posted ago by OregonAngel2 ago by OregonAngel2 +25 / -0

Socialists are fighting against the Deep State in a Democrat party civil war.

Deep State is pro Israel anti Iran.

Socialists are anti Israel pro Ukraine.

Patriots are fighting against the Deep State in a Republican party civil war.

Deep State is pro Ukraine anti Russia.

Patriots are anti Ukraine pro Israel.

In both cases the Deep State is supporting Israel and Ukraine, both of which are acting like classical Nazis at war, and both of which are now classical fascist governments without basic human rights, elections, or freedom of communication.

The Deep State is essentially classical Nazi (as in the 1930s Germany Nationalist Socialist fascism). Accordingly it engages in classical Nazi acts: genocide/depopulation and racial cleansing, vast government money sucking, election rigging, spy craft and assassination as needed. It is literally fascism by definition - the unholy alliance between big business and big government. They seek global dominance by any means. Their vision is a perfect world controlled by them.

The Deep State will assume any justification for gaining money and power. . Justification includes: Threat from Russia and Iran. Threat from Global Warming. Threat to global health (pandemic). Threat to individuals (racism, sexism, religion)

The Deep State controls mass media to push these threats in mass propaganda in any communication channel they have control of.

The Deep State has been both empowered and exposed by advances in communication technology (internet) and therefore is now attacking and being attacked from both sides of the political spectrum.

Socialists use their standard tools which are vandalism, riots, and demonstrations. It's all they know how to do consistent with their morality.

Patriots are using their standard tools which are appeals to legitimate authority in the Constitution as embodied in the courts, military, and law enforcement. It's all they know how to do consistent with their morality.