tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

You lead such a sheltered life...😂

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

That has been known for years...pictures and all...

tweety51A 18 points ago +18 / -0

I wonder why I don't feel a bit sorry for him...at least he is alive and in good health and VERY wealthy...his victims were not so lucky...a quick death is too good for him...

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hey, Mary,

One of the issues of taking ascorbic acid is the stomach issues. Pauling recommended that if you have these issues...which apparently you do...you switch to a liposomal form of Vitamin C. I have never looked at that, but I checked out the prices and it is not too bad...you can find this online. But keep in mind it is NOT the amount of Vitamin C that is the problem...it is the form...do not take Ester C.

Mega vitamin therapy was the whole point of what Pauling wrote about...in fact Andrew Saul, a follower of Pauling, wrote the definitive book on Vitamin C called Doctor Yourself and some people have taken even up to 85 grams of C intravenously. That is 85,000 mg. and would be for more critical illnesses like cancer. So, Vitamin C can be very therapeutic AND useful in high doses...which is the miracle of Vitamin C. It is water soluble, and the body daily throws off whatever it doesn't need. I believe you are correct to reduce the ascorbic acid form of C down to about 1000 mg. (or 1 gram) a day. You can still add 500 mg. in the kid's juice if they get sick...but you do need a different form for higher dosage.

Personally I think even if you cut both the lysine and the C in half, I do believe it would have benefit...probably not as extreme, but benefit nonetheless...there was a range that Pauling talked about so the amount can be variable.

I personally am going to take a break from the protocol. I have done it for 11 days...I was doing a cleanse and I want to finish my cleanse then I will do it again for a couple of weeks, then I will just do maintenance, as i took both these supplements at a gram each before I started with the protocol. I hope you figure out how to take higher doses of C...it truly cures ANYTHING and a low dose of 1 gram daily is really pretty low...stress destroys the water-soluble vitamins like B's and C. Good luck with your protocol...have a great day and God bless you and yours...

tweety51A 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hubby was in Okinawa...'71-'72...he was lucky...enlisted for only 2 years...which paid for college and VA loan on our first house...it was some great benefits...we were blessed...

tweety51A 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well a free car is certainly a blessing...I hope if you ever get bloodwork for a physical you have your D tested...it is important to know the number...Good luck with the car...

tweety51A 5 points ago +5 / -0

The same happened to climate scientists that went against the government narrative AND alternative healing doctors that went against Big Pharma, Rockefeller medicine...it never ends...that is their solution to everything...

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hi Penisse...glad to see you are alive and well...sometimes that is something to be grateful for. Christina's family was able to visit her this weekend...they were all happy to see each other...hope time flies...we will visit next weekend... God bless you and yours and thank you for your faithfulness with Hold the Line...

tweety51A 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mary... I hope that you remember that the lysine/Vitamin C combo was primarily used to clear deposits around the heart...basically where the blood vessels fold over. I have been doing the protocol...I told you I take them together and I based this on the fact that I had a heart scan, and my calcium score was elevated...no major trouble but I did not think this could happen because I have a Vitamin D reading of over 60ng/mL, which I keep track of with bloodwork.

I want you to know that any arthritic joint pains will be just that...pain in your joints, such as your hips, hands. I have arthritis and one of the best things I have done for that is to raise my Vitamin D levels. I take 10,000 IU's of Vitamin D a day and I couple that with a Super K from Life Extension. My level started out in the mid 20's. Many people do not absorb Vitamin D from the sun efficiently even though they spend a lot of time outdoors. I have used many effective supplements for arthritis...MSM, glucosamine/chondroitin, hyaluronic acid, SAMe...they were all effective to a certain degree, but I find Vitamin D corrects many other issues...such as my allergy to sunlight. I have continued taking Boron and basically right now Vitamin D and boron are the supplements I am taking for arthritis and with exercise am pretty pain free. I just bought a rife machine so I will be utilizing that also. I do take IVM once a week also.

I have familial varicose veins also and I find that sometimes that can make your legs hurt. If you have that also, that could be the cause of leg pain. The pain could be in the blood vessels (varicose veins) or nerves, which could be from a plethora of conditions. It is important to try to figure out what kind of pain it is and why your legs hurt. It could be thyroid related or even deficiencies of some sort...such as B vitamins (for nerve health) ...it is worth researching so that you can figure out the underlying cause. For varicose veins, I take horse chestnut or a vein essentials for that and I find it keeps the blood flowing pretty well...in the right direction. Black cumin seed oil is something that thins the blood out and I take that also...I can see the effects of that when I take it...my veins pop up...it just helps the blood flow throughout your body.

I hate that you are not feeling well because I know you do a lot of babysitting and that is a very hard job...the internet is loaded with lots of information and there is a vitamin, mineral, herb, homeopathy, essential oil for just about everything...you certainly don't need to take drugs if you can help it. I take a high dose B complex because our family is notoriously in need of LOTS of B vitamins...have done that for over 50 years. Anyway, God bless you and yours...you know if you have any questions, I am always glad to help...

tweety51A 3 points ago +3 / -0

Excellent post...wow...great recitation of that poem. If you haven't watched the movie V for Vendetta...now would be a great time...it is often available for free...

tweety51A 9 points ago +9 / -0

"It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important."

The Little Prince

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Time well spent...they are beautiful...God bless you...


The Rose...enjoy...

tweety51A 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is terrible...so ridiculous...my friend's son left a career he loved in the military because he refused to get vaxxed....he was single and could afford to leave...many had families and felt they had no choice but to comply...wonder how many have regretted their decision...

tweety51A 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, you are certainly entitled to your opinion that we don't need to be taking supplements. I suppose that the Garden of Eden was an ideal place to exist...however things are very different today, especially because there is such an effort to destroy our environment and food supply overtly and covertly. I am sure supplementing is a personal choice that we each need to make. I enjoy balancing my body with supplementation to make up for the areas that are not working optimally. I find the biggest problem is to get quality supplements that are affordable. The nutrients in most of the food we eat is nonexistent in my opinion.

tweety51A 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, even though that is something that could be considered, we at least still have the research that is very beneficial. In this day and age, you can't always tell who the good guys are and who the bad guys are...knowledge given can come from either side...and so the only thing I try to concentrate on is whether the knowledge is of any value to me. I will let the other things work themselves out. I have seen Vitamin C work so it is not a stretch for me to be excited about what it can do. So...you may be right...you may be wrong...perhaps we will never know. It is very hard to have opposing viewpoints that you want to reconcile, but you can't. This is where discernment comes in and I have always trusted that God would provide me with the knowledge and answers I need to know.

tweety51A 1 point ago +1 / -0

You were very fortunate to be anywhere near these very intelligent men. They have been totally ignored by everyone...and yet he persisted. There is a lot of trash talk about Pauling personally and truthfully he is probably lucky that he wasn't eliminated...he definitely was upsetting the apple cart. But most people that go again the established medical community and Big Pharma don't fare too well. I admire his tenacity in sharing such important truth.

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