Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stating the obvious is sometimes necesary to motivate the sleepy ones in the audience. However, Hawley is still a hawk, despite his rhetoric.

Sadness 6 points ago +6 / -0

Of course they are. They are seting a narrative.

NExt there will be a troupe of remarkibly similarly dressed young men with signs, and carrying airsoft rifles, and we will get "See? There is MAGA"

Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

The oh, let's use a scatter-gun of preposterous lawsuits to prove that Trump is not elible to run theory.

It's obvious that Trump is coining it based on our adversity.

We demand the list of illegal donors.

WH. opens door on AIPAC donations.

Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well there are some Russian hawks talking about a 'small' nuke, aimed - oh anywhere in the world - say, a military target in the nation that caused X damage over here. Here's the proof: missile shards with English on it, that only could have landed, due to US intelligence and manpower. QED. Putin himself has said that any attacks on 'old' Russia are a Red Line. Once one crosses the Rubicon, there are options. Remember that so far, the narrative has been that Ukraine has been fighting a civli war against it's 'own' citizens - who have categorically voted to join Russia - how dare they. Nevermind that those very same traitors were not allowed to vote in the 2014 Poroshenk election.

The general opinion is that it won't come to nukes unless attacked by them, but Russians have some of these mad hawky hardline people too - adding to the debate, so to speak. Maybe the Russians will take out the geostationary, low-orbit US satellites? That would cause a small amount of death-free damage, that could have serious consequences for trigger happy US hawks. But, to focus on the grey area of nuclear/not-nuclear attack: what happens if a nuclear power station is hit by a US missile, causing a radioactive cloud in Russian fertile heartlands? IDK. Maybe Russians take out the Pentagon with a 'small' nuke, because the hardliners have prepped the population?


Maybe a small nuke (totally airburst, so less radioactive material kicked up because, science, and the hypothetical NPP caused a huge dirty cloud, condemning X number of civilian lives, so a strike is theorized to be strictly a military attack, with less radioactivity than the US attack). So, on the Pentagon. Will that be the necessary wake-up call to finally put a foot down, militarily speaking? I hope not, but perhaps people need to talk about it - purely from a risk/benefit perspective.

But, I am praying for the drip-feed of DECLAS and the precedent to go after a past President, will work and we can manage, pragmatically, to avoid nukes. There is a lot of hurt in the 'checkerboard'; thanks to certain war-criminals [crumples paper to look a list]. And yes, the next US leader will need to understand the US limitations overseas, and will HAVE TO make nice with the other powers in the world, especially the ones with nukes.

Sadness 13 points ago +14 / -1

Nah, those khaki pants/navy shirt dudes with sunglasses and torches are already limbering up.

We'll recognise them from the other fed-posts.

Sadness 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is all going to come back and bite them.

Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0


And there will be a reckoning.

Sadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. Number one is properly conducted elections. The US, for example imposed ID-presented paper ballots, with thumb ink, on Iraqis. that election was internationally recognized as fair. But, the hipocrisy was that elections back home were impossibly corrupt, and worsening.

So, now the US elections are not credible. And EVERYBODY in the world can see it, and it needs to stop, starting at local levels.

Number two is a competence argument. This works on several levels: of course one needs literate, and educated people to do the moving-and-shaking stuff. Get rid of the smooth-talking transformative managers relying on very expensive comms departments. But the problem is: we live in a blanket of propaganda coming from those satanic mills. Many people still believe the government channels parading as newspapers or TV news, believing the myth that that information is credible, because it is 'mainstream'. The regular Joe cannot even discern smear articles from truth. So, there is an issue of pepe-competence to recognize the lies from the get go, and that there, is a culture change.

Culture changes are best effected via human networks.

Sadness 1 point ago +1 / -0

'splain thyself. LOLOL

Sadness 2 points ago +2 / -0

Prolly maybe, but any system can be corrupted. That is human nature. The 10% that are borderline personalty disordered, i.e. Psychopathic, Sociopatic or Narcissitic, will find a sneaky way to enrich themselves through deceit and gaming the trust-based contractual system.

The trick is in keeping to societal values, such as truth, honesty etc. And TBH the 'system' that was set up hundreds of years ago, was erupting in many centres, but it was so beautifully penned in the US. That system, starting with a constitution, is the best there is. Others can only copy it. Nevertheless, in defense of Monarchy - there CAN be benevolent Kings - but they have been inbreeding for centuries. (See: spiteful mutants. I digress/). Just a reminder - Monarchy and Imperial conquest is where the current 'system' descended from, and it was rebelled against.

I think that complete chaos is not an alternative as a 'system'. Why do you think the globalists have designed the rainbow package? To de-stabilize. If we can reclaim the 'old' system that is still hanging on by its fingernails, we can improve it by at last getting rid of the rotten apples.

Sadness 4 points ago +4 / -0

Actually there is a hierarchy, from arbitration-'judges'; to County/City to State, to Federal - and ultimately to the Supreme Court - literally in a pyramid structure.

The court that holds a federal court accountable is the Supreme Court - that is why there are nine judges, uneven to prevent a hung panel - all at the top of their game. However, Judges, and also members of the public, can appeal from below, provided they can frame their claim in terms of standing. One cannot claim standing in the Supreme Court until one has been materially and unconstitutionally harmed by a Federal Court.

This was the whole point with all those election cases, early on: no standing - to the delight of Democrats, who thought they had won the battle. However, this statement (no standing) from the Supreme Court was merely stating a fact. One cannot claim harm when one merely 'loses' an election. In any case, I think it was a Beta-dry-run for Trump's lawyers - i.e. bringing a case to the SC, in a history-setting case, regarding the POTUS. As the trumpet-playing civilian brothers have demonstrated - one has to keep trying, when they read your SC submission and then give you an instruction- to get it all according to protocol.

So, weirdly, we are watching a slow-motion trainwreck - all the corrupt judges, as they vulgarly display all their miserable habits and inner snot-gurgle mind-works with fingers all grubby from the money - despite their attempts at censorship. LOL at tweeters sending several tweets per minute.

Once they 'convict' Trump, somehow, the haters will think they won, again. However, this is where the long game plays off: This is when the patriot fires will start burning: We are going to see the Supreme Court in action on behalf of Trump - with standing as the Victim of corrupt judges. NOW he has standing. Obviously.

I can smell the trepidation coming from the jury. There are two choices. What if they find him innocent, because they manage to agree the whole thing is corrupt - through osmosis - good lord, they are swimming in instructions. The Democrats will get extremely dangerous then, as desperation must set in. They are already yelling in the street from their platform shoes. Not summer of love stuff - much worse.

If the jury finds Trump guilty, the MAGA crowd (LOL) will start waving flags, standing around with red hats on, tweeting and spreading mis-information on all their live-stream channels madly. Wut, FBI raids? Cops? On camera. KEK. All of the public, and the whole world, will know in four hours total, that America has truly collapsed.

Oh, and Trump's team had better move fast, after the jury decides on guilty, to prevent a riot. So, I bet the SC submission is already typed up. It will be hours, and then a few days. Or something. I think there is a whole lotta urgency mow. Who knows? Maybe they wait (while they leisurely type with one finger and humming), while the enemy destroys themselves completely. After all, those other cases are like dominoes, hanging on this verdict. They will all start screaming at once.

Sadness 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nothing to see here.

We knew about SEO optimization, even. In the old days one could make keyword-rich text (it didn't have to make sense) and then hide it on the page, using the same color as the background. All the crawler-bots would arrive and greedily read it, and it would cause a bounce in the rankings.

Whatever 'new' algo they come up with - soon everyone is finding loopholes and playing the game.


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