CalantheValentine 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s terrible. I am a designer and it’s ok going with a neutral pallet, but you should implement some greenery or maybe colorful abstract art or florals to contrast the neutral background. There is no life in any room. Where is their personality? There is nothing within that shows me it’s a cozy home versus a sterile house.

CalantheValentine 5 points ago +5 / -0

I am glad you posted this. The conversations seem to be focused on will he be found guilty or acquitted? I have been trying to find an answer if he is found guilty, what then? Would he be sentenced right away? Would he be thrown in prison? I am more worried about the immediate happenings if they find him guilty.

CalantheValentine 3 points ago +3 / -0

I love how they introduce bills while the opposition is in charge. Never gets signed or passed. Trump had a small window with Paul Ryan (traitor) when he was speaker. And nothing was accomplished. Ryan fought him every step. 2 years later, Pelosi in charge. Disgusting.

CalantheValentine 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mess with them too. One guy called me from New York. Said his name was Frank. I played along. Had him on speaker phone at work. I asked him if he could call me back on the work phone so my boss wouldn’t see me on my cell phone.

Gave him the number to the FBI. Within a minute he told me to suck his balls. Without batting an eye I said “oh yeah Frank, you would love that because I have big teeth and a small mouth.” Dead silence then Frank and a bunch of other men in the background started laughing. My coworkers started laughing. It was so funny. Love it.

CalantheValentine 6 points ago +6 / -0

I watched a little video last night on people filming their encounters with police. Their response to the questions by police was “I don’t answer questions.” Some cops walked away immediately. Some cops kept questioning. The people kept saying “I don’t answer questions.” All cops ultimately left. We have a right not to be a witness against self or others.

When cops pull you over for speeding and ask “do you know why I stopped you today?” And you say “I don’t answer questions?” What do they do then?

CalantheValentine 6 points ago +6 / -0

If Trump did say it, what he said is true.

In context he was discussing what some women will happily allow if a man is wealthy. He said they will let you grab them by the ——. I have had numerous arguments with liberals over this conversation.

We all refer to those types of ladies as gold diggers. They don’t care, do what you want, just show me the money. $$$ my ex husband’s new wife is a prime example. 😁

CalantheValentine 13 points ago +13 / -0

I called Mike Gallaghers office.

The effeminate man I spoke with said Gallagher will vote yes because of foreign influence. I said “give me a break. That is the excuse and loophole used to spy on political enemies”. I said “do you believe that Americans should be spied on without a warrant?” He said “no I don’t.” I said “well tell your boss to vote no and in my opinion he should not be allowed to vote considering he is leaving in a few days and leaving us without representation. Tell him he can reduce the stain on his congressional record by voting against unlawful spying.”He said “I will pass on the message to him.”

CalantheValentine 4 points ago +4 / -0

Right? Voat was full of crazy autistic goats offering up a plethora of information to believe or not. Brain hurt.

CalantheValentine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Free speech right? Including the crude? It is not appropriate, in fact it’s gross, but voat was full freedom of thought and expression. So comments as crude as they could be, were acceptable. Didn’t mean you wouldn’t be attacked. Only meant that it was a safe place to express freely. With some highly intelligent goats providing education.

Which was refreshing and kind of frightening to step into vernacular warfare.

We don’t have to like what others say, but they have the freedom to say it.

CalantheValentine 5 points ago +5 / -0

Classic! Thanks for posting. It is bittersweet. Voat was my go to, moving to GAW from Voat was like moving into the suburbs after living in the wild west. No insult meant.

If I recall correctly, I moved from Voat to the Donald first.

CalantheValentine 12 points ago +13 / -1

He should have said, “it is up to the states like I said earlier. If that is what the states decide, it’s up to the people to change it.”

CalantheValentine 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why do the republicans introduce bills that are great only during a democrat presidency? She knows it won’t be signed into law.

Even when we had both houses, Paul Ryan refused to assist Trumps agenda.

CalantheValentine 1 point ago +2 / -1

Pence and Flynn conspired. Plus he’s traveling all over the country with his face on a bus grifting. I love it that Trump showed up at one of his venues. Said Mike didn’t know I was coming. Called him a “great guy.”

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