ShadiLayMeDown 10 points ago +10 / -0

Every frog on here should make some free time, find a quiet place and watch this with an open mind. Straight up scary to see how closely this applies to today—if this doesn’t remind ALL of us of how big the stakes truly are…then idk what will. Our ENEMY has been at this a VERY LONG time and they will NEVER give up what they see as theirs without a bitter fight. This fight ain’t going to the scorecards frens. . .

ShadiLayMeDown 1 point ago +1 / -0

Give ‘em hell Anon! This is what winning looks like folks, NEVER back down. We win one step at a time. Cheers!

ShadiLayMeDown 0 points ago +1 / -1

If you spent more time slowly reading and thinking, rather than projecting your own ignorance and reflexively protecting those that hold your chains, you might actually grow up and learn something.

Your BASE understanding is wrong, so you’re first steps are in the wrong direction and until you figure out where you started down the wrong path, how can you ever hope to get back on the right course?

A) Romans were simply the tool. (That word means they were used as an instrument to fulfill the user’s purpose. Not disagreeing that they performed the act. I just don’t get mad at hammers) B) Words Matter. The white washing of the driving force and who precisely pursued, demanded, and ensured the crucifixion is indicative of the historical distortions that are used over time to provide cover. C) JESUS WAS NOT JEWISH. “JEWS” ARE NOT ISRAELITES. JUDAISM IS NOT HEBRAISM. JESUS DID NOT PRACTICE JUDAISM. D) HIS own people didn’t reject him- THOSE people did- there’s a difference. And the fact that that line has been purposefully blurred validates its importance (but name stealing is nothing new).

This is boring me now. Start over, question everything, remove your trained biases…or don’t and keep sucking on that boot like a good lil goy all the way to damnation idgaff 😘

ShadiLayMeDown 0 points ago +1 / -1

“HAD him arrested…and put to death” you admit my point in your sentence dipshit. Quit being so reflexive to lick your Jewish masters boots and apply the discernment skills you should be learning here! THEY were the driving force, THEY called for it, THEY demanded it, THEY ensured it. The Romans were merely the tool they used to try and avoid the karmic retribution and the accountability like they always do, AS PROFESSED IN THE TREATA SANHEDRA. You’ve been such a well trained goyim that you don’t even realize WHEN you’re licking their boots and carrying water for them.

THIS IS GOD’S WORD! HE calls them by name and calls for us to see them as they ARE. They Synagogue of Satan. You are defaulting to your factory settings of “muh strongest ally…muh judeo-Christian values…muh chosen ppl…” NONE of those are true about THEM, THEY have distorted TRUTH and your ignorance only helps them

ShadiLayMeDown 2 points ago +3 / -1

The Romans were cowards and capitulated, no doubt, but few gov officials have EVER stood up their depraved plots and violent mob tactics (so I don’t expect different- they go with the wind). The Romans were NOT the driving force and NOT the ones calling for his arrest and crucifixion. I DO NOT subscribe to soulless practices of the treata sanhedra or any other part of abomination they call the talmud; I will NOT shift the blame from where it rightly should rest. (Sure it may have ‘needed to happen/ been foreseen’ but that doesn’t make THEM any less monstrous. A hideous nature with no desire for or capability of betterment/change is not a virtuous/defensible creature…just a predictable beast and should be handled accordingly.

ShadiLayMeDown 1 point ago +2 / -1

Friendly reminder that The Romans didn’t kill Christ. I believe you are correct that Satan used and infected those named nations but may be ignoring the primary transmission vector and exhibiting symptoms. None of this is new. The playbook has been known for thousands of years - ppl just stopped using their eyes…

ShadiLayMeDown 1 point ago +1 / -0

And my Mama damn sure wouldn’t stop there either KEK it’s PAST time we broke out the Big Belt (the one with the buckle 😉) and remind em whose house it is…

ShadiLayMeDown 9 points ago +9 / -0

Ooh! Ooh! I call window seat on takeoff! 🚀🌜

ShadiLayMeDown 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yep and their cover of Land of Confusion slaps too. Todays playlist is decided KEK

ShadiLayMeDown 4 points ago +4 / -0

Would imagine we still have plenty of lurkers. Checking in without loggin in and updootin (I know I’m guilty of that plenty).

