Malachi 7 points ago +10 / -3

Now this is grade-A level hopium!!! It makes me wonder how this all ends for Israel and for Jews around the world. My first thought isn't pretty.

I'm interested to see what Q intends to do with Israel.

Malachi 10 points ago +10 / -0

It's a fair assessment by Ian. Although he clearly does not see that there are two shadow govts fighting for control. It all comes down to the arrests. If we see the bad guys actually get arrested then we know we won and are in control. If not, then we are fu*ked.

Malachi 7 points ago +7 / -0

This has to have been done by the WHs. This guilty verdict only made Trump even more popular with the black vote than he already is. This statement by Biden-Harris just adds fuel to that fire LMFAO!

Malachi 7 points ago +7 / -0

Prepare for the FEDs and Antifa to pose as Trump supporters and riot! It's Jan 6th all over again!

Malachi 25 points ago +26 / -1

Dopey is one of the seven dwarves in Snow White. The CIA had seven supercomputers that were named after each of the seven dwarves. All of those supercomputers were taken out by the WHs during Trump's admin. It could also be a reference to the dumb judge and prosecutor.

King to pawn. This seems like a reference to the recent Trump trial verdict. Trump (king) has been reduced to a pawn with this guilty verdict.

Malachi 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'll say it here. I don't see a civil war happening in the US anymore. After seeing the Bronx come out and support Trump (I live in NYS and NYC is Deep Blue territory) I can't see how there would be a civil conflict. The last time a Republican campaigned in the Bronx was Reagan and he won the Bronx vote that year. The people of the United States are fully unified around Trump. Sure you'll see some normies who are still against Trump, but the are a very small minority now. The only thing is that they are loud.

With that said, I do foresee a Second American Revolution if Trump doesn't win.

Malachi 7 points ago +7 / -0

I smell hopium from that SC voter fraud case. If the cabal is going through all this trouble to get SC Justices to recuse themselves from that case, then that case has not only merit but a high likely hood of the SC declaring that the 2020 election was stolen. That's just my observation.

Something has to be done about the 2020 election fraud before the 2024 elections.

Malachi 11 points ago +11 / -0

When you have control of the narrative and don't get caught.

Malachi 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

Malachi 13 points ago +13 / -0

Looks like the cabal found a weak spot. I wonder what is was.

Malachi 9 points ago +10 / -1

The only mistake here is that Israel lost control of the narrative and got caught/exposed.

The airstrike struck its intended target...

Malachi 8 points ago +8 / -0

Are you sure it's two endings? To me it's the same ending...

You are correct when you say "peoples brains are going to warp."

Remember, when all is finally revealed and arrests are being made it will be a scary time to live through. Q expects chaos on a level we haven't seen. Preparing for and expecting what is to come is one thing. Living through it is another. It's going to be a tidal wave of emotions.

Just be emotionally and mentally ready. Make peace with your God and stand firm with the Armor of God. People will go to you for comfort and peace.

Malachi 1 point ago +1 / -0

That book delves into controlling the masses through controlling history. But, if you want to read the grandfather to that book you should add to your list "We" by Yevgeny Zamyatin. It was written in 1924 by a Russian living in the Soviet Union. Dude basically had a first hand account of what we were in for.

Malachi 11 points ago +11 / -0

As far as I know nothing has been done about the 2020 election. Only investigations that led to no where. Videos like these do not give me hope about fixing our current voting/judicial system. However, I do recall that there might be a 2020 election steal case still pending in the SC docket.

It really bugs me that local govts have to step up and arrest the traitors like that ex-green beret lawyer said. The war ongoing against the DS would finally come out in the open. I don't believe Q when he said there will be no civil war. Yes people in the DS will be arrested, but will we arrest the Supreme Court Justices who ignored their duty to deal with the 2020 election steal? That needs to be addressed or that issue will fester like a cancer. This will be a very contentious issue if not nipped in the bud before the 2024 election.

Even when all the child sex trafficking stuff comes out people will only be united for a short time around that issue. Once the dust has settled and if the 2020 election steal issue has not been dealt with, then the Q team would be heading towards very stormy waters that they cannot control. And if they do attempt to control it, optically, they will look like tyrants.

It is my hope that the Q team ties everything together in a giant flood of info before the 2024 election in November. That would be the best opportunity to avoid a civil war.

Trump cannot be the one to come out with all the info and officially declare that the 2020 election was stolen. That would be an assinie approach by the Q team. Trump and the Q team would look like a tyrants and lose credibility (at least in my eyes). It has to come through official channels in the justice system or the military. The military still has a chance to come out with the info. They can use the excuse of "we waited to see if the civil courts could deal with the stolen election." Technically voting is a civil matter that doesn't involve the military so this would be logical. But then the SC Justices would have to be dealt with. That would be a constitutional crisis. It would be better for the SC to officially state that the 2020 election was stolen and then the military can act without having to arrest any SC Justices. (Arresting SC Justices for lack of duty would set a horrible precedent. Our enemies would use that precedent to arrest any Justice that doesn't tow "their" narrative.)

It would help tremendously in waking up the masses if the Supreme Court were to now say that the 2020 election was stolen before the 2024 election. It would be even better if they say this before the revelation of all pedos in the DS. That would help tremendously in our efforts to wake up the last of the sleeping masses! It would be an easy pill to swallow for the normies. Think of it like this: The simple explanation you can give to a normie is that "The DS stole the election to protect their pedo friends from justice." That is an explanation that I believe is a feasible pill to swallow for normies. (I do believe now that we will never see it be said officially that the US govt was in fact facilitating the trafficking of children. This would be something that the US (image) would never recover from (and rightly so)).

So in conclusion, my rambling was more about the timing of when the 2020 election steal is officially acknowledged. I argue for it to be officially acknowledged before the 2024 election. It doesn't matter if people know that the 2020 election was stolen and nothing is done about it. You can only do so much narrative seeding without harvesting the fruits of your labors. If you wait too long your narrative fruits begin to sour. I really don't want Trump to have to go in and be the one to reveal officially that the 2020 election was stolen and then start to prosecute those that stole it. Through the eyes of normies that looks like the military will do jack sh*t to protect the Constitution unless they are ordered to do so by the CIC. Not good optics.

Malachi 3 points ago +3 / -0

Looks like we may live through the ending to "They Live" after all.

Edit: I'd also like to note that the letter admits that people who joined the ranks of the cabal through secret societies (ie Freemason, etc) will turn on the cabal once they learn the truth about their deception. A lot of Freemasons join the club for networking and do not know the evil they support. It's going to be fun once they learn the truth...

Malachi 3 points ago +3 / -0

Aren't there a few Q posts regarding protest/terrorist activities allowing the Marines to coordinate with the National Guard?

What must happen in order for the Marines to work with the NG?

The answer: Foreign adversaries conducting warfare on US Soil...

Stay safe out there anons!

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