PhDinNY 5 points ago +5 / -0

You wouldn't believe how many times I have asked ANY Democrat to name ONE policy/action of Biden, or the Democrat party really, that benefits the ENTIRE country, and NOBODY will provide an answer! They are so brainwashed with the orange man bad propaganda that they are totally unable to even voice why they will vote for Biden (other than "he's not Trump")

PhDinNY 1 point ago +1 / -0

That would seem to suggest that Pence "is just playing a part, as a "bad guy"", is not true, and he really is a bad guy.

PhDinNY 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here are the first letters of words not normally capitalized:


The F in "Finest", and C in "Country" may not be part of this, so perhaps RTLRLRTLGCDD should be analyzed.

Interesting that "RTL" comes up twice. The first item in a search of this as an acronym pulled up this: What is RTL? RTL stands for Register Transfer Level. It is a level of abstraction used in digital design and computer engineering to describe the behavior and functionality of a digital circuit or system. In RTL design, a circuit is described in terms of the flow of data between registers.

PhDinNY 3 points ago +3 / -0

The fact that ALL democrats, and a large percentage of Republicans are so against Trump speaks pretty loudly about why he must be re-elected.

PhDinNY 8 points ago +9 / -1

I was at a campground in TX a few weeks ago and right after sunset one of those Starlink satellite strings went over. Nobody knew what it was. They were spaced apart at varying distances. I yelled out, "Maybe it's a code". And then followed with "Drink More Ovaltine". Got a pretty good laugh from the people in the campground :)

PhDinNY 2 points ago +2 / -0

They are pushing hard to start WWIII as a way to prevent the election.

PhDinNY 1 point ago +1 / -0

Through moral toughness, and support from your family and others, and I would add lots of prayers, you CAN remain as you are now. There have been a few politicians that remain uncorrupted. Do it!

PhDinNY 2 points ago +2 / -0

And unfortunately, the national level politicians come out of lower level political positions, and those lower level positions are dominated by corrupt people as well. Until we can squeeze out all the corrupt people at lower levels, it will be hard to have a non-corrupt Federal government.

PhDinNY 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm always amazed at how many pages of links will come up with the same basic cabal message when you search a "controversial" topic on google.

PhDinNY 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's why I'm not buying into the "buy gold asap!" hype. I think there is going to be a huge gold crash, and the "big guys" will have profited from the rise, while leaving everyone else behind. My main argument about gold is, who is going to buy it once it reaches a critical high? It then becomes a race to see who can sell first as it drops and then crashes. Guess who will be able to sell first?

PhDinNY 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is it possible for the "white hats" to take control of all MSM at some point before the election, and use "national security interests" as the justification? A one-time news broadcast wouldn't do much, but if the right people were reporting news every day for a few weeks prior to the election, it would definitely make a difference.

PhDinNY 1 point ago +1 / -0

It would be good to back U.S. dollars with gold, silver, and copper! Coinage could be in the metal most suitable for the denomination (although there would be more than a penny's worth of copper in pennies if they made them of copper). Gold and silver coins for dollars and larger value coins, and like the German currency, actual gold or silver woven into currency.

PhDinNY 2 points ago +2 / -0

And the real trick becomes identifying which politicians are just going along with what they believe is "mainstream" versus those who truly believe what they are espousing. It would seem impossible to believe a politician who previously identified as Republican and then switches to Democrat ever truly believed in Republican policies/practices. However, it is possible and reasonable to expect a person who identified as Democrat when they were young, to finally switch to Republican/Conservative later in life (although if it happens after the age of 40, it would seem they are doing it more for the perceived popularity of being Republican than truly recognizing that the Democratic party, in it's current form, WILL destroy the country).

PhDinNY 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting to consider that the "folklore remedy" of garlic and lemon juice contains lysine and vitamin C.

PhDinNY 4 points ago +4 / -0

Was this hidden from the jury? Or did the jury fear for their own lives and decided they had to convict, regardless of the evidence?

PhDinNY 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't like how she said both Biden and Trump committed felonies? (I forget the wording, but she made it out to be a matter of unequal treatment, rather than BOTH unequal treatment AND unequal actions)

PhDinNY 2 points ago +2 / -0

I live in Dutchess County, NY. The school system taxes here are on the order of $34,000/student/year! The cost of living in NY might be 25 to 30% higher than in southern states, but the cost per student for schools down there is typically 1/2 to 1/3 what it is up here! I am so disgusted with how incompetent/corrupt taxpayer funded things are here in NY!

PhDinNY 2 points ago +2 / -0

I already ordered all sorts of stuff from Amazon with that number :)

PhDinNY 1 point ago +1 / -0

I guess my father and his two brothers all ate the same bad diet; all died of heart attacks, with the youngest having his first when he was in his 40s. A man studied causes of heart disease and looked at all the factors and genetics was the main factor. Diet can help, but there is a reason why some people can smoke like a chimney their entire life, and live to 100, and others don't make it past 50, when both live the same lifestyle and diet.

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