posted ago by JohnTitor17 ago by JohnTitor17 +41 / -1


This interview was recorded in 2012. Listen to all the keywords he clicks throughout that COINCIDENTALLY turned out to be at the center of The Great Awakening lexicon 10+ years later.

He said the military had him work on 'a problem with the looking glass machine.' The deepstate would use the Looking Glass to manipulate events by being able to see the outcome (future) in advance.

Something started going wrong with the machine where all the timelines were converging to one inevitable outcome: "Ascension" & "Some kind of Great Awakening."

According to him, his superiors seemed desperate to figure out how to stop it.

THIS WAS IN 2012! He describes in this video:

"An inevitable event."


"Some kind of 'Great Awakening'..."

"It's not the 'end of the world.' It's the end of [THEIR] world."

"Upcoming Golden Age"

All of the above said by him on camera 11 years ago.

Post #3585 date of 11/11/19 points to May 18, 2024 on the QClock.

***The recent 4th psygroup Coms re 11.11.18 ALSO POINTS TO MAY 18, 2024. *** u/#q3585

Full vid: https://youtu.be/PGPqLX9XYbk?si=AafWq_fves2dX3Zz

"In a time that is yet unborn, ALL SHALL BE ONE, AND ONE SHALL BE ALL." ~Hermes Trismegistus

EDIT: I'm aware he was convicted for being 26 and having a months-long sexual relationship with his 23yo girlfriend's willing 16yo sister. Yes he did it and because this isn't the 1920's anymore it is illegal and bad etc, etc...

That said, when you dig deeper, it seems like they had good reason to want to burn/discredit him in case he ever wanted to talk about what he worked on. Very deep stateish of them.