ThreeOneFIve 1 point ago +1 / -0

The ethical conversation and psychological conversation about why someone would want an extreme age gap is a matter for professionals to sort out in counseling.

Obviously if a person is actually being predatory they need to be punished.

The Constitution was written to protect the individual.

There are rare cases where, in terms of emotional maturity, an 18 year old is a good match for a 29 year old, as insane as that sounds its basic biology/psychology.

or a 21 year old and a 32 year old. Etc.

If the young person is a genius, for instance, who cannot matchmake with people thier own age.

ThreeOneFIve 2 points ago +2 / -0

Alternate financial systems are already being built (and currently exist) in crypto, its massive. Lookup Chainlink.

The difference will be which ones predominate as used by the public, and what, out of the many options, will come of it.

Gold & SIlver backed crypto's already exist, such as the XAG (silver) token.

ThreeOneFIve 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the states do not use it as currency, then they will be fine.

Local economies can trade with silver coins.

ThreeOneFIve 1 point ago +1 / -0

Other places that have banned it: Four states in the US, ProCrypto GOPWhip & Ted Cruz working on national ban of CBDC. Desantis banned CBDC in Florida.

ThreeOneFIve 2 points ago +2 / -0

Many biolabs have been uncovered and/or destroyed. More need to be discovered.

ThreeOneFIve 2 points ago +2 / -0

Poll workers with smart phones.

Organize a contingency and film it like crazy.

ThreeOneFIve 1 point ago +1 / -0

In finance, Crypto staking stablecoins pays high interest rates.

ThreeOneFIve 1 point ago +2 / -1

Simple. What did people do for income during the lockdown?

The solution is to educate them on finance and jobs they can do from home.

Then find inexpensive property for them to own (it still exists). You can get a cabin for less than $10,000.

Jobs exist to make another business profit.

Embrace AI, Crypto, Youtube channels, online business.

There are many ways.

As for the deeper issues; a PhD PsyD Therapist who is trained in evolutionary psychology will help to deal with specific male & female issues.

In older times we have initiations for men and women. As parents; this is your job.

The only remaining battle is the random influences of social media.

Discourage this; encourage free online education.

Millions of people dont even need jobs for the internet provides income on many platforms. I dont mean being an instagram influencer.

I mean real work; be creative and share expertise on youtube for instance.

If you dont want to support google, pick another platform that pays well.

ThreeOneFIve 8 points ago +8 / -0

This is true. Some rental car companies can already do this. If you dont pay the bill, they shutoff the car after a grace period then track it and come tow it.

Onstar and other satellite providers promise roadside assistance but they can shut your car off if that particular model has the device to do so.

ThreeOneFIve 9 points ago +9 / -0

Not surprised.

Then government will start shouting about taking your cars just like they shout about forced vaccination and taking your guns.

And we all tell them "Good luck with that"

Get ready for the 'car grabber' movement and propaganda for the next 2 decades.

ThreeOneFIve 1 point ago +1 / -0

Glad someone called this out.

Elon likely started out innocent when he built tesla & paypal (most people do).

Cool technology, wanting to help people and the planet.

But something seems to flip when people rise in power and the dark arts become attractive. Guess people get bored of yoga and the bible? I dont know.

He is spreading a lot of truth en masse.

But; neuralink and satanism and the ability to remotely control peoples cars are a dealbreaker.

NO NOT EVERYONE. If you bump elbows with people in the entertainment industry a lot of them are, some of them aren't (sorry, conspiracy theorists, not everyone is a satanist).

Take the good (Solar panels and spreading truth).

Ditch and reject the bad (promoting satanism, remote controlling peoples brains en masse, remote controlling peoples cars).

Check out HUGH DARROW the character from Deus Ex Human Revolution.

He does the same thing that elon is doing with neuralink VERBATIM.

Spoiler: At the end of the game peoples brain chips go haywire and they all kill each other.

ThreeOneFIve 1 point ago +1 / -0

Glad someone called this out.

Elon likely started out innocent when he built tesla & paypal (most people do).

Cool technology, wanting to help people and the planet.

But something seems to flip when people rise in power and the dark arts become attractive. Guess people get bored of yoga and the bible? I dont know.

He is spreading a lot of truth en masse.

But; neuralink and satanism and the ability to remotely control peoples cars are a dealbreaker.

NO NOT EVERYONE. If you bump elbows with people in the entertainment industry a lot of them are, some of them aren't (sorry, conspiracy theorists, not everyone is a satanist).

Take the good (Solar panels and spreading truth).

Ditch and reject the bad (promoting satanism, remote controlling peoples brains en masse, remote controlling peoples cars).

Check out HUGH DARROW the character from Deus Ex Human Revolution.

He does the same thing that elon is doing with neuralink VERBATIM.

Spoiler: At the end of the game peoples brain chips go haywire and they all kill each other.

ThreeOneFIve 2 points ago +4 / -2

Still have hopium that a military coopted by a global elite will come in and save the day?

The same military that took 20 years to leave afghanistan, even under Trump, even though he turned the corner and became anti-war?

The same military that took orders under bush to rape and murder iraqi women and children, by the millions?

You let me know how that plays out.

Keep watching those John wayne movies and waiting for the Calvary to arrive theorizing at home while you do nothing.

Let me know how that goes.

ThreeOneFIve 1 point ago +1 / -0

As I've said countless people among the Elites have pre-announced a new pandemic.

Project Veritas Exposed Pfizer on this already and the video got 50 million views. There were protests outside the pfizer building then nothing.

General Flynn selling more books and events and podcasts will not stop this.

Mass education wont either because people already know.

Action is the cure, by those who are in a position.


ThreeOneFIve 1 point ago +1 / -0

Knowing is half the battle.

Getting people to show up and fight the other half is a challenge.

People show up to rallies but they aren't voting in the same numbers in LOCAL elections.

Too many people are playing the 'wait untill 2024' game. Dude, its not just the president that does everything.

Thats the whole point of this country.

Its YOU. Its everyone both civillians and those in professional positions (Gov, USMIL) who play a role.

ThreeOneFIve 2 points ago +2 / -0

This 100%.

Sad that it took russia, our longtime enemy historically, to be the one to step up and start attacking biolabs.

What is OUR military doing?

ThreeOneFIve 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thats what Trump said before he was pressured into lockdowns and then released the vax.

Though to his credit he simultaneously released therapeutics and promoted alternative home remedies, and gave people a choice, but was attacked for doing so.

ThreeOneFIve 6 points ago +6 / -0

The events of 2020 unfolded nearly exactly like the film which also takes place in the year 2020.

I don't think this was predictive programming, rather the powers that be (both positive and negative) taking a playbook from Hollywood and twisting the narrative to make it happen in real life.

Virus that attacked the country Riots Fear based Media Hysteria Forced vaccination/experimentation Lockdowns/curfews Gun grabbing (though this failed in the US ; gun sales went up) Food supply threatened Censorship Cancel culture.

George Floyd = young girl in V who was shot in the street, causing riots.

Nov the 5th 2020 rally with Trump.

ThreeOneFIve 4 points ago +4 / -0

On November the 5th 2020 Trump held the biggest rally he had ever held up to that point.

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