Kinda comes with the territory of Holding The Line. We have this as a main hub, but we moved on to the spreading/dissemination phase, other spaces have opened (or softened) to our message and as we gain ground there, we don’t have to have as many defending the hill where we had our last stand. We resisted the push back and crack down and “through the night with a light from above” we still Stood Strong, and rallied even more people to our cause. Ever since then we keep taking one step forward at a time, again and again, we don’t have to run or scream- just KEEP STEPPING FORWARD, NEVER RETREAT and WE WILL WIN.

Keep pushing back, in ANY and EVERY way you can Frens! Not just big political moves or resolutions, but just resisting how they want us to act, how theyve tried to shape us, in all areas down to :Behavior, language, thinking, feeling; we ALL are faced with small choices EVERYday to comply/submit and do what they have made eAsY, or to Stand and do what is RIGHT.

Utmost love and respect for all of you here. HOPE and FIGHT frens! WWG1WGA

ShadiLayMeDown 2 points ago +2 / -0

And how much of the ‘sovereign citizen shit’ was ‘shit’ just a few years ago compared to how much is ‘shit’ now?

What reason do you have for thinking that trend won’t continue?

Do you think you have any existing/conditioned biases to influence your opinions on what is ‘shit’?

Would go much further if you had any point of contention to discuss.

ShadiLayMeDown 2 points ago +2 / -0

Really?? Just bc he ‘played’ Robert Langdon? Do the scientists think the sheep are are that shallow too, or is there another factor(s) behind the scenes influencing the decision?

Why would you give over the spot light for such a weak ‘connection’ ? Does he really provide any more publicity than it was already getting?

ShadiLayMeDown 23 points ago +23 / -0

Nailed it. This is they way frens. Question EVERYthing, ESPECIALLY your own biases and complacency. WE have to hold ourselves to a higher standard bc our enemies WILL hold us accountable and use it to hurt the movement as a whole. Stay vigilant out there!

ShadiLayMeDown 11 points ago +11 / -0

Obligatory “#ThisTrainAintGotNoBrakes!!!” Response. Choo Choo MFers CHOO CHOOOO!

ShadiLayMeDown 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of us! One of us! KEK

Hell yea fren! Nothing sweeter than the sound of one more brick being added to the wall. NCSWIC

ShadiLayMeDown 3 points ago +4 / -1

Yea, one small step ain’t gonna get him back up the mountain to the Promise Land. I’ll give him a hat tip for doin his damn job but he’s still a SNAKE that should be kept at arm’s length for the foreseeable future. He’s got A LOT left to do.

ShadiLayMeDown 11 points ago +11 / -0

Reality: vax causing spikes in cancers.

Big Media/Pharma claim: vax is great and could actually cure cancer.

Response: Omg thx; get your next booster and ‘Trust The Science’

Trump Claim: vax is great and could actually cure cancer. YOU’RE WELCOME.

Now, in order to cont their con they have to thank Trump and give him credit for curing cancer, OR, just ‘reeeeee, we cant trust trump and his science! They don’t cure cancer, they make it worse, investigate, holy shit, lock him etc.

HE WINS either way and in the end THEY LOSE regardless. COZY AF

ShadiLayMeDown 16 points ago +16 / -0

NEVER forget and NEVER forgive those responsible (I know, I know but I’ll leave any possible forgiveness up there Jesus bc I simply don’t give a shit about them anymore). They had no reservations about fucking around, so I’ll damn sure not have any about Them finding out.

So many normies are trying hard to white wash and memory hole the reality not our oppression and certainly their own despicable and cowardly reactions tot hat oppression. I do not let them.

They need to be reminded of not only how STUPID they were/are, but more dangerously, how that ignorance, mixed with COWARDICE and topped with an inconceivable claim of the moral high ground, almost led to the internment/genocide of tens of millions at minimum. Think of how bad things would’ve been if not for Patriots and Pedes givin em ALL the finger the ENTIRE time…


ShadiLayMeDown 11 points ago +11 / -0

I feel for you fren. Riding that Struggle Bus right along with ya. Prayers up from me and mine to you and yours 🙏🏼❤️🐸

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