LordKekingtonEsquire 2 points ago +2 / -0

Updoot for the higher effort poast link, Fatality!

LordKekingtonEsquire 8 points ago +8 / -0

God has saved my life a number of times throughout the years. I give credit for my entire existence to Him, and always put myself in His hands.

Praise Him, the highest and holy Father! AMEN.

LordKekingtonEsquire 6 points ago +6 / -0

Evil, dark family roots there with those cretins. No surprise there. Corruption runs deep in the roots.

LordKekingtonEsquire 4 points ago +4 / -0

Fauci, Collins, et. al. have been booted from their positions, so it's a lot harder to come up with these schemes on the fly without prior assistance in research and development. That said, we will still see attempts at making this another 2020 all over again.

LordKekingtonEsquire 4 points ago +4 / -0

These people are already mentally ill and dying inside, in a way. They try to find salvation in a pill, a shot, a scalpel. It does nothing to solve their internal dysfunction and can actually lead to worse outcomes for them.

LordKekingtonEsquire 3 points ago +3 / -0

What's more satisfying is seeing the scientific hubris blow up in the face of this entire operation.

We think we have the body figured out... and we do, for the most part, but there's a lot of synergy involved with natural hormones and development. Negative ramifications occur when attempting to intervene in such a manner as displayed above in this article. There is a segment of the scientific community who thinks this can simply be circumnavigated via laboratory experiments. They forgot that God is the one in charge.

LordKekingtonEsquire 8 points ago +8 / -0

I can't find the post but someone mentioned in a YouTube comment that Trump's segment is roughly 17 minutes long. I will be watching this to confirm.

edit: This thread -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHrGC_-vCWA&lc=Ugw9G6GJTnx-Fpog_ON4AaABAg

LordKekingtonEsquire 4 points ago +4 / -0

Amen, Fren! Sideshow Bob is Inslee 2.0, but worse and more full of himself. If Inslee is a snake, then Bob is a slimy RAT.

Bird or Reichert for Governor... I'm not completely sure which yet, but certainly clear is NO FERGUSON EVER FOR WA STATE

LordKekingtonEsquire 13 points ago +13 / -0

Why did Trump purposefully put Fauci as the public face of COVID? Why were Birx and others selected?

Why is exposure important?

How do you expose those who have been hiding behind the scenes? You take advantage of their ego and expertise and give them the spotlight.

Why was Warp Speed enacted?

Why did Trump talk first and foremost about alternative treatments such as HCQ and IVM?

Why did Trump repeatedly emphasize choice and bodily autonomy?

Why was Trump an avid vaccine skeptic prior to running for President?

LordKekingtonEsquire 9 points ago +9 / -0

We must remember that in the eyes of many scientists, God does not exist. They seek to fill the role of gods themselves. So, the hubris and ego of man considering itself a God is on display with nonsense such as this.

LordKekingtonEsquire 10 points ago +10 / -0

Good job blurring out the sensitive surrounding details, Fren

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