posted ago by JohnTitor17 ago by JohnTitor17 +71 / -2

The Zionist Cabal (i.e. RothchiIds, etc.) have a nifty little trick.

The Goal: Our unwavering $upport for Israel.

The Setup: They have a group they want to target: the right/patriots.

They have a group of Puppets (Leftists/NGOs) under their control that they know the [Target Group] (Patriots) despise.

They make their Puppets to take the opposite position/side of what they want the [Target Group] to hold. Again, that's Patriots.

Thus creating a psychological 'Pinch Point' in the mind of the TG (Patriots) with the hopes of MANIPULATING the target group's thoughts/opinions/ALLEGIANCE towards Israel/Zionism.

The Psyop designers aim is for the TG (Patriots) to think something like this:
"Well because LEFTISTS/FREAKS are against Israel and pro Palestinian...
I should be on Israel's [Zionism's] side!"


The Psy-Trap known as "QUEERS FOR PALESTINE" makes perfect sense now, doesn't it?

Not against Jews whatsoever. It is the Fake Jews of Zionism.