AReckoningIsComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yh but you need the political will and balls to do so against the other side and the weight of the deep state. Where's DeSantis and the other RINO clowns to initiate immediate impeachment and charges for Biden and Obama's numerous outrageous crimes like spying, Russiagate and the rest of it??

All they've done so far is write strongly worded digital letters yet AGAIN!!

AReckoningIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

wow, i work in FOIA in the UK and we do not charge for FOI requests, precisely cos its meant to be in the spirit of transparency etc. We only introduce fees if work on the data would cost more than 450 pounds or go above 18 hours of officer time etc.

AReckoningIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

He also said in the same interview at least 50% will need to remain classified. I wonder how bad THAT stuff is!!

(Which is also what Q alluded to as well I think, that not everything can be released cos its too shocking etc)

AReckoningIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

No way he said that. really?

Is Sly based?

And willing to be publicly based? Wowzers let's hope!

AReckoningIsComing 4 points ago +6 / -2

idk, it may sway normies who were on the turn to coming over to our side thats what im worried about. I see it over here in England. Some are on the fence about trump, then they see a headline or chiron on the news saying Trump convicted or found guilty and then thats all they know when it goes into their brain as subconscious programming, even if eventually overturned.

I know internationally it doesnt matter but same may be for citizens in your country who vote though.

AReckoningIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

if the jurors want to keep living in NYC without constant harrassment in the future yes, just like the Chauvin case

AReckoningIsComing 9 points ago +9 / -0

why didnt engeron recuse himself after the video of him hating trump 10 years ago went viral, or his wife was exposed running an anti trump meme account on twitter as the trial began??

they dont care about ethics. its all power plays

AReckoningIsComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

no havent had a chance to yet but its on my to read list! So is that a good thing, i.e. Pompeo is a triple agent white hat??

AReckoningIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

we dont even use machines over here. Paper ballots but lots of postals

AReckoningIsComing 3 points ago +3 / -0

They'll never acquit him. No matter how baseless this trial is, its their one chance to jail him and get the headlines they need. They will pressure the jury to the ends of the earth to bring him down anyway they can.

AReckoningIsComing 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why oh why cant we have someone this based and patriotic in England? Genuinely considering moving over there as the UK is done

AReckoningIsComing 2 points ago +2 / -0

He did also say in the same interview that almost half should stay classified. I wonder how bad the other stuff is?? Tim didn't push further on that unfortunately.

AReckoningIsComing 1 point ago +1 / -0

He mentioned 17 again in that interview, saying he had been to Washington 17 times again. So random if not Q related!!

AReckoningIsComing 5 points ago +5 / -0

He mentions that QAnon is responsible for the violent insurrection of Jan 6th but near the end of the article goes on to say:

"Suffice to say, they’re no longer just waiting on their computers for the likes of Donald Trump to come along and save them. Now they intend to do it themselves..."

So which is it? A violent movement IRL or online pacification op where we sit inside and wait for people to save us??

They can never tell. Or it's both depending on which narrative they need at the time I guess...

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