Covfefe_Commando 2 points ago +2 / -0

I sincerely hope we all find out exactly what happened on that day, with all of those folks arranged, for that funeral, and what exactly was printed on those note cards...

Covfefe_Commando 2 points ago +2 / -0

We keep seeing that bald guy, although I think it is a different bald guy in the Hillary "side of beef" video...

Covfefe_Commando 3 points ago +3 / -0

Once again, I find myself, donating money to a billionaire, hoping he can save my Country. I never once felt that I need to donate money to Batman, or Superman, but, holy freakin' cow, Donald J. Trump, shut up, and take my money, again!

I've even bought Trump brand wine, and I know that The Donald doesn't even drink!

Covfefe_Commando 2 points ago +2 / -0

He braided up for himself an un-licensed whip, and didn't even pay a tax for it!

Covfefe_Commando 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think we need to stifle the <<<accidental nose-ticing>>> that might have started in this thread....

Covfefe_Commando 3 points ago +3 / -0

Imagine having that arsenal at your fingertips and not using it! The angels were amazed and stunned that Jesus volunteered to fulfill this mission! He could have ended it at any moment, but he chose not to...

Covfefe_Commando 8 points ago +8 / -0

Can I share a story? I once wore a Beavis mask to the local bingo night, on Halloween. Just as a lark. I think I even had a hand-drawn "Metallica" shirt and shorts to complete the outfit. It rocked. We were totally surrounded by old folks. Kept saying, in character "Number Two!" "Sixty Nine" "Heh, heh!" "That was cool" "TP for my bunghole" - you know the drill, if you know, you know. I made an old lady in the row behind us start choking because she was laughing so hard. Later, I went to take a leak in the men's room, let loose with a stream, still wearing the mask, let out a long "ahhhhhhhhhhhh!", still in character, "best Nation in the world, is Urin-Nation!" and the old dude with a crutch in the urinal beside me zippped up and hobbled out, extra fast...didn't even wash his hands... anyways, I legit won twice that night. Bingo, mothercrunchers! LOL! That was cool!

Covfefe_Commando 7 points ago +7 / -0

Imagine a crowd in London chanting "Washington!" 250-ish years ago... It coulnd't happen, it would not have ever happened, but here we are, in clown world...

Covfefe_Commando 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not sure modern helicopters have that kind of precision, fren, but if we ask nicely, I'm sure they would try...

Covfefe_Commando 6 points ago +6 / -0

Don't worry, fren. Rope is re-usable.

Covfefe_Commando 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here's to hoping that your primary dr, your cardiologist, and your pharmacist all suffer for a long, long time, fren!

Covfefe_Commando 1 point ago +1 / -0

I noticed that, too. Only one had blades barely turning, the others not at all. It was, like, free energy, man! LOL!

Covfefe_Commando 2 points ago +2 / -0

Our government started out with pen and ink, on paper. Our votes (which could be easily be serial-numbered, with a tear-off receipt) should continue that fine tradition.

Covfefe_Commando 3 points ago +3 / -0

This isn't LadyHawke! <Kicks him down a well!>

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