Murphy71 5 points ago +5 / -0

I would love to believe this is to make way for something better. But we’re talking about an ancient entrenched psychopathic oligarchy - nothing happens for no reason. My guess is they are making way for a Starner slam dunk for him to take us all the way to Agenda 2030 via Net Zero, digital ID, another scamdemic, CBDCs, war with Russia... He’s WEF, Trilateral Commission, Fabián… about as full-on globalist fucknut as it is possible to be.

Good take here: https://open.substack.com/pub/miri/p/stop-starmer?r=pezuu&utm_medium=ios

Murphy71 3 points ago +3 / -0

Daily Skeptic is limited hangout. Their Editor in Chief is uber normie operative Toby Young. There has been no shortage of trying to get papers out, many more have been picked up by many other journals, sites etc. Either that or Daily Skeptic has never heard of react19 and others or the 3000+ papers in circulation. Which is impossible.


Murphy71 5 points ago +5 / -0

Owen Benjamin has been posting some hilarious stuff on Telegram about Terence Howard… full on roast with videos etc…

“I just looked up Terrance Howard’s “patents.” When he claimed to patent virtual reality, it’s just the application and is nonsense. It was never approved and if you read it and look at the diagram it is nothing. The rest of his patents are either jewelry designs, or children’s toys. They’re just collapsible shapes used for educational purposes. He also does not remember being in the womb and 1x1 does not equal “war.” As a former Hollywood guy, he talks exactly like every burned out actor on drugs at an after party. Yes there are esoteric technologies and interesting things with frequency and matter. No Terrance has no idea what he’s talking about and I’m almost positive he has actual brain damage. All of Terrance Howard’s patents are for children’s toys and random shapes. And some female jewelry. He has one for a gun that runs on electricity that he claims shoots a bullet faster than an explosion using water and electric bursts. It absolutely does not work. He’s retarded and the only reason I looked into him was because of how many people said he blew their mind. You should be embarrassed for thinking that. Deep dark shame. He said he remembers being in the womb and maybe it’s just me, but it’s very very obvious what he’s saying makes absolutely zero sense. I know 100x more about music and fractals than Terrance Howard. He’s a con man. The periodic table does not fit perfectly into the octave that’s retarded. The current 12 note structure of the piano the “well tempered clavier” is not natural. It’s a series of compromises to make it so you can play in different keys without retuning the piano. A natural tuning of a piano which would be to ratios would only sound good in the single key it’s tuned to. That was inconvenient for pianists so they compromised with the 12 note structure and octave. It’s an arbitrary division that compromises music to be more convenient. So no, the periodic table of elements does not fit perfectly with the octave as the moron claims. He’s pretending to have cracked the universal one code of all things in balance and harmony but he hasn’t. None of his examples are in any harmony. He also beat the shit out of his wives. I wonder if he got the patent on smacking his wife in front of his kids after playing make believe on camera to be a pimp. Nothing personal with Terrance I just don’t like con men.”

Murphy71 3 points ago +3 / -0

Iatrogenocide masquerading as health services using medicine as the kill vector. About as sinister and dastardly as it’s possible to be.

Murphy71 2 points ago +2 / -0

Awesome comment, fren. I did a similar self-check. Leslie could easily be a treble agent with O’Keefe his handler. Walker is tipped off (if Leslie is genuine) or read in (if Leslie is a snake) and able to slide narrative under the radar while creating a highly malleable release for O’Keefe to stage manage.

What could be more “undercover” than concocting the illusion of a double agent sting then using a treble agent putting out his own exposé where we are the unwitting victims behind the fourth wall? O’Keefe gets to be the good guy and use “illegal recording” lawfare and ‘protect the whistleblower’ ethics as alibis to hand wave away accusations of burying important evidence (vial contents, blood samples, ‘gaming the FDA’ admission etc). Pfizer get to divert scrutiny from their nefariousness, and amplify their new shiny thing, “disinformation criminals”, about which this film could be held up as exemplary in their eyes. And Leslie gets to build a new profile as the Truther’s Truther, with a walk-on part as official gatekeeper and disinfo agent.

