SkiSkiUSMC 13 points ago +13 / -0

Why does that teacher have long hair and boobs but sound like a dude? If that’s a tranny then it makes sense why they suddenly want to press charges on the student now but didn’t care before.

SkiSkiUSMC 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don’t think you’re gonna like how this movie ends…


SkiSkiUSMC 6 points ago +6 / -0

Trying to keep attention off this by flooding the media with Biden saying he’d debate and Kristi Noem writing about putting her dog down?

SkiSkiUSMC 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not trying to argue. Just trying to say tensions are up, times are tough, don’t be so hard on your fellow anons. We’re all on the same team here in the end.

SkiSkiUSMC 9 points ago +9 / -0

You mean their story verse the TRUTH! Fuck those commie bastards!

SkiSkiUSMC 1 point ago +2 / -1

You’re glowing rather brightly right now for a three year old account. Might want to take a break and unplug fren. There’s nothing wrong with that. We all get burnt out at times. Take a chill pill and relax for a bit.

SkiSkiUSMC 8 points ago +8 / -0

Thank you for the 100% clarification. I’m not the most autistic autist in the room and need answers like these sometimes to fully understand. I appreciate it a lot.

SkiSkiUSMC 37 points ago +38 / -1

So to my understanding of this post, the debate is not to be whether or not these things exist, but whether or not they are responsible for what events may happen and not to get tunnel vision on one specific thing?

I only ask because I was in the Marines. I know DEW’s exist. I have seen one used personally. I know “chem trails” are a thing, however I would refer to them as cloud seeding instead; this was used during the Vietnam war during Operation Popeye to a high success percentage.

Am I correct in my understanding or am I wrong here and these subjects just aren’t going to be tolerated on GAW? I just need a definitive answer In layman’s terms sometimes.

SkiSkiUSMC 2 points ago +2 / -0


“The link between the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and blood clots first emerged in April after six cases were reported in women. Federal health officials paused the use of the vaccine at that time to investigate the cases and resumed administration 10 days later, adding a warning that the vaccine could be linked to the clots, particularly among women ages 18 to 49.”


I have also found multiple articles talking about the pause ranging from 10 days to 2 weeks to several months. Either way, they shut it down after 6 issues arose, sealed the deal on the other contracts for Pfizer and Moderna then allowed them back into the playing field. My gut tells me they were approached by the same players and were told to play ball if they want money.

SkiSkiUSMC 2 points ago +2 / -0

My only guess is plausible deniability. I mean, we are anons. We are supposed to be able to decode and read between the lines in order to wake up normies to the truth. Is it a failure on him or a failure on us at this point? We have full faith in Q and constantly look for comms, yet Trump never came out and told us the truth in layman’s terms. I don’t think he really had to. I just don’t think we were really listening.

SkiSkiUSMC 2 points ago +2 / -0

I drive this exact spot almost every day. I sat in traffic for hours with everything shut down wondering what the hell was going on until I found out. No idea what caused it but I was very interested in finding out who was on that flight considering these aren’t normally “accidents”.

SkiSkiUSMC 5 points ago +5 / -0

🤣🤣🤣 I had friends like that. They’re all divorced now.

SkiSkiUSMC 10 points ago +10 / -0

I’d like to add that, both parents not only need to stay together to raise the family, but also be on the same page spiritually and politically to create an even tighter family unit. To raise a boy to be a man and a girl to be a woman. Not this house husband beta cuck and feminazi strong woman shit raising children to be trannies and crap.
Also, self accountability is a HUGE factor in correcting the future. I’m a 90’s kid, blaming previous generations or my parents for how I turned out is still just a scapegoat to avoid taking charge of one’s own life. If our generation sees a problem, then we need to cut the woah is me, boomers ruined things bullshit and do what’s right for the future.

SkiSkiUSMC 3 points ago +3 / -0

This was the 2024 version of “I did not have sexual relations”. Pride comes before the fall. This is the set up for the change of batter. Then they will sneak in Michelle after August. What they keep forgetting though is that NOTHING can stop what is coming.

SkiSkiUSMC 6 points ago +6 / -0

Honestly, this is America. We are full of all kinds of races. I really don’t give a shit what race is holding the number one beer spot in America. What I do care about is whether or not that number one beer spot is pushing cabal agenda bullshit. If it is, I don’t buy it.

SkiSkiUSMC 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was under the impression that different parts of your body all have different PH levels because different PH levels are needed in order for all our different organs to function? I.E. the PH in our mouth, stomach, blood, urine, spleen, liver etc. are all different PH levels. That our body purposefully regulates it at these levels because if the PH levels needed for those organs to function were to change even a small percentage, we would die. Everything I’ve researched says that it’s impossible to change your body’s PH level and all that gets measured for PH is what is excreted via waste and not the actual PH level of your body.

