What-Me-Worry 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks Fren.

I never shut it off, but now it's working.

Maybe my Fedboi is messing with my account. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

What-Me-Worry 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sure, but what happens if the GOP throws him off because he's a "Convicted Criminal"?

Will he resort to being a write in candidate, or will he be welcomed onto the Libertarian ticket?

What-Me-Worry 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can someone remind me what settings in my browser I have to adjust to properly display embedded images like q-posts and Gifs?

It's been working fine for many years, but Firefox ran an update and I can't see them anymore.


What-Me-Worry 3 points ago +3 / -0

A couple years ago I used to see a lot more military equipment being moved around, but as of late, not much at all. Possibly all the assets have been positioned as needed under President Trumps "Continuation of Government".

Also, they may try to fast-track another frivolous case before November in an attempt to embarrass Trump and get him thrown out of the GOP (uniparty) and thus off the ballot. Him schmoozing with the libertarian party might be the actual party that gets him on the paper ballots this fall.

What-Me-Worry 2 points ago +2 / -0

They are very good at playing the slow game where our laws, language, culture, news and truth creep into something else they carefully craft well in advance.

They need to stop us from learning about WWI, Titanic, Hindenburg, WWII, JFK, Korea, Vietnam, 9/11, MK Ultra, the vaxx ☠, the media propaganda, the Fed Reserve, C|A, FB|, and on and on.

This is where they fight to retain power as we begin to rise up. They will crack the whip across our faces, but we are ready to revolt and throw off their authority with the Full Armour of God.

What-Me-Worry 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for thinking of him. 🧑

His brother is a nurse and told me he was discharged Monday with burns, a broken hand and a bad laceration to his head. He's staying at his girlfriends house right now, but I don't know where his boys will be living.

Our Aunt lives in the same city and has a spare bedroom, but I'm not sure if she can handle 2 or 3 more occupants as she has problems with her knees and feet.

What-Me-Worry 12 points ago +12 / -0

Interesting that you can see under the street/sidewalk in one of the photos posted in the comments.

Will we find tunnels under this building also?

What-Me-Worry 4 points ago +4 / -0

I suspect when the truth comes out that Homobama, Piglosi, Jack Dorcy @Twitter and possibly Pompeo have already visited N. Korea during Bath House Barry's administration, the C|A, FB|, Mou$$ad are going to remove any archived records that help support the truth.

Those are all old Q posts that told us to Archive Offline. If Q repeats something several times, we should take it seriously.

That's my take anyways.

What-Me-Worry 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you very much.

I talked to my other cousin, Shawn's' brother, and he unfortunately let the house insurance payments lapse so there is no coverage. Hopefully the neighbors houses that were damaged can be repaired with their own coverage.

What-Me-Worry 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you very much. He's in northern Ohio. His son went to the hospital also with smoke inhalation.

What-Me-Worry 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the awesome response and links. I'll be investigating this more.

Have a nice Memorial Day Weekend.

What-Me-Worry 5 points ago +5 / -0

A local mom that is slowly waking up has been asking the wife and I questions. Her husband lost his previous wife (two of their 5 kids lost that mom) due to cancer so I have to be VERY careful about what I say. I don't want to scare them away and make myself look more like a kook than I already do. They tend to listen to the wife and I since we were there for my niece as the medical establishment murdered her at 11 years old with chemo, focal radiation and puberty blockers. Most questions I can answer off the top of my head, but her last request requires a bit more digging.

She regrets getting the Covid shot for work so she's asking if there are any Sensory Disorders associated with the shots. In the past she's complained of brain fog and forgetfulness. Unfortunately I didn't save a link to all the published side effects, so if anyone has that handy, I'd greatly appreciate the help / link.

Thank you all and God Bless!

What-Me-Worry 6 points ago +6 / -0

They figured out that we are all racists. Amazing how fast they blew our cover.

How do they get us EVERY TIME! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


What-Me-Worry 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very interesting. Those previous presidential "Explorations" might have been White Hats baiting the deep state with Trump to see what "control" tactics they would try on him.

Something tells me his two previous divorces may be a clue.

What-Me-Worry 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just saw one an hour ago on an older lady. She must really be struggling to keep her oxygen levels up because it's hot out today and it was downright muggy at the middle school concert we were attending.

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