I’d seen a version of the O’Keefe meets Walker scene before, now it looks like hammy overacting. And when Leslie says to O’Keefe about his Bohemian Grove admission, “it’s the most powerful secret society in the world”, this comes across as scripted, not to mention naive and easily demonstrably inaccurate. For a start, it’s a place. And there are plenty of other secret societies chock full of dipshits who could be considered biggest.

It’s easy to forget where a lot of these faces we have come to know and in some cases trust, actually used to work. Maybe we shouldn’t.

Murphy71 1 point ago +2 / -1

Assume all of them. All actors, with walk on parts in the war, and lead roles in a cage.

It’s a big club and we’re not in it.

Being a bit paranoid comes as standard for the awakened.

Murphy71 1 point ago +2 / -1

I’m with you. I lost my mother. PV had evidence of smoking guns in blood soaked hands at the scene of the crime, and hid behind a lawfare alibi to avoid putting it out. And I can easily believe that the whistleblower was set up for his Jordan Walker sting, that Walker could have gotten a tip-off to use the sting to wax lyrical about gain of function or “directed evolution”, variants, the omniscience of the scary virus, contagion etc, all concepts fundamental to prolonging the narrative. O’Keefe was likely a double agent long before Justin Leslie was.

Murphy71 2 points ago +2 / -0

The latter. If anyone is keeping score, Pfizer and Moderna are way up on AZ. Paging Steve Kirsch.

Murphy71 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’ve been a long time listener and paid up fanboy. He has been attracting many detractors recently, especially since the New Zealand whistleblower, which is a sign he is well over the target. These attack vectors offer interesting context to his prominence in the infowar. To avoid echo chambering, I actively seek out opposing views to my own and those of people I agree with.

His alleged “depop” article from 2007


This guy has dedicated much of his substack to going after Kirsch - he touches on a few of the greatest hits here:


Murphy71 10 points ago +10 / -0

^ This. The level of narcissistic hubris it takes to have knowledge, training, access to primary source data yet still go with blind compliance and ignorance as the winning strategies blows my mind… They really did bring it on themselves.

Murphy71 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yes, agreed, but once they add at least 3 more zeroes to their numbers and replace “injured” with “dead”, we will definitely not be in Kansas.

Murphy71 2 points ago +2 / -0

The wailing and turning in graves of our long dead ancestors from every churchyard cemetery across the land will cease this evening. Finally, the living and dead can rest again and revel in the removal of this abomination, and reload in anticipation of the next malevolent fuckwit who will surely come along any moment…

Murphy71 1 point ago +1 / -0

Excellent. Maybe physicists play for real. Goes with the territory, I suspect, attracts serious-minded players who are driven by hard results from methods. Hard to do pseudo-fakery BS among people like that. I grew up with someone who went on to do a PhD Physics, everything to him was brutally literal and deterministic.

Murphy71 4 points ago +4 / -0

James Delingpole just did an interview with this lady:


and she goes into great detail about Turdeau et al. It’s behind a paywall now but will be on public release soon.k

Murphy71 4 points ago +4 / -0

Exactly. Talk about sensationalising the mundane… How does “if there is a storm that takes out power or results in government enforcing restricted travel where you are staying, you’re covered from June 6” become “we have reason to believe the government is going to pull a bunch of totalitarian, fascist, lockdown, power outage false flag bullshit sone time after June 6, so as a precaution and because we’re on the inside track, we’re stacking the deck now”…?

Murphy71 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, THEY (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) appear to have dispensed with changing the world through revolution and brute force. Now they are just going with brute force, coupled with a range of parlour trick proxies. Of these, “in silico” is arguably the most cunning: create a gigantic smoke and mirrors simulacrum by digitising every aspect of life on earth to the point of full spectrum planetary domination. Then infect the scientific institutions - “computer science” always seemed oxymoronic to me - and eventually the blueprints of molecular (invisible) life itself. Hey Presto - Scientism writ large! It’s like a digital bible / matrix / gulag all-in-one.

Murphy71 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good effort, fren. In a world steeped in antiquated and anachronistic psyops that thrive to the present day, the royal bloodlines are up there with the best of them. You may have caught this recent Delingpod from your side of the pond with Laura Marion who appears to do very deep research on all royal, Papal and elite bloodlines.


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