The reason I refute is because my mother fell into a trap called “The PH Miracle” when my grandmother got breast cancer. I told her it was BS from the beginning and not to follow that book because she was going to hurt herself. Lo and behold, a year later, she’s anemic, major micronutrient and macro nutrient deficiencies and having to make massive changes to her diet to get back on a healthy course.

Later on I find out that the author of that book had lost his medical license for experimenting with alternative treatments for cancer, (one example being injecting large amounts of turmeric into one patients veins), that resulted in the deaths of several people. He is now sitting in jail with multiple felonies for manslaughter and other charges.

All that said, I am ALWAYS open to learning something new and would love to read up on any information you have regarding this topic if you would be willing to share more. I love the keto diet myself and do it periodically for 3-4 months at a time to kind of reset my body. Cancer 100% does feed off sugar so I’m not arguing with you there either. It’s the PH thing I’d like to know more about because like I said, everything I’ve researched in the past either turned out to be a grift to sell books or just straight up misinformation.

SkiSkiUSMC 4 points ago +4 / -0

Honestly I’ve always been a cold turkey person because every time I try to wean myself off of something I always find an excuse to say nah a little won’t hurt me lol. But if I were to make a recommendation I would start with one thing at a time and remove it from your diet. Like if you wanted to go really slowly into it, maybe only cut out sodas or sweet teas, basically anything that is a sweetened drink. Only drink water, unsweetened teas, coffee for those first two weeks. Keep everything else the same. Then once you’re good to go and no longer craving those items, pick something else and remove it from your diet for the next two weeks. Maybe no grains those two weeks or no processed foods. Just keep chipping away something new every two weeks until you’ve trimmed your diet like a bonsai tree into what you want it to be? That’d be my best advice.

SkiSkiUSMC 30 points ago +30 / -0

I stopped watching sports in general when they all jumped on board the kneeling for the anthem BS. Why anyone is still watching it after we’ve known where they stand for all these years baffles me.

SkiSkiUSMC 14 points ago +14 / -0

I don’t have anything to offer as far as cancer treatment goes but I can give you what I have been doing and how it has affected me. Currently I am on an Alternate Day Fasting(ADF) schedule with my dieting. There are a few different ways of doing it but I follow the strictest one. Basically, I have one big meal, consisting of around 2000 calories, on Mon/Wed/Fri and Sun. I don’t eat a single thing and drink only water and occasionally a black coffee on Tues/Thurs/Sat. TLDR I eat 4 big meals a week that leave me with three 48 hour fasts and one 24 hour fast every week. I do this when I am trying to cut weight. Mixed with light cardio/stamina training.

The meals I eat are meats, fruits, vegetables, salads and on Sundays I like to treat myself a little with a protein pasta by Barilla. My Italian part of me must be satiated lol. I keep protein my top priority followed up by healthy carbs and fats. Other than that Sunday meal, there’s no grains, refined sugars or processed foods.

When I am circuit training with weights, I use kettlebells, ruck sacks, sand bags and body weight, Mon/Wed/Fri then light cardio on Tues/Thurs. Saturday or Sunday is usually reserved for a 10-15 mile hump with a pack that varies in weight from 20-40lbs depending on how I’m feeling that week.

During the times I am following my circuit training regimen, I eat one meal around 1800-2000 calories 6 days a week and fast on Sundays eating the same whole foods I mentioned earlier. However, every other Sunday, I have myself a cheat meal which is usually the protein pasta. This leaves me with six 24 hour fasts throughout the week and two 48 hour fasts each month.

When I made the lifestyle switch over to eating and living like this, my sleep pattern fixed itself. I ended up sleeping all the way through the night in a very deep sleep. The homeostasis of my stomach repaired itself and the gastric issues I was dealing with completely went away. My joints feel better, my energy levels have gone way up, my sex drive has gone up, my mental clarity is through the roof and I get so much more done at work while keeping all my stress levels very low. I don’t really drink a lot, maybe 2 glasses of mead every 3-4 months for a birthday or gathering with friends. I have saved tons of money on food by being organized with my meals as well.

The first week I made the change, it was not easy and there was a lot of grogginess in the mornings with brain fog randomly throughout the day. By the second week my body started adapting and that’s when the sleep got much better and the grogginess started going away. By the third week, everything kicked into high gear and the negatives were gone and I was only left with positives.

The biggest reason I chose to go this route was because of the amount of positives that come out of the body being in a state of autophagy. During this time your body actually repairs itself. It cleans out old/dead cells and recycles them to fix what is damaged. There has been several studies that have come out showing the benefits of autophagy which I will link as well. I haven’t gotten sick in years and my allergies have damn near disappeared. The lifestyle change I made is not easy and does require some sacrifice and a lot of discipline but in my opinion, the benefits outweigh the losses. In reality, what I once viewed as losses (going out to bars, drinking a lot with friends, stuffing my face with whatever was at the restaurant, late nights followed by hangovers etc.) I don’t really view as a loss anymore and see them as a waste of time that I have moved on from.

Autophagy (there are pros and cons and I encourage you to read up on it and make your own decision on whether or not it’s right for you):








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