Luther thought of the Jews;

I was baptized and confirmed as a Lutheran. Even went back to Messiah Lutheran last time I was there.

It was like I was on a foreign planet. Homosexuality, perversion, allowing children to be another sex (all approved under "acceptance, it's what Jesus would do"); no men in any leadership position; the "pastor" was a blue-haired dyke with the aggressive Karen look, many piercings and tats.

I left about 10 mins in. Got on my knees, prayed God to help all those there, and just left.

recon_johnny1 20 points ago +20 / -0

Sure, perhaps some of it.

But it's the f*cking vax. That's the problem, and you, me, and the rest of these people know it. Don't try and give some BS "processed food/dust" nonsense. You're being insulting.

The rate of cancer being prevalent now, especially after that 2-3 year incubation that those responsible have been caught laughing about is what we're seeing.

Pancreatic cancer. Here, this is from the wiki, but sourced:

Pancreatic cancer is among the most deadly forms of cancer globally, with one of the lowest survival rates.

It was done on purpose. Let's not forget.

recon_johnny1 6 points ago +6 / -0

I have no idea what the fuck these "irish" think. WHY THE LITERAL FUCK are they supporting this? Fucking-a, man. I'm so disgusted with White men promoting genocide of their people.

recon_johnny1 7 points ago +7 / -0

Well, America has already been invaded. So, we can't defend ourselves.

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