Hoo boy does it stink. Could it be the parasite? I'm feeling better btw!


I must've caught a stomach bug from a relative who was also sick...

I've been puking all day. I'm trying to drink as many liquids as I can and I haven't eaten anything yet. What protocol will help me? Do I just take Ivermectin? Can I get it from Amazon?




Now that the merger went through, what do I do with the $10k in warrants that I spent? Do I convert it to DWAC? Or can I sell the warrants?


Any help would be appreciated...


Probably a long shot but I lost my job recently and I live in the middle of nowhere so commute is a nightmare... I was wondering if anyone here could maybe offer me something? I'll do pretty much anything.

Is there a cure for diabetes? 🧐 Research Wanted πŸ€”
posted ago by StormSailor ago by StormSailor

Since we know that HCQ, Ivermectin and other medicines can cure cancer I wanted to know if diabetes can be cured? I don't mean treated, I mean 100% cured...


I'm actually a bit disappointed in Mike... I own the Premium version which is a pretty comfy pillow but this new version he put out is awful. It's completely flat and does not stay cool like he claims. Feels a bit like a scam... I have no problem supporting patriots by purchasing from American businesses like Mike, but I wish they wouldn't make garbage products and blatantly lie about them. Mike, if you're reading this, throw the 2.0 in the trash and put the Premium on sale instead.


So my dad is on disability/retirement pension and they received a letter stating that the SSA overpaid them the last few years and that my parents owe them $20,000. Now I'm sure this is chump change to many here and doesn't sound like a whole lot, but with the amount of bills they have to pay they have no hope in paying these people back for quite some time. Possibly 3 years at the earliest... the SSA sent a letter stating if they don't pay back that money they'll either stop the benefits or deduct money from each check to pay back the owed $20k.

All this to say that I'm infuriated by how evil these people are. It's clearly not my parents fault and they even state in the letter that it's not their fault, but they still spring this shit on their lap. Their lawyer apparently told them that nothing can be done about it either.

Is this video real?? (streamable.com) LET'S GOOoOoooo!!!
posted ago by StormSailor ago by StormSailor

"We're opening up Guantanmo Bay and we're saving it for her [Hillary]...." was the exact quote that I'm looking for. There used to be a clip of this exact Trump quote posted on here. It was from circa 2017/2018 I believe.

Finally got COVID for the first time 🧘Mental/Physical Health πŸ‹πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ
posted ago by StormSailor ago by StormSailor

I'm on day... 3? 2? First couple days I had a bad headache along with everything else. Now It's just typical flu symptoms. Not as much congestion as before, which is great, but I do have a very runny nose which I find to be quite a nuisance. My taste buds don't seem to be working the same which is a concern... I've heard some people have had a permanent loss of smell and taste so I hope that doesn't happen to me. Otherwise it doesn't seem so bad, it's more or less like the flu lol. I find it a little funny that it's taken me nearly 3 years to finally get COVID. I don't have HCQ/Ivermectin but I am using an alternative protocol that the America's Frontline Doctors recommended.

Still not getting the shot(s). Never will.


...it's another thing entirely to completely demoralize your base and lie to them. What happened to 2020 being fixed? What happened to "the thief has to return the diamonds when they're caught"? What happened to "you will be happy very soon, we will take the WH sooner than you think"?

Not dooming, I'm just asking questions. He sounded sad and tired in this speech and flat out told us that Biden would serve out his full 4 years, and that he needs to in order to wake up the country... that it'll give us an even bigger chance to win in 2024. He didn't address the 2022 fraud, he didn't address 2020. He didn't address how we could hope to win in 2024 with all of this fraud that keeps persisting.

So which is it? Is he merely acting and using Art of War tactics? If so, why demoralize his base to this extent? Why lie to his supporters? Wouldn't it be better to not say anything at all, and keep the DS in suspense for more months?

This is beyond frustrating. What does everyone else think about this?


I think it might be a parasite. I've tried the vitamins, zinc, quercetin suggestions, avoided sugar, drank lots of fluids and tea, slept a lot. But I still feel like I've been hit by a truck. Can anyone point me to where I can get some Ivermectin ASAP? I've reached out to America's Frontline Doctors but am wondering where else I can find it? I know it's supposedly OTC now in Tennessee but I don't know anyone in TN that would be able to get it for me. Anyone have any suggestions? If it was a mere cold I wouldn't be concerned but I believe I might have a parasite and I feel absolutely awful right now because of it.




.......Since we obviously can't trust our "healthcare" industry anymore.

I have very little iron in my blood and might need a blood transfusion. Anyone know why the iron is so low and what I could do to get it back to normal levels?


Doesn't look flat to me. Cry moar, flat girthers.

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