TakeItBack 8 points ago +8 / -0

And they REALLY are that stupid.....

TakeItBack 5 points ago +5 / -0

Our country would be a sovereign country but our government, in relation to the people, is most certainly not. What arrogance. The counties created the states and the states created our government. Our federal government has very limited authority to do only specific things. It ran off those rails a very long time ago.

Our public servants come from the people. The people are almost entirely ignorant about how our government is supposed to work and the very few authorities it has. The people were never meant to be ruled....however, when they become ignorant and don't carefully watch their servants, things go off the rails. And here we are......

TakeItBack 4 points ago +4 / -0

Only these people are given free rein to vomit all over others. A citizen attending such a meeting would be escorted out or have his mic turned off, at the very least.

TakeItBack 2 points ago +2 / -0

You have the authority to demand that these spirits LEAVE in the holy name of Jesus. Claim the blood of Jesus over your home and your family. He did for you.

I've been dealing with this crap for the past couple of years. I've been learning how to navigate through it. Lots of witchcraft in the area.....The more I learn, the better it gets. In my church, this is routine information so they've been a great help. The physical, emotional, and spiritual healings are commonplace. This is how it was meant to be; I think that, over time, the churches will wake up and realize that they're offering little to nothing to those who are hurting. Jesus said we would do all that He did and much more. My pastor travels all over Vermont, places in Massachusetts, and elsewhere to help churches that are on fire for Jesus.

Your greatest strength would be to be in alliance and total agreement with your wife. You must find the time to make Jesus central to everything and not forsake the gathering together with like individuals who are awake. I make sure I am at my church every Sunday morning....it's an oasis of love, healing, and learning. Holy Spirit's presence is felt by all in different ways.

I ask God's blessing upon you, your wife, and your children during these times of great difficulty. God is as close to you as your breath.

TakeItBack 2 points ago +2 / -0

A fraudulent CONgress, along with the rest of the DC miscreants, has no legitimate to pass any laws. It so absurd and goes against decency, morality, and common sense. It will not stand.

TakeItBack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Top tier! Her success seems to have been greatly supported by the very vocal audience. That made a big difference for her. Her age, I'd think, was a reason that they seemed to hold back where they might not have if she'd been an adult. She's a shining example of what we all should be doing.

TakeItBack 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, I remember what happened in China and have observed the muzzies breeding like demonic rabbits.

Good question.....remove the invading masses for sure and educate. I truly think that we are approaching a most amazing time though--after all this mess is dealt with.

TakeItBack 11 points ago +11 / -0

I'd bet that a good number believe the lie of over-population. Of course, they don't stop to consider that THEY should be the first to leave this sphere of life.

TakeItBack 1 point ago +1 / -0

I seriously doubt that these people would re-elect that lizard....once, PERHAPS.

TakeItBack 3 points ago +3 / -0

I lived in Fort Collins from 2009 to 2011 and saw breathtaking corruption.....from those very people.

TakeItBack 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yep. Funny, though, how many believe that that boob is Biden. I always marvel at it. BTW, I had not seen this clip.

TakeItBack 2 points ago +2 / -0

I said no to it because I never say yes to ANY vax.

TakeItBack 1 point ago +1 / -0

They aren't touching the fact that the jab was a genocide tool. I wonder if Cuomo rethought using his celebrity status to promote this poison. I really don't have much sympathy for these people who pushed others to the slaughter, so to speak.

TakeItBack 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very satisfying to watch all of those stupid tents AND their crap left behind being fed into the trash masher. Absolutely love it!!

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