posted ago by ThisIsHowItStarts ago by ThisIsHowItStarts +21 / -1

Be Careful Who You Follow


More and more. I am seeing a lot of Christian pastors being “overly concerned” with Israel and the college campus protests. I’m just getting so tired of seeing everybody fanboy for Israel.

I’ve had my eye on Jack Hibbs for a while now, because I disagree with a lot of things that he teaches now. The video posted above, is basically claiming there should be limits on our free speech. I disagree greatly. Also, I’ve seen some bizarre things with Charlie Kirk lately, and I know that Charlie Kirk has attended Jack Hibbs church, and does specials with him.

Please don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying Jack Hibbs is a bad guy… I just think he’s falling for the same thing many Christians are falling for. Censorship - because mUh iSRaeL.

Here is my comment on the video: • Free Speech - is - Free Speech It does not matter what you are wearing or the location when you are speaking words. That being said, if you are destroying property or being unlawful, then that free speech law does not apply. But please don’t try to gaslight people into thinking, the type of clothes they are wearing or the location where they are speaking matters.

If what is happening on the campuses right now has been deemed an unlawful assembly, then the protesters should be arrested and deal with the consequences.

But our free speech does not end, when people are speaking words that hurt our feelings or say or wear things that we don’t like. 🤷‍♀️

Side Note:

For the record, I think most of the college protests are unlawful, because they’re damaging property, and setting up autonomous zones! Law and order order order should be used to end these protests, because they are not peaceful, and because they are causing damaged personal property.

There’s a fine line between standing for Israel, and then having them stand on you. 🇺🇸