is the rocket finally launching???


What are the odds?

ETA : https://qalerts.app/?n=1697

Do I need a separate app or can I do this on the phone?


Just stumbled across this series when my kids picked movie night this weekend.

Anyone seen this before? Lots of hidden symbolism. Briefly, it’s about how society collapsed due to a huge war possibly ww3. The survivors built a wall and fenced in society. People were divided into 5 “classes” or “caste” one of which was the “erudite” whose symbol was of course the all seeing eye. They want to take control, of course. And they inject this serum into the “military/LEO class” and they become brainwashed drones. The “divergent” are the free thinkers that think differently and see reality differently. And they are being actively hunted and exterminated bc the erudites are afraid of them.

Throughout the movie, people are “trained” using drugs. And the trainers can see what the people are thinking in their minds through monitors and chips.

Anyways, it’s far from a cinematic breakthrough but I thought the movie premis intriguing esp with the vaccine push and these people seemingly unable to wake up from the brainwashing. Bears some semblance to our reality. There’s two other movies in the series which I haven’t t gotten to yet


Matthew 16:21

Jesus Predicts His Death

21 From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life.

God is all powerful, surely he could have killed all these elders and priests that want to do Him harm. So why would he need to go and be tortured and killed. He must show the people. His sacrifice and his subsequent resurrection was what cemented the teachings of Christ for over 2000 years. Imagine a story being retold over and over again and spreading from a tiny town in Jerusalem to the four corners of the world. Nowhere has the story of Jesus resurrection not been heard. That is quite some feat if you think about it.

So why wouldn't Trump intentionally lose the election and be reinstated. Obviously he's not Christ but the symbolism is quite similar.


Unitary presidential republic under a dictatorship

Kek. Can someone explain to me what this means? It sounds like it’s just plain old dictatorship

Haven’t listened to rogan in almost a year but popped in to see what Tim had to say. Anyone else think the whole 9/11 thing was super gay? Do you think rogan was playing dumb just so the normies could get a clue or is he turning into one of “them” already?

Tim seems like a realy smart guy and well read and versed in history and most of the red pill topics…so why has he denied Q so many times? Just to play it safe? Or he really thinks it’s dumb? Such an open thinker I would think he would watch some of these Q proof videos and think “Hmmmmm”…..


Wouldn’t it be funny if monkey pox is a recurrent disease and is triggered everytime you have anal sex? Would that stop homosexuality?


Went to a restaurant today and overheard a conversation in the waiting area. The women were complaining about new sales tax and then the more normie one said “but they said they have a surplus”…the other lady said “yea right, they just take our money and launder it away…im so pissed…”

Completely passing stereotype judgment here but I don’t think this conversation would have happened 5 years ago.

Truly the great awakening


It’s pretty good. Directed by Guy Ritchie. Some red pills about child trafficking porn ring as a side story. Another red pill about County sherrifs or chief of police being on the mob/elite payroll so they look the other way when prosecuting crimes. Basically get away with murder and it shows how you really only need to buy off a small amount of people in society.

Which brings me back to the vaccine and Covid. The vaccine mandates were a litmus test to see which sheriffs were on deep state payroll. When the tide goes out, you know whose been skinny dipping

Decent action movie in general. I like the way he films, very engaging angles and transitions.


Theory…elites have always periodically started wars once the peasants start realizing they’re getting shafted…like how we now realize the government printing money just means everything costs more to us and want to get rid of the “govt”. They get to kill off most of the people and then they get to erase the history of their misdeeds. There won’t be much people alive that remember the names of the families that fucked then over or the lies they told the people to dupe them. So war is always good to cover their tracks.

But this time they had to do a silent war instead of killing with a hot war, they kill with the vaccine war, the bullets are the vaccines. They get to depop which also reduces the inflation bc less demand equal less price. But more importantly, bc of globalization and how interconnected we are, a physical destruction in one part of the world could have a butterfly effect that affects the supply chain world wide which eventually leads to it affecting the deep state itself. So they have to be careful not to damage society and it’s infrastructure too much too quickly or their cushy life would come to a crashing halt as well.

That’s why they kill with the vaccine. Slowly but surely kill away the people so there’s time for the system to equilibrate. And then a next wave to take down another layer so the system can figure out how to adapt to lesser workers…..

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