stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm one of the members who live in Japan. There are a few of us. Not sure what I know a lot about. I'm certainly not an expert on Japan's political situation. They are all corrupt and this country does not have a strong, populist leader. My first time visiting Japan was in '98. I lived here from 2000-2002, and moved back for good in 2012.

stevethefish76 1 point ago +2 / -1

Well, even before the very end, he doesn't hesitate to attempt to murder Asuka for failing to give him her undying love and attention. It's just psychotic. And with a lack of character development arc, by the end of the show he hasn't changed from being a self-loathing creep.

That said, I have to admit that there is a lot to like about Eva. I don't mean to rag on it too much and put you in a defensive position. There were some great episodes, but I'm not alone in noticing that around the 13th episode or so, Anno came off his meds or something and the show got a bit crazy.

stevethefish76 4 points ago +5 / -1

Evangelion is a mixed bag, but I appreciate your love for it. I don't think it can hold a candle to Anno's previous work, Nadia. What's rather interesting is that in Nadia, Atlantis is located in Africa. I've seen YT videos which present very convincing theories that Atlantis was, in fact, located in Africa. Rather mind-blowing and I am sure that proper archaeology will someday prove this.

I love the character designs in Evangelion because I love Sadamoto's art style. He's one of my favorites. All I can say is that if you have never seen Nadia, as a die-hard Eva fan you owe it to yourself to watch it.

As for Eva, I'd recommend watching Retroblasting's critique of the show.


Shinji is a repulsive narcissist. When I was his age, I was convinced that everyone hated me. But I cultivated my character and grew as a person. By the end of Evangelion, Shinji remains a repuslive narcissist, with his hands around Asuka's throat, choking her because he demands love and attention despite never growing as a person.

A Japanese coworker told me that at least Evangelion introduces concepts of Christianity to Japan. I'm not so sure about that, as it only throws around Biblical terms without having any meaning. (Again, the Retroblasting show goes into detail about this.) In Nadia, there is a concept that it was actually Atlantis that wiped out Sodom and Gomorrah. Interesting take, but at least it has some relevance to what the Bible actually says. Evangelion just has weird monsters nailed to giant crosses and attributes words like "Dead Sea Scrolls" to nothing really applicable, making any Biblical references a non-sequitir.

stevethefish76 4 points ago +4 / -0

Kindergartens are for children whose mothers do not work. There are only two kindergrtens left in the small city I live in because everyone has working parents. My wife stayed home until our daughter was nearly 4. She was at the right age when she was craving friendship and even had an imaginary friend. My wife works at a nursery school and sees the 2 year old children who cry for their mamas every morning as they are dropped off. We made sure that this was not going to be the case with our girl.

stevethefish76 8 points ago +8 / -0

u/Purkiss80 made a very interesting post about Elon's plan for Japan.


I've been busy making comments in that thread today, based on my experience with Japan. I haven't had much time to read other posts on GAW yet. IMHO, no "dating app" is going to save Japan. As much as I love this country, it's doomed unless the government and banking system gets a complete overhaul. People have just given up and retreat into their hobbies, many of which seem to be designed to prevent them from relating to others properly.

stevethefish76 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's the whole otaku culture that sucks people's minds into such overboard fantasies that the idea of real life partners will only disappoint them. Go to a comic con in America and you'll see plenty of guys with girlfriends, etc. Look at the characters in that movie Mallrats who are experts on comic books, yet they have girlfriends. Here in Japan, however, male and female otaku are wrapped up in their stupid, secluded bubbles. Look at the manga here that caters to men vs that which caters to women. Mutually exclusive interests. Women read BL manga about fags and men read manga about pinheaded, docile slaves. Male otaku want to go to those stupid maid cafes to hear girls with squeaky voices calling them "master", thus ensuring them that they will not find happiness as real women will disappoint their unrealistic expectations. Fujoshi (female otaku) are programmed to be attracted to gay-looking men with slender faces, V-shaped jawline--- overly-soft-spoken pussies exemplified in boy dance singing groups like BTS (my daughter calls them "LGBTS") and Johnny's Jr. They act so effeminate that it's disgusting. You'll see them spoon-feeding each other in 31 Ice Cream commercials even. It's sick.

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's for sure. Porn is destroying men's minds internationally, but it takes a particular toll on the minds of Japanese men. They're so spineless that I read an article somewhere which said that the porn industry in Japan is having a hard time even finding guys who will participate. They seem to have no problem recruiting young women, but the men are scarce.

stevethefish76 3 points ago +3 / -0

Japan's high average IQ didn't enable them to take FIVE MINUTES to investigate Pfizer' mile-long history of flagrant criminality and billions of dollars paid to the victims of their pharmaceuticals before they collectively FREAKED OUT and lined up to get injected with poison like hysterical ninnies because their damned TVs scared them about a boogeyman virus. I live in Japan and my wife and I do not know many people who did NOT get the Corona-chan injections.

stevethefish76 3 points ago +3 / -0

Your first point cannot be achieved until the second point is addressed. It's no longer feasible for women to be stay-at-home housewives, unless their husbands have very high-paying jobs. The middle class here in Japan is taxed to death and worked to death.

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

Every child in Japan is, by default, already on "welfare." Three times a year, parents are paid 40,000 yen, coming to 120,000 yen per year until the child turns 16. However, much of that money gets spent on bullshit school expenses, such as PTA fees, after school tutoring programs ("cram school"), etc.

stevethefish76 3 points ago +3 / -0

The whole "let's go drinking after work" has faded considerably since the bubble years here in Japan, but it's taken a lingering toll on society. The generation who were the children whose fathers ignored them for the sake of their companies grew up under unhappy parents. To many Japanese, they'd rather immerse themselves in their hobbies.

Another cultural difference is that for an American guy, if he wants pussy, he's gotta go out there and win it. Become assertive, decisive, and romantic. Japan depended on the omiai system of arranged marriage for so long that men never learned how to be romantic. To go out, find a girl on your own, and get married. They had marriages handed to them for far too long and now that arranged marriages have decreased significantly, they are helpless. I've had so many Japanese women tell me that their husbands have never once bought them flowers, nothing special for their birthday, and not even a simple "I love you" on Valentine's Day. Japanese men have told me the same, unabashedly. (And Japan managed to really screw up Valentine's Day as well, making it an impersonal day for women to give chocolate to male coworkers out of obligation.)

And, of course, the central banking system this world is enslaved to ensures that it's no longer possible for a man to learn a trade, have a housewife, have several kids, and provide a good life for them. It's become infeasible to have children for so many. It's been a big shock to me now that our daughter is in high school. The equivalent of a thousand dollars for her school uniform (despite the lack of diamond sequins or anything else that would demand such a price), PE uniforms, $300 worth of textbooks, $450 for a lousy Chromebook computer, $300 per month just to pay for the school, and more. I had no idea it would be so expensive, so we've had to dip into savings. High school is considered a privilege since mandatory education ends at junior high. Then of course there is the whole industry set up around profiting from a child's education. We avoid putting our kid in cram school but there are still other expenses we have to pay because just attending school alone is somehow not enough. It's insane. So, there are many married couples who are childless, like my wife's younger sister.

So yeah, some "dating app" isn't going to cut it unless they make an effort to revamp Japan's society.

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was going to mention this. I've heard that having abortions make future pregnancies difficult.

stevethefish76 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is too late. I live in Japan. Nobody wanted to listen to me. My shitlib American coworkers wouldn't listen to me, nor did the Japanese staff I work with. About half of the faculty at schools I work with still wear fearmasks. I have been told by some people that they will not get any more Covid vaccinations, but the damage is done.

As for me and my family, we never took any of these doom shots. We'd already learned years ago that vaccines are bad. Most everyone else though just blindly believe their stupid TVs without questioning anything. My wife's coworker's family runs a Shinto shrine, and she told me that once the vaccines were introduced, the shrine soon became swamped with funeral requests. But she told me that her coworker and the family believed that it was all due to the cold virus and not the doom shots. It's like they completely failed to realize that nobody was dying at such a high rate during the first year of the viral outbreak, when the virus was supposedly at its maximum strength. The whole situation is stupid and gay.

stevethefish76 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, that is not feasible. 5-9, or even 7-9, I'd have to give up both dinner and breakfast. I don't get home until after 6pm usually, and work starts at 8:30 for me.

stevethefish76 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh, that's what you mean. No, I haven't. My coworker does this. He's become a fatso over the past few years. It doesn't seem to be working for him. I was thinking about maybe trying this by skipping lunch. Haven't gotten around to trying it yet though.

stevethefish76 6 points ago +6 / -0

So I watched one of those advertising sites' videos on weight loss that X22 advertised. It says that caralluma fimbriata root was been traditionally used for appetite suppressing. That website has an all-in-one product that has this ingredient along with other stuff like probiotics, but those sites generally won't ship to Japan for a reasonable shipping rate. I just bought some caralluma from iHerb since I was already putting in an order for some supplements, and got a discount as well as free shipping.

So it's been a few days and I think it's having the right affect on me. The temptation for an afternoon snack has decreased significantly.

stevethefish76 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not to sound like a fag or anything, but the problem is not that Trump paid hush money; but isn't it that he supposedly used campaign money to do so? It's dumb because his campaign money was his own money since he funded his own campaign, making it a moot point and it shows how dumb the whole thing is.

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