CaJuN-Polak 1 point ago +1 / -0

The more bodies, the more people will demand an investigation ... which they truly don't want.

CaJuN-Polak 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are rotorless tail helicopters out there, but the 212 is not one of them.

CaJuN-Polak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Learn from it: know the tactics so you can recognize them and can defend against them when used against you. DO NOT SEARCH OUT TROUBLE, like they want you to do. Wait for the NG to get involved, then ASSIST as needed, only with their approval.

CaJuN-Polak 2 points ago +2 / -0

CNN .... nothing nefarious there, jeeze. I can't imagine all the shit they are going to pull during the debate. You KNOW Hillary will be involved.

CaJuN-Polak 2 points ago +2 / -0

While I agree with the USE THEIRS FIRST theory, the fact is ... oil is NOT a limited resource, so it's not like they will ever run out. That being said, there's really no point in us paying them to use theirs when we could just use ours.

CaJuN-Polak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actually, the USA has more oil reserves than SA, UAE and Kuwait combined. We're just not allowed to exploit them due to the current regime.

CaJuN-Polak 7 points ago +7 / -0

He's gotta act more and more mentally disabled as time goes by in order to avoid being tried in court. He knows what he's doing. They all do.

CaJuN-Polak 4 points ago +4 / -0

But they didn't push the vaccine very hard in BROWN countries, so they will further push the need for immigrants from BROWN countries to fill in the dwindling populations of WHITE countries.

The only true whites left, by design, will be the Khazarians.

CaJuN-Polak 1 point ago +1 / -0

They found something on her that she is embarrassed about and doesn't want anyone else knowing.

CaJuN-Polak 3 points ago +3 / -0

The patent shows abandoned. Not sure if this implies it didn't work or that the DS came in, ran with it, and is now covering it up.

CaJuN-Polak 4 points ago +4 / -0

If he's an anarchist, beat him up, take his stuff and put him in public restraint for everyone to ridicule. He should be fine with it, as we'd be acting along the lines of his desires of pubic forum.

CaJuN-Polak 2 points ago +2 / -0

The furnaces were ACTUALLY used for destroying clothing due to the serious lice infestations, but the DS wants you to believe that millions of Jews were killed then incinerated in these furnaces.

My thought: The pure cost of fuel to burn that many bodies would have been impossible to make sense during a war, when every bit of fuel was important to the war effort. Digging a long ditch, dropping in bodies and pushing dirt over them would be more efficient.

CaJuN-Polak 2 points ago +3 / -1

There were reportedly mass graves, as well. Still ... burying that many a day had to be quite an undertaking. No pun intended.

Not against you or anything, I agree the holocost is BS. I am just wondering if there's a way to bolster the "LIES THEORY" against simple secondary information (likely also lies, but WHO OWNS THE INFORMATION?).

"The winners write the history, not necessarily the truth